THE NEW WORLD ORDER IN AMERICA! MILITARIZED POLICE FORCES OUT OF CONTROL ALL OVER AMERICA. THIS IS AN ABSOLUTE OUTRAGE! WAKE UP AMERICA!! WAKE UP!!! These are but a handful of the now way too many incidents happening all over America; far too many to list here: https://youtube/watch?v=x1A4i_K9fkk https://youtube/watch?v=0AG_-EXd9Es https://youtube/watch?v=ApIJc8gs3lw https://youtube/watch?v=p_vVb-qoeW0 https://youtube/watch?v=ytNBuy8gmC0 https://youtube/watch?v=z8_X2KW5wH4 https://youtube/watch?v=iRqiFnqkhAs https://youtube/watch?v=FsxkABLLXfA https://youtube/watch?v=Y7Ejh7G8rbU https://youtube/watch?v=61Uin72Wz4w https://youtube/watch?v=mjNDIrCrkAQ https://youtube/watch?v=P3EXUVH6MAc https://youtube/watch?v=OtJpL2ZdWVI I was recently warned by a cop for filming four police cars, plus two motorcycle units, eight officers in total, detaining just one lone minority man in shorts, a tee shirt, and tennis shoes. I was not interfering at all. I was on a bike path and stopped just off to the side and used my cell phone to film the police action taking place across the street; about 30 yards away. An officer then approached and informed me that if I didnt stop filming I would be arrested. I was told I was interfering with a police investigation. I called the local police station to report this, but all they were interested in was getting all my information, not in the incident itself. I said I am trying to make a report here. I was informed, Then we need all your information first. We are in a Police State!
Posted on: Thu, 14 Aug 2014 23:53:00 +0000

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