THE NEW YEAR MEANS A NEW BIBLE READING ADVENTURE FOR ME - Today I start my Bible over again from Page 1. Every Jan. 1, I start reading Scriptures over again from the beginning and - reading an average of 15-20 minutes a day - I finish it from cover to cover, from Genesis to Revelation. Been doing this for about five years now and everyday I a still inspired and learn something new or get a new insight. I dont believe in playing Bible roulette and just opening the Bible to random scriptures or letting it fall open and seeing what page it lands on. While It does seem coincidental many times, or more like syncronicity (small miracles) whenever I read a Bible passage that seems to be speaking to me directly that day (and this has happened many a times), I firmly believe that it is best to know scriptures by reading it on a regular basis and by starting from Page 1 and reading its entirety, otherwise we only get bits and pieces. To know scripture is to know Jesus and I believe that by reading the Bible regularly, consistently and persistently, then the right Bible verses do come up when we need them. Instead of leaving it to chance and playing Bible roulette, it is much better to have read these scriptures and have them in your own storehouse of memory, to have your own background knowledge which I do draw from time and time again. I went to a great Bible Timeline Seminar at St. Helenas church this past year and as the expert speaker said, people who play Bible roulette are really taking chances. He said, What happens if you just randomly open your Bible for inspiration and happen upon the New Testament scripture in which Judas hangs himself. I believe in getting the whole story, and when it is stored in your brain, even if you dont think it is, I believe these Scriptures will come in useful in more ways then you can imagine. Many times I will hear a speaker, read a book, or even hear a song, see a movie or see a piece of artwork and see its Biblical influences. History, literature, theater, architecture, science and even the news is often riddled with many Biblical influences. So anyway, I plan to continue my daily Bible reading in 2015, and to also get involved in more Bible studies and or retreats. Most importantly, one of my New Years resolutions is to start exposing my young grandchildren to scripture. It is never too early. My daughter Laura and I read the entire Bible through together when she was young as well. I invite you to open up your Bibles with me this year too, if you are not already. They are not there to gather dust. They are almost like self-help or how to or more like Gods instruction manuals. The Bible is still the best-seller of all time and is, not just the greatest story ever told but the greatest story ever lived .... and still being lived. Not one promise by God has been broken. In time ... no stone will be left unturned, no prophecy left unfulfilled. I believe that.
Posted on: Thu, 01 Jan 2015 20:11:00 +0000

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