THE NEXT INSTALLMENT OF MY PMs TO MAYOR DE BLASIO. BY NOW, IM FAIRLY CERTAIN IM HEADING UP HIS SHIT LIST. OH WELL!! Dear Mr. Mayor: Today I give you 2 articles, one published online by the Shelter Reform Action Committee (SRAC) and the other the DOH/AC&Cs usual double-talk and lies. The SRAC has been overseeing and translating the DOH/AC&C propaganda and machinations for many years. Thousands of people will be reading these articles and undoubtedly will be going apoplectic. The long and short of all this is that apparently, nothing much has changed or is about to change at the AC&C for the foreseeable future unless you make it. NYC animal advocates and voters are now fully aware that were stuck with the DOH until at least 2015, and while this remains true, the same song and dance of death will be going on in NYC shelters. Insultingly, while the status quo seems to rule at the DOH/AC&C, NYC animal advocates and taxpayers are assured that NYC will be no-kill by 2015. Not without the 2 new shelters we wont, so this is yet another one of the DOH/AC&Cs stall tactics, soon to be relegated to another point in time when 2015 rolls around. Outrageous!! While NYC citizens and taxpayers have waited since 2011 for the 2 new promised and funded shelters for the Bronx and Queens, we are now informed that there will be 2 receiving centers in those boroughs. Thats swell, except that theyve already existed since 2011 and they do not represent shelters. These receiving centers have a very limited capacity, but even so, the dogs and cats held in these centers ultimately end up in the 3 operating shelters in Manhattan, Brooklyn and Staten Island (which, incidentally, is an annex of the Brooklyn shelter) and theyre aready bursting at the seams. With the ever-constant overcrowding in the Manhattan and Brooklyn shelters, its questionable what purpose 2 receiving centers will serve. The long and short of all this is that while the DOH/AC&C conspire to keep their wheel of death turning, NYC citizens wonder what became of the funding for the 2 new shelters. The last word weve heard relating to these shelters was when Bloomberg sold the land for the one in Queens to a supermarket chain, and the DOH/AC&C makes a concerted effort to never mention them. It seems apparent to everybody but the DOH, AC&C and apparently, you, that doing nothing to change this system has an underlying, insidious conspiracy relating to why NYC would prefer to see homeless animals die rather than save them. So people wonder if maybe the corpses of dead animals have a dollar value. We know that NYC has a contract with a crematorium service, which makes people wonder about the word quota. But beyond that, considering how many animals are mysteriously disappearing, we also wonder about little things like selling bodies to research labs and/or meat renderers. When citizens begin to think along these lines, Id say theyve lost complete trust, not just in a shelter system, but in everybody associated with it and those that have the power to effect change. As it now stands, the NYC shelter system is a sham and for some, a cash cow. Id think youd want the people parked on the AC&C board to justify why they are worthy of their salaries and what exactly they do. In Risa Weinstocks and Patrick Nolans case, specifically, Im wondering why an AC&C Executive Director deserves a lavish salary and a city-financed car, and why Nolan, who works for Penguin Publishers, is sitting on a shelter board and what exactly he does. All this while homeless animals are deprived of vet care and basic comforts, and while those paid to care for them neglect them. There are, of course, others benefiting from the shelter system and to date their presence has not been justified either. What we do see, however, is that in no way are any of these individuals working for or helping the pitiful animals stuck in NYCs slaughterhouses, a/k/a shelters. One might ask (and lots of people do) why NYC thinks a lawyer is the best choice to run publicly-funded shelters, but personally, I wonder why NYC needs a lawyer to run its shelters in the first place - if not to put the shelter system on the defensive. Against what is the big question. This reminds me of when Christine Quinn hired criminal lawyers from Sullican & Cromwell to defend her when she was running for Mayor. She hadnt been charged with anything, but she weaseled taxpayer money to hire lawyers - just in case. This is the illusion people are getting when they see a lawyer running the shelters and yet another lawyer fronting the Mayors Alliance which is affiliated with the shelters. What exactly does the DOH/AC&C have to hide that requires not one, but 2 lawyers?? Meanwhile, the wheel of death keeps spinning at the AC&C for all the reasons Ive already told you about many times. And meanwhile, thousands of people city, country and worldwide sit with baited breath waiting for you to put a halt to the scheming, lies and systematic slaughter. And while they wait, unfortunately you are not winning any fans. You might want to focus on the first link below because youre mentioned in it. It isnt a round of applause, Mayor de Blasio, and I doubt that youd win any popularity contests with a whole lot of potential voters. __________ __________ The AC&Cs Death List of 03/06/14. Twenty-three dogs and one night to save them. Dont you wonder how many Weinstock intends to save?? https://facebook/media/set/?set=a.611290788883804.1073741851.152876678058553&type=3
Posted on: Thu, 06 Mar 2014 07:46:12 +0000

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