THE NIGERIAN STUDENTS AND ECONOMY There are so many questions that - TopicsExpress


THE NIGERIAN STUDENTS AND ECONOMY There are so many questions that people ask or tend to ask daily as well as answers that lie waiting for creative minds to set questions that suite them. The nonchalant attitude and lazy nature of the Nigerian Students that are often referred to as Great Nigerian Students keep posing and pushing the two settings presented to constant states; I mean Questions without answers and answers awaiting questions. Drastically, our Nation’s economy state keeps ailing with no moves and actions to salvage it. Here, I present to the root of the matter and the possible solutions to the challenge especially as it concerns the GREAT NIGERIAN STUDENTS. Often, people ask these questions: “Why are there so many jobless graduates?” “Why is the dependency ratio intensifying?” “Why is the Nation’s inflation rate increasing rather than decreasing?” “Why is the standard of education falling?” and so many questions like these. The unavailability of solutions to these questions keeps depredating the economy and sovereignty of this great Nation. You will agree with me if I say our leaders are the most concerned when we are discussing issues like this as it relates to National development. But I would like you to reason along with me that there is never a chicken without an egg. The leaders were once students right? The problems Nigeria is facing today all originate from the span and angles of the so called Great Nigerian Students. From a survey, it was gathered that most Nigerian students read with the sole aim of passing their exam and build high grades. This is far from the main aim and purpose of education. According to Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary, education is defined as a process of teaching, training and learning to improve knowledge and develop skills. The phrase “to improve knowledge and acquire skills” is the main aim and purpose of education which the great Nigerian Students have neglected. Though our National education system is not helping the matter, as it gives a colossal percentage of theory in place of theory, the students themselves are so torpid and lethargic that they have no enthusiasm for knowledge. All they want is to pass through school and find something to bring in huge money after their school days. As philosophers would say; a poor wise man is richer than a wealthy fool. How can you be wise without knowledge? Think about it. The solutions to this problem that has grown from a mustard seed to a giant tree are not farfetched. They lie in the hands of every one known with Nigeria. The Government, the teachers, the parents and the students are all involved. The government arm in charge of the education ministry should look help improve the practical sector of the system. The ministry staff should come out of those comfortable seats and visit schools to inspect them and see what most school lack. I know of many cases where a head of a school would write to report and request but with no response from the appropriate quarters. All the menaces must stop if the government really wants this nation to move forward. Many parents know that they have children in schools but most do not know the progress their children are making in schools. This is much common with parents that have children in Universities. What I know quite well is that what you build for a child is what he would build his life on. The best I think the parents must do is to make sure they monitor squarely the growing up of their children and build in them what they will want the children to dissipate when they are not there to monitor them. Here, I would like to say a bid “thank you” to my Parents, My Uncle and his wife and Dr. Ihenacho Chuidi for their impacts towards making what I am today. As for the students; they are the real leaders of tomorrow. Am I not right? I am, absolutely. The students should have one thing in mind which is the war against Certificated Illiteracy in Nigeria. If they really believe that it is just and fair to salvage this country’s economy, then they should prepare for the positive change because Nigeria needs learned, intelligent, skilled and trained leaders who will have the enthusiasm and interest in dissipating and applying what the skills they have acquired rather than quacks who find positions as opportunities to plunder the Nation. The students should abstain from their ignorant attitude of reading to pass. Instead, they should inculcate the habit of studying to know, acquire skills and be able to defend and discharge the skills in salvaging the ailing and failing economy of this noble nation. Once again I hail you THE GREAT NIGERIAN STUDENTS! WRITTEN BY OGUNNOWO MICHAEL SIJIBOMI
Posted on: Fri, 19 Jul 2013 10:25:25 +0000

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