THE NOTE It was a cold December morning, snow on the ground and - TopicsExpress


THE NOTE It was a cold December morning, snow on the ground and all over the trees. I was walking to the bus station as I saw a little boy look both ways and cross the street into an alley way. I followed him into the alley; but when I got there he was gone. I looked around and found a neatly folded letter in the pavement I read it out loud. “Jamie I have something you want. If you want it back comes to the town park at 3am in the morning” I feel my heart drop. Jamie, that’s my name. What does this person have? What do they want? Why me? As all the thoughts are going through my head, I feel sick, I sit down and take a deep breath and get back up again. I go there at 3am and see a guy, he’s standing there in a mask and all black. He starts walking up to me and I slowly start backing up. He looks at me and says my name. “Jamie, I have something you want!” I don’t know how to respond to this, I stand there in shock and look at the guy. “What do you have, how do you know my name?” “Calm down! Anymore yelling and you will never get what you came here for!” “Okay” I take a deep breath to calm down some. “Come with me” I follow him slowly. We are going in to some dark alley it looks so familiar. I relies it is the alley where I found the note from. “Why did you come to this alley?” “Because I thought I saw my nephew” “Well you just answered your own question.” For a moment I did not understand what he was talking about and I had no idea if this was all even true or not. “You have my nephew?” I felt my heart drop when I said it. He looks at me and gave me what I thought was a smile but I cannot tell with his mask on his face. He starts to speak but I don’t know what he is saying, I am to shocked to even think about what he is saying or me even saying anything back! “Are you listing!” “Give him back!” I hear myself scream. So many thought are going through my head! Will he hurt him? Will he hurt me? Is Max alive? Will I be alive after this? Is this guy a murder? Is he a kidnapper? What does he want? He is mad I can tell by the way he is looking. “Look princess, if you do something for me you can have him back! Got it?” “Is he okay?” “Wouldn’t you like to know?” “I can call 911” “Now, Now, Now if you do that you will never see him or me ever again and I know you do not want that to happen!” I feel my body start shaking everything I have ever known about people always are good, nice and friendly was all wrong! Is there even good people in the world anymore? Right now I am thinking that there isn’t. How could people be good when he have murders and kidnapper around! “I will give you anything please just gives him back to me!” “I want 2 million dollars! Meet me at the park Monday with the money and you will get him back. If not I will kill him. Do you understand?” 2 million dollars is this a joke or something? I live in a small house! I take the bus to and from work! I will have to sell everything I have just to be able to give him the money. How in the world am I gonna get 2 million dollars without robbing a bank? I have a sudden thought and remember that Max’s parent died and I take care of him now. When his parents died they left him money all kind of money. I run over to the bank it is a Saturday afternoon. I look at my phone and see I have 4 new voice mails. I better get to checking them. *4 new messages**First message* “Aunt Jamie, Its max some guy has me he took me on my way home, I am at 354…” *Beep* *beep**beep* “NO!” “Max!!” Tears start rolling down my eyes. He is so young. How could I let something like this happen to him? I fall on the ground holding my head in my lap, My face is on fire, my body is shaking , I feel a hand on my shoulder. I look up. Its James he is my finance. “Babe, why are you crying on the sidewalk? What’s wrong?” “He’s gone!” “Who’s gone?” “Max!” I look at him and see his beautiful brown hair and baby blue eyes. The type of guy and one would be happy to have. He is the strongest most loving guy I have ever known. “What do you mean he is gone?” “He got kidnapped the guy told me is I do not have 2 million dollars by Monday he would kill him.” My tears have stopped, my body is still shaking. I can’t seem to even try to look at James. My body wouldn’t let me move. James sits next to me, he holds me and tells me everything is going to be okay; but I know different it will not be okay! My nephew is gone with some strange guy who wants to kill him. James grabs my arms and picks me up. “Let’s go to the bank and get that money!” We do. As we are walking I feel like a zombie, James is talking but I don’t listen. Every word he says goes right past me like nothing was ever said. I look around and see little boys running around with their parents. I want to cry but it does not seem like I even have the strength to even do that anymore. James opens the door, I walk into the bank and go to the first desk that is open. “How may I help you?” “I need to get money out of an account.” The lady behind the desk hands me a slip, it asks name, how much money, account number and date. I start to fill it out. Name- Max Wills Money- Two millions dollars Account number-8977654390 Date- 12-16-29. I hand the lady the slip back she looks at the amount and her jaw drops. The lady behind the desk looks back up at me. “Shopping spree?” “Umm… Yeah something like that.” She walks to the back and goes into the safe. She comes back with a box and starts counting the hundreds to me making piles in thousands. She messes up once or twice and has to start over but it is okay I am not in such a rush or am I. I don’t really know anymore. Once she is done James and I go home I open the door to my room and fall on the ground and cry. James comes over and picks me up and puts me into the big king size bed. I take my pillows and cover my head and take the cover and put them over my body. I hear James say it will be okay; I didn’t want to answer though I just wanted to be alone in the dark. Before I know it I am asleep having the worst dream I have had in my life. I tried to wake up but every time I did I just keep going back to the same old dream. Its 10 in the morning, I lay in my bed I have nothing better to do anyways. My walls are so bright and yellow; I can hardly stand to even look at them. My walls are happy and bright I don’t want to be happy. My feet are on the floor and I am sitting up in my bed. The clock says it is 11am; but I beg a differ. It feels so much later than that. I pull my self off the bed or something pulls me, I am not too sure what it was. I walk to the bath room, the bath room is big walk-in closet, hot tub, two sinks, and a standing shower. The water is hot on my somewhat cold body. I put my head under the hot water hold my breath and close my eyes. “How could you let this happen?” *Gasph* The sound of Max’s voice in my head is like no other! My head is hurting it is banging all over it sounds like someone is hitting a broken drum. *Bang* *Bang* *Bang* This is one of the worst things in my life I get out of the shower and go into the walk-in closet. I grab a shirt and some sweats. My hair goes in my face, 10 inches of long blonde beautiful hair. I flip all of it back over it is almost down to my hips. That does not say too much thought I am 5’1, skinny, blue eyes with a black ring around them, and long blonde hair. Some girls would say I am the “perfect” girlfriend in my mind there is no such thing as perfect, but then some guys would agree with them. I look at the clock it says 8pm how long was I in the shower or plan just goofing off? I hear a door close. ‘Jamie I am home!” “Hi James, What would you like for dinner?” “Actually can we talk?” “Of course.” James tells me all about his plan and tells me how it would work. I agree that it is a good plan and grab the phone and call the sheriff’s office. “Sheriff’s department how may I help you?” “ Hi, can I talk to whoever is on call? “One moment please” We sit on hold for a bit. After about 5 minutes a cop answers. James tells him what’s going on and his plan. The officer agrees that it is a good plan and a great idea. Its 2 am by the time the 10 cops are in place and James is with them. I have been sitting on the bench the whole time. Then I see 3 guys walking to me once is tall wearing all black, the other is short but not shorter than me and he is wearing all black and has a… “DON’T!” My heart is racing. My body is shaking. I didn’t mean to scream it just happened. The guy that has max stays back with max in his arm. ‘Got the money?” “Yes! Here! Let me have Max now!” “Hey, give her the kid!” The guy lets go of max and slaps him across the face, max falls to the ground gets back up and runs to me as fast as he can. I grab him and hold him in my arms and tell him everything will soon be okay. His tears on my shirt and mine are on his. “PUT DOWN THE GUN, AND WALK AWAY” Cops come out of everywhere with guns, two run to the guys and grab their hand and handcuff them. One walks up to me and hands me the money bag. “Here you go Jamie, Have a goodnight or morning.” James, max and I start walking home, the sun is almost out. I look at max, he has cuts, brusies, and burns all over him. Some part of me wants to know what happened but the other part of me says to enjoy him while I have him. I look back into the sky it is so beautiful, orange sun and a pink sky. We get home and everything seems to be okay. James and I in our room and Max’s in his. *Bang* “I told you not to call the cops” “No stop!” THE END
Posted on: Fri, 18 Oct 2013 04:33:54 +0000

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