THE NSA STORY EXPOSED A DEEPENING SCHISM ON THE LEFT . . . (shades of left wing Tea Party groupthink minus the tea bags?) The other day, an elected member of the U.S Congress, Rep. Michael Burgess (R-TX) was discussing the anti-choice bill that careened through the lower chamber and said this: “Watch a sonogram of a 15-week baby, and they have movements that are purposeful… They stroke their face. If they’re a male baby, they may have their hand between their legs. If they feel pleasure, why is it so hard to believe that they could feel pain?” Yes, Congressman Burgess said male fetuses masturbate. The only thing more bizarre than actually saying this in public is the fact that he looked at a blurry, pixelated sonogram, observed a fetus doing something with its arm and then took the super-colossal leap to the conclusion that the fetus was masturbating. Put another way, someone who connects fetuses and masturbation so easily has, you know, issues. Perhaps the authorities should check his crawlspace for a soiled clown suit. Now, to my knowledge there really isn’t a liberal equivalent to what Burgess said, at least coming from a Democratic member of Congress. But what’s become glaringly obvious over the last couple of weeks is that a popular, highly visible faction of the left has grown increasingly divorced from reality and reason. Not Burgess crazy, but disturbingly unhinged, kneejerk and highly susceptible to groupthink. And this schism has been exacerbated by the NSA story, leaving two very distinct left-wing factions. On one side, pragmatic liberals with a skeptical eye on these events, and a well-known clique of Utopians who refuse to acknowledge the realities of politics. Meanwhile, we’re evidently supposed to be the only industrialized nation that doesn’t spy on other nations — a practice that’s existed since nations were invented. I’m not interested in being a part of a movement that seeks to cripple America’s basic ability to function diplomatically on the international stage. I suppose I’m just an Obamabot automaton for questioning a stunted worldview that demands we only surveil nations that have declared war against us. I’m not interested in attaching myself to a movement whose collective judgment is lightyears beyond the zero barrier between reality and puerility. If I’m understanding this correctly, we’re not supposed to use drones, we’re not supposed to engage in surveillance of any kind (other than in war) and we’re certainly not supposed to have boots on the ground (military, CIA or otherwise). So how the hell are we supposed to learn anything about friends or foes? Ask them nicely? There’s a creepy Project Mayhem nihilism at work here and it could blow up in the faces of anyone standing too close. I’m old enough to remember the 2000 election when the left abandoned Al Gore because, among other things, he was just like the Republican nominee, George W. Bush. I was one of the idiots who voted for Ralph Nader because I naively believed what prominent liberal activists like Michael Moore said at the time: the two parties are the same and that the only way to break the paradigm is to vote for a third party. Yeah, that worked out well didn’t it? There are observable, proven realities about both politics and governing this massive nation that can’t be ignored. In that case, we should’ve supported Al Gore while smartly and pragmatically applying leftward pressure. Instead, too many of us reached for an impossible, unrealistic goal and violently choked in the process. ~ Bob Cesca · June 19,2013 702 Views | Politics
Posted on: Wed, 19 Jun 2013 14:21:34 +0000

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