THE NUER COMMUNITY OF NORTH AMERICA (NCNA) AND NUER COMMUNITY COUNCIL OF AUSTRALIA (NCCA) CALLS UP ON ITS MEMBERS IN SPLA AND IN THE ROSS For Immediate Release The Nuer Community of North America and beyond July 23, 2013 The Nuer Community of North America (NCN) and Nuer Community Council of Australia (NCCA) would like to remind the members of Nuer Community in the army and in the Government of South Sudan that we the Nuer community have lost enough and no more. As you already have known in Juba today, the removal of the VP Dr. Riek Machar among other is not a beginning or end; however, it is more of the same that you will be divided to be rule. It should be very clear to any one now that you are being use for so long. Especially, the President of South Sudan Salva Kirr Mayadit has been deepening inside your family since Dr. Riek Machar call for overall change of the policy including declaring himself for the upcoming leadership contest in a peaceful ways. In turns, President Salva Kirr replies to Dr. Riek violently by removing him as a VP, removed Gov. Taban Deng Gai and employing illegal Army without the knowledge of many of high-ranking South Sudanese officers, particularly Nuer. The Nuer community of North America (NCNA) and the Nuer Community Council of Australia (NCCA) are appealing to all of its Nuer Community’s members in the army to unite and can not be used against each other for political proposes. In case you did not know, it caught many people by surprise to learned that right before July 9, 2013 (the independent day). President Kirr Mayardit has deployed a secret national army that composes to only of Dinka of Bhar El Ghzael members to Juba. This happened without the knowledge of the Chief of Staff James Hoth Mai and Minister of Defend John Kong Nyuon. According to reliable sources within the army who did not want to be name, however contacted the Nuer Community of North America’s leadership. He said that there are about 900 members of Dinka Bhar El Ghazel who were deployed around Juba areas. He stressed that some of whom are untrained but led by trained officers who have given a command by the President Kirr Mayardit himself. Furthermore, President Kirr Mayardit then removed Gov. Taban Deng of Unity State whom he suspected to have been defected to Dr. Riek Machar Camp as a justification according to the president. Many people see the removal of Gov.Taban that it has no other explanation than the above reason, which is unconstitutional in the traditional South Sudan constitution. The article 101 (r) said,” The President shall perform the following functions: (r) remove a state Governor and/or dissolve a state Legislative Assembly in the event of a crisis in the state that threatens national security and territorial integrity”. However, the Nuer community of North America seen this moved by the president as a plot against Nuer to bring disunity among the Nuer society. We therefore, applauded the decision made by Gov. Deng Gai to make it possibly clear to President Kirr that no single Nuer blood will ever bleed on his name in Unity State. To all Nuer members in the Army The Nuer community of North American (NCNA) and Nuer Community Council of Australia (NCCA) would like to remind you that we have lost enough; therefore, we cannot afford for to lose more for these kinds of games. Had it not because of this divided and rule, Samuel Gai Tut, Abdalla Chuol Deng, William Nyuon Bany and many more would either be still alive today or died with a natural caused like any human being. However, Dr. John Garang played a divided and rule tactics, cutting some of the Nuer general into some categories to upset them and therefore their own brothers and sisters from Nuer will killed them. We saw the same tactics/game in 2011 when Colonel Gatluak Gai lured into a meaningless peace process that took his life. The recent act by the President Kirr for deploying only Dinkas shown the same results, when Gatwech Kuany and many other Nuer generals were brutally killed by the current Jonglei State Gov. Kuol Manynag Juuk and the chief security and deputy command then, the current President Kirr mayardit in 1991. This is a wakeup call for many of you Nuer army members that whether you are with Kirr camp or not, you are the same in the President Kirr’s eye and therefore in the time of political or crisis you will not be trusted. Furthermore, if thing turn otherwise, you will be subject to suspected and will be killed like those of Gatwech Kuany who were killed while supporting Dr. John Garang in 1991 just because they are Nuer. Therefore, even if you are with President and against Dr. Riek, now you see that you are not being value and you are not being trusted either. In the end, you will end up being killed and we the Nuer community will end up being the losers. To all Nuer politicians in Juba and beyond The Nuer community of North America would like to remind you too that you are lawmakers. You are also Nuer son and daughters and do not let yourself to be used for political opportunities. We are with you and we are your people. Signed by Gatluke Chuol Reat The President of Nuer Community of North America Contact: l.chuol@yahoo or [email protected] Joseph Joak Luak President of Nuer community council of Australia Contact: jluakchan@gmail
Posted on: Wed, 24 Jul 2013 00:51:01 +0000

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