THE NWO RUNNING RINGS AROUND THE FATHERS MOVEMENT. In 2009, Jeffrey Grupp, writing for Infowars explained the modus operandi of the architects of the NWO. Its a long explanation that goes into great detail. Basically the idea is to cause chaos and division, so that people argue about solutions instead of pointing to the cause of the problem. The arguments continue about how to fix an apparently unfixable problem, which goes worse, and in its final stages the elite step forward with a solution that advances the NWO agenda. (Order out of Chaos) The fathers movement is guilty in this respect. They refuse to look at the root cause of family breakdown, which is the funding of radical feminism and anti-male legislation that spawned from the Womens Division at the United Nations, a Rockefeller front for the NWO. Today, the fathers movement is in tatters due to constant bickering over how to solve the problem. The solution is to expose the cause of the problem, and the conspiracy, but leaders in the fathers movement refuse to mention the NWO in case it damages their credibility. They ask for written proof of a conspiracy when in reality, they should be thinking like investigators who look for coincidences that might point them in the right direction. We need more cops on the job and less academics who demand unequivocal proof of a conspiracy. Actually, the best proof is in the happening, but they still dont get it. infowars/the-new-world-order-wants-the-new-world-order-to-fail-order-out-of-attacking-the-new-world-order/
Posted on: Tue, 04 Mar 2014 11:47:30 +0000

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