THE NYERI MAN Written By Waruguru Wa Kiai. A Nyeri man is - TopicsExpress


THE NYERI MAN Written By Waruguru Wa Kiai. A Nyeri man is special, A Nyeri man dream impossible dreams, nothing is impossible For Him! He holds soil in his hands and calls it his unborn grandchildren soil, He says, “When my grandchildren are born, they will never be homeless nor sleep hungry”. A Nyeri man’s hands are rough from fighting with life all day long, He is always telling life, “You have my children’s flour, medicine and school fees” And life always mocks him, humiliating him, throwing hurdles at him, And everyone expects him to give up because nobody has ever challenged life, and lived to tell the tale, But trust the Nyeri Man, to stand tall ready to face life, trust him to battle life-to live or die, Sometimes, which is most of the time he always wins against life-life waves the white flag, but Sometimes, which is not most of the time, life takes its toll on him, and you can see him crawling away, beaten, wounded, and bitter, and you are tempted to believe that he if finished… But no, the Nyeri man cannot spell defeat, neither has he ever heard of giving up. A Nyeri man has never cried, instead he stares at the Mountain for a while, then he lifts his head facing the skies and blinds the sun with his sharp gaze, then he stares at his hands and smiles as if he knows something we don’t, A Nyeri man took his daughter to school, and when he is among his peers you can tell him nothing, what can you tell him? He whose women speak the white man’s language and know how to count, A Nyeri man loves, but differently, he takes his woman to the slopes of the Aberdare and points at the direction of his home and he says, “Look, do you see all that land with the herds of cattle and rows of coffee bushes, do you see the house standing at the middle, and the ‘matatus’ parked outside? That is all mine, and what is mine is yours” at that point, if you look closely, you can see love shaped hearts ascending from the Aberdares, A Nyeri man has no name, he is always the father or husband to others, And when he prays, the Nyeri Man tells God, “You are a man, just like me, give me the power to protect, provide and nurture and when I die, may my spirit protect, provide and nurture even then, for a hundred generations to come” And when you ask Nyeri children, who superman is, they will point at their fathers. Do you Agree? Wahome Gakuru Nyeri Yetu Nyeri Ni SisiWakili Nyokabi - Women Representative Nyeri CountyDeejay Leqs - Nyeri Kimondo Boda Boda Nyeri James Munyeria Kaguamba John Mwagi MunyiriWaruguru Wa Kiai Thoughts and Dreams of Waruguru Wa Kiais Village. Margaret Karungaru Nderitu
Posted on: Fri, 14 Nov 2014 14:45:22 +0000

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