THE OBJECTIVE of the enemy of your soul is to keep you from the - TopicsExpress


THE OBJECTIVE of the enemy of your soul is to keep you from the truth, and waste your time so you’ll die without it. He must distract you, or lead you to think other “smarter” or “educated” men have it all figured, and all you have to do is get dunked, go to a Sun-day assembly, and pay, pay, pay. Arise, shine, for your light has come! The bookstores are filled with books that explain away our confusion. There are even books now that seek to prove that the Author of the Writings is in fact Who they claim it is, using special computer analysis. Names, phrases, etc., are found to be embedded in “harmonics”, where words are built into a secret code, like in cryptography. This proves that the Torah is Supernatu- ral. Soon, you will know more than your preacher about what Scripture teaches. HOW THEY INVENTED YOUR WORLD: SUN-DAY (day #1) From Latin, dies Solis, the Day-of-the-Sun. Since Babylon was established, Pagans have worshipped the Sun. Here’s a few of the names they’ve used: CAMOUFLAGED PAGANISM “Doctrine” means teaching. It’s a Latin word, related to “document” (written instruction) and “doctor”, mean- ing “teacher”. We have all been trained or pro- grammed from birth with various traditions, rituals, and customs; all paganism is targeted at children. How we keep track of time is a world-wide type of programming. Here we will look into how we came to be trained to think of and organize time ~ in our days, months, and years. One of the first things we do when we awake each day is check the time. Originally, the hours of daylight were measured using a sundial, and the shadow of the sun marked off 12 “hours” until it set. The marked hours on the dial pass more quickly in the winter months, and slower in the summer months. The variance in the length of an hour is less important than knowing where you are in time relative to the whole day, so this system worked fine. There was no “daylight-saving-time” trick to deal with! However crazy the sundial seems to us, the gaining and losing of an hour is at least as weird. There were always 12 hours in every “daytime”. “Noon”, Latin nones (9), was the 9th hour from sunrise, or 3 p.m. in the ancient world. Each day of the week was originally referred to by a number. The 7th day also had a name: Shab- bat, meaning rest. Yes, even Adam and Chuwah, the first man and woman, observed the 7-day week. (There is no one named “Eve” in the Hebrew; this name was embraced to appease pagans because one of the names for their Earth Mother was “Eve” The name Chuwah is derived from the Hebrew word chai, meaning “life” ~ thus her name means mother of the living. The ending –ah renders it feminine, similar to the ending in Sarah. Sar means prince, or ruler; Sarah means princess). If you check your “calendar”, you will notice the days of the week have been given names. The names were taken from among pagan peoples who honored their deities by calling the days by the names of their idols. Baal, Shamash, Moloch, Ahura-Mazda, Dagon, Sol, Marduk, Mithras, Krishna, Amon-Ra, Aton, Woden (Odin), Zeus, Deus, and the Druid / Teutonic “God”. You may recall that the Pharaoh and the Caesar (Khazar/Czar) were worshipped as the sun. This began with the first king, Nimrod, dis- cussed later. This pattern of worshipping the sun, moon, planets, and stars permeated the Babylonians, Persians, Chaldeans, Egyp- tians, Greeks, Romans, Celts, Mayans, Aztecs, and Indians. The governments were the religion. If they were “good” Pagans, at death they would be transported to the skies (Heaven) to live with their deities. This was called Nirvana, Shambala, or Elysian Fields. The Roman Consul/Emperor Constantine I gave us the term Sun-Day, which he also called Sol Invictus Mithras (the day of the unconquerable sun, Mithras). In 321 CE he decreed under the penalty of death that all artisans, merchants, and people of his Em- pire cease work on the Venerable Day of the Sun, to honor Mithras. This was a Universal Edict, and is still enforced in our western culture with our “blue laws”. (Interestingly, the government phone numbers are printed on blue pages in our US phone books). It was a weekly ritual of sun-worshippers to assemble at dawn on this day to greet the sun at its rising. A great pillar, or sun-ray obelisk was the solar religion’s primitive high place, condemned by Scripture as a “pillar of jealousy” ~ secretly interpreted as a male fertility symbol. Various tower designs such as steeples, pagodas, turrets, ziggurats,
Posted on: Sun, 20 Oct 2013 05:07:56 +0000

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