THE OBSERVER. PAFUMA ABANTU KABILI PASHALA ABANTU CONTINUES PERCEPTION OR REALITY......Im glad now that atleast for the first time ever that the PF ve agreed and come to terms with the reality on the ground that theres serious problems in PF.In Zambia sometimes we look at the signs of an ailment than what is causing it.When I mentioned about the mediocre,myopic,incompetent,inconsistent and lack of leadership qualities from the late I was called all sorts of names but I wasnt moved, shakenend but resolute,determined and not swayed away from the truth and now Im delighted that Im vindicated over what is transpiring.The signs of mediocrity leadership manifesting in PF is not by accident or by chance but a spill over that was planted by the late Presdo i.e failure to follow the constitution,consistency of inconsistencies,dribbling others(manipulative ),failure to follow protocol,scarsm,violence,divide and rule system and so forth.What ever the late Presdo planted will continue haunting the PF until they realize that politics is not about crookedness,lying, ubukaka or ubunkalwe(tyranic behaviour)and muzzling other peoples voices and freedom but serving people,attending to peoples needs and being truthful.If PF was really democratic and had promoted intra party democracy like other parties we couldnt ve been subjected to this mediocrity,myopic or comedy /drama of who fires who or who suspends who?.....With all these that are happening I guess the best thing that we as the electorates we can do is to vote PF out and usher in for a different party with new and fresh blood.Even when they are happen to choose some one I guess this nonsense wont disappear,so once more as Zambians lets vote and fight with concerted effort and save the masses that are wallowing in abject poverty and the vulnerable that are experiencing hopelessness.Your vote is your voice so use it wisely and I expect you to vote wisely and not to vote using the belly.Incase I omitted something kindly add or subtract....Stay blessed and may God bless our beautiful country called Zambia.Chao
Posted on: Sun, 23 Nov 2014 07:28:29 +0000

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