THE ODOR OF SANCTITY You can read the whole Part extracted from - TopicsExpress


THE ODOR OF SANCTITY You can read the whole Part extracted from the Article ASK by Walter C. Lanyon . . . . and golden vials full of odours, which are the prayers of Saints. The embodied Christ Consciousness carries with it an odor of sanctity, a penetrating balm of healing-another facet in the infinite ways of God expression. The sense of smell, when it goes beyond the surface knowledge, extends not only into the Breath of Life, which breathes you (instead of you breathing it)-but exhales an odor of sanctity. It fills the boundless space, enveloping all as clouds of perfume from fields of flowers. Passing through the City of Grasse, France at certain seasons, one moves in an ocean of perfume. In like manner when one enters the mind of Christ, he is enveloped in the odor of sanctity-and if he will, he can be healed. All healing depends upon a willingness to be healed on the part of the one seeking healing. He is the one who determines that, cruel as it may appear to one struggling to make it happen. When he stops trying, he will suddenly find himself submerged in the odor of sanctity, and healing follows. The action of consciousness is always automatic. It cannot be made to function-but is always in action, even while at rest. You carry with you the odor of sanctityand automatically without effort, it pours forth, giving, always giving of itself. The embodied consciousness of healing likewise gives of itself without your doing anything more than recognizing LIFE, eternal and perfect. Then all effort to heal ceases, because effort indicates a recognition of imperfection. Nor do you try to project the healing odor of sanctity toward a condition to be healed, any more than a flower tries to be smelled. It automatically gives forth its perfume to those who are willing to enjoy it, and is not distressed by those who pass it by. If a disease can give off a loathsome smell, how much more can the Spirit release the odor of sanctity. If the WORD is to become flesh, then it must have a body of blood and flesh through which to function. Jesus typified the WORD made flesh, and knew that without a flesh-and-blood body He could not show forth the power of God. Yet in my flesh shall I see God. There is no use to try and see Him without a body. Without an entity, God would be wholly unexpressed. Man is Gods recognition of Himself. Knowing this Jesus repeatedly referred, in one way or another, to the necessity of bringing the LIGHT into being by embodying it. I will take away the stony heart ..... And I will give you an heart of flesh. From the human sense, the heart -is the center of all evil, from which pours the wretchedness of mankind. When you embody the LIGHT sufficiently, you will see why the human sense of flesh and blood cannot inherit the Kingdom of Heaven. It is separated from God-and exists only in the world of illusion. You will understand how the substance of God, the WORD, becomes fleshthe flesh which is not the screen of human findings whereon every evil thought is recorded, but the medium through which is revealed the things of Spirit. The stony heart which is taken away is the capacity to know both evil and good. It is a dual quality, a gift of the Adam concept-not of God, who is designated as of too pure eyes to behold evil. The heart of flesh that is to replace the stony heart is the flesh in which God is visible-it is the feeling heart. It is the point of contact of which it is said: As he thinketh in his heart, so is he-the flesh Christ-the WORD made flesh-the place where the invisible is stepped down to a point of visibility. Jesus is the perfect example of the WORD made flesh -and descends to the level of a belief, using Himself as a human guinea pig to prove conclusively the absolute nothingness of evil. He invited man to awaken to his true identity, wherein all laws of the human mind are nullified. Matter, being spirit slowed down to a point of visibility, the denser it becomes the more responsive it is to belief. Jesus ran up and down the scale of LIFE as mercury in a thermometer. He could express at any level-- could meet any man on his own level of belief. There is nothing in His revelation which invites retirement-separation. He heartily endorsed a natural attitude to all things-in the world, but not of it. Naturally, from this elevation He could say of the flickering shadows of matter, thou hast nothing in me. This stemmed from the perfect vision of purer eyes than to behold . . . . iniquity. If you are to perform anything other than the reiteration of words, you will have to start at the point of absolute stillness. Their strength is to sit still-so be very still, and you shall know some of the things not taught of man--- but of ME. But I have all, and abound; I am full, having received . . . . the things which were sent from you, An odour of a sweet smell ..... Wellpleasing to God. When the five senses are reclaimed and are functioning correctly, then the terrible pressure of futility will pass, the intensity of thought which borders on insanity will relax. The frustrated human mind separated from the ONE MIND by the human sense limitations, will again blend into the One. Every sense must be extended to a point where it functions at its full capacity. To Arise and Shine has nothing to do with the physical. Light is not manufactured by affirmations or arguments. It is LET into expression by being discovered as an INNER reality. It is uncovered (the mists are swept away) and Lo, I am with YOU alway-becomes a reality. At the precise moment you become aware of that state of consciousness, it has always been true. The ARISING and SHINING because thy LIGHT is come is as effortless as the stretching forth of the hand through the belief of paralysis or the uprooting of the evil growth that has been planted in the illusion of human thinking. All these gestures are effortless; they are inner movements. Self-expression moves and the flesh and blood body carries out the action. It is all done in the place of no thought taking. Divine Law and Order come into being and set all conditions and appearances right-through SELF-revelation. ALL POWER is given unto ME In heaven and in earth. Not to me but to ME. ALL things are possible because all that is real and eternal has long since passed the point of creation-and can be brought into expression through ME-but not me the little personality who thinks he is a being apart from ME. The versatility of the Christ Mind, employing all the senses, is the wonder we see materialized in Jesus. The sweetness of His Presence filled any house with the odor of sanctity-and brought release. You cannot change a condition which you have accepted as real. Every effort you make to destroy it only establishes its strength. The more you fight a condition, the stronger it becomes. You are advised to Put up thy sword- Ye shall not need to fight. Set yourselves . . . . and see. You do not see with the human eye until you have first seen with the inner vision. Once having SEEN-you can wait patiently until it appears. Sometimes this is in the twinkling of an eye. Be of good cheer; I have overcome the world of belief. Go not back, nor become a sluggard. At the precise moment of your recognition of ME, you will sense MY PRESENCE by the odor of MY GLORY-an odour of a sweet smell. Today I am writing this-today you are reading itand in the consciousness it is written, you will understand and be at peace. Many lovely pronouncements will enfold you and permeate your consciousness-and you will walk in NEWNESS OF LIFE. And he came near, and kissed him And he smelled the smell of his raiment, and BLESSED him, and said: See, the smell of my son is as the smell of a field Which the Lord bath BLESSED. Can you imagine a more wonderful odor than a BLESSED FIELD? A- BLESSED FIELD (consciousness) or a BLESSED anything gives off an odor o f sanctity-and accomplishment follows. BLESSED are your eyes, for they see; and your ears, for they hear.. All thy garments smell of myrrh. You lay hands on the sick, and they shall recover. And all this because the senses are no longer capable of reporting evil. Like Achilles, all human patterns and pictures have a vulnerable heel. Any one of your freed senses can find the chink in the armor and penetrate it. All this wonder comes into being as naturally as the coming of dawn, when thou believest on ME. We are invited to be partakers of the Divine Nature - and arc asked to enlarge the borders of our tent (consciousness). This enlargement takes place from within out. I have often watched the Bedouin Tribes pitch their tents in the desert. They first stretch a piece of black cloth, perhaps a hundred feet square, on the sand. Then one goes under the cloth to the center and places the tallest pole in the ground, lifting the cloth. Others follow with shorter poles, pushing out the tent until it is the necessary size. Any time they want to enlarge the borders, they go within and push the cloth farther out with the shorter poles. Man becomes aware of a greater concept of his consciousness by much the same method, embodying more of it within himself-extending his senses. Without the Christ, man is as helpless as a spider without legs. When you are ready, I will do the works-it is up to you. The I AM works only through consciousness-not through human thought. It is impossible for you to experience the old cliche, If I were you, I would do thus and so-knowing full well the speaker can do nothing but that which is in his own consciousness. A financier could say to the poor man, If I were you, I would make a lot of money-but the poor man to whom he speaks has no consciousness of moneymaking hence cannot do it, easy as it is to the other. If the financier were actually to take over the consciousness of the poor man, he would in turn be unable to make a cent. What about taking over the Mind of Christ Jesus? Eventually such psychological tricks, as the idea that if you associate with wealth and money you will have both, are exploded. If this were true, every bank clerk would be a financier. A bank clerk who dispenses millions of dollars and sits amidst it all day does not become rich by association with money. Without the consciousness of substance, he can take from the universe nothing. To him who hath consciousness shall be given its manifestation, without effort. Who then, by taking thought-who, then, by thinking about money, dreaming about it, begging God for it, can add one cent to his coffers? He has no place to receive it-nor yet anything with which to hold it. And so the odor of substance, the real substance, pervades the very atmosphere of one who has entered into the LOVE OF GOD. The odor of poverty disappears with its stench that limits everything. All thy garments smell of myrrh, and aloes, and cassia, Out of the ivory palaces, whereby they have made thee glad. The odor lingers, as the memory of sweet music. Your presence shall bless. Yes, the odor of sanctity that accompanies established consciousness will heal and bless without words. All these secret ways of KNOWING ME are given to the awakened one. You will not again go out to look for ME in purple and fine linen-- for I am naked. You have a surer guide than appearances from which to judge. They have ears, but they hear not; Noses have they, but they smell not. From the ivory tower of your consciousness, you are beginning to understand some of the dimensions of the freed senses. It is not at all impossible for you to bring floods of odors into being, by a contemplation in consciousness on a given flower or incense. To try this as a test will mot work because that brings it to the level of the human mind-but through the CHRIST MIND it is accomplished naturally and without effort. And the beautiful thing about it is that you need not tell-others will make the confirmation. Through the recognition of the FREED SENSES, you enter a NEW and WONDERFUL WORLD--a constant revealing of HEAVEN here and now. We took sweet counsel together, And walked unto the HOUSE OF GOD in company. No one whose breath is in his nostrils will believe any of the good reports of the works of Jesus Christ, neither will he be able to sense the sweet odors of sanctity. In communion with your own soul, you take sweet Counsel and walk unto the house of God.
Posted on: Thu, 03 Jul 2014 20:59:18 +0000

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