THE OFFICIAL DECLARATION OF THE SOUTH SUDANESE SPLM MEMBERS OF IN MINNESOTA INTO SPLM IN OPPOSITION Minnesota USA April 26, 2014 Twin cities, MN. We the largest populations of patriotic South Sudan diaspora that inhabit Midwest in the State of Minnesota, United States, the members of the SLPM Chapter in Minnesota would like to inform the general public that we changed our alliance to the SPLM in Opposition under the leadership of Cde. Dr. Riek Machar Teny. We are here by declaring that we do not support the present dictatorial government in South Sudan led by Salva Kirr. We have switched our support from SPLM of Kirr Mayardiit Regime to SPLM in Opposition, the decisions will not only affect the unity of organized SPLM Chapter in State Minnesota but it will also affect the entire SPLM Structure in the United State. Our stance is the way forward to achieve democracy, justice, liberty and equality in south Sudan. Our decision is not regrettable but to bring an end to the crooks who have been manipulating the very vision of the SPLM Manifesto which emphasizes unity, equality and Progress, it’s indeed a big blow to the SPLM diaspora chapters, the disagreement with the Minnesota SPLM Chapter left few individual mainly the relatives of president Kirr and vice president James Wani Igga in government site. Among the defectors from SPLM secretariat is a very potential energetic member Mr. Gatluak Puoch Kuornyuot, an executive member in SPLM secretariat whose position was Team leader of mobilization for the State of Minnesota. Mr. Kuornyuot, maintained his position in SPLM – in Opposition. After diligently analyzing the unfolding situation in the country from interim period to post independence, we wish to give our support to the SPLM/A-In Opposition to pave the way for a true democracy in South Sudan. Signs are visible, on the horizon, of a failed state but together we can preempt that fate. Nation building is not like taking a walk in the park but principle in leadership. A dictatorial leadership of President Salva Kirr caused the young independent sovereign state tremendous challenges to provide the basic necessaries of life poor governance, accountability, corruption and impunity are stumbling blocks in our efforts at service delivery. We condemn crimes committed against innocent civilians by government forces in Juba, Bor, Maple, Upper Nile and Unity States. The president have obliterated the citizens hope and dream of building the new nation to accommodate the interests of our diverse communities in favor of his private interests to cling to power and marginalize other communities. The gross abuse of office, corruption, nepotism and poor governance have forced in senior members in the party to step up publicly to oppose the president, which brought trouble mess to the SPLM party. The doctorial power maintenance president exploit is a polished project, designed by his elite clique and implemented by himself in order to antagonize one ethnic community against another so as to benefit from the chaos. The president rule the nation as a Private Limited Company controlled by a Managing Director, diverting public resources to train private militia outside the country without following procedures and baptized the militia as “Presidential guards” to safeguard his ill intention. These militias on Dec 15, 2013 took the law into their hands, when the clash between members of the illegal militia took place at night, the following morning the militias through the direct command from Kirr went door-door killing innocent civilians mainly Nuer and Equatorians who harbored the Nuers. As concerned citizens, we are alarmed by the state of affairs in the country. The increasing level of intolerance and hostility towards opposing views are recipes for bad governance. When a leader, any leader, loses domestic support in his country and resorts to foreign armies(mercenaries) to hang on to power, he has lost the moral authority to speak for his people and the most honorable option left is to resign. Difficult as this may be, it is the best gift he could give to his compatriots whose dreams and aspirations he has shattered. A true statesman does not seek to place his personal interests above those of the nation by trying to remain in power at any cost, as this would amount to treachery. It is against these developments that the newly form Office of the SPLM-In Opposition in State of Minnesota requests H.E. the President facilitate our journey to Peace, Freedom, and Unity. Releasing of the 4 prisoners is not the only factor to end the war because it has come in at wrong time. Therefore our position to recognize peace in our country, we urged all the mercenaries must leave the country immediately or the resources wasted in peace deal should be diverted to help the starving citizens in the country. Position Statement: In our well-considered view as SPLM-In Opposition members and a concern patriotic diaspora citizens of South Sudan in Minnesota, the Score card of the President of South Sudan does not rank him as an asset to the SPLM party which gave him the specific mandate to steer the country along the path to security of life and economic prosperity for all citizens. His administration has degenerated into a dictatorship, which is intolerant and hostile to divergent views. In this way, he has denied himself access to a wealth of constructive ideas that he needs to build a cosmopolitan state that is democratic, prosperous and united in diversity. He has squandered the opportunity to accommodate, reconcile and uplift his countrymen to the extent that a significant number of South Sudan nationals are already returned into exile. We salute our compatriots who have risked their lives by standing against impunity and dictatorship at this time in our history and to tame the political monster before it is too late. Without them our constitution will remain a mere document therefore we salute you our patriots to stand up and defend it. The rule of law will remain a pipe dream if we do not put in place mechanisms for checks and balances. Our full support to SPLM/A-Armies Resistances is informed by the score card of the South Sudan government in the socioeconomic and political areas of our young republic so that affairs of Southern Sudan should be managed as democratically as the process of referendum which gave birth to South Sudan itself. Gondar Timothy Tutlam, Chairman SPLM in Opposition Minnesota USA. gtutlam@gmail Simon Lul Gatkuoth, Chairman of the Public Relation Gatluak Chuol, Chairman of the Mobilization Team
Posted on: Sat, 26 Apr 2014 22:18:46 +0000

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