THE OH SO WEAK AGREEMENTS IN THE GLOBAL WARMING CONFERENCE. THE BBC HEADLINE AGREEMENT IN CLIMATE CONFERENCE OR WHATEVER SO MISLEADING TO THE GENERAL PUBLIC WWF AND FRIENDS OF THE EARTH TELL THE TRUTH THAT THE AGREEMENT IS PRETTY WORTHLESS CAN YOU SEE PEOPLES WE WILL NEVER SOLVE GLOBAL WARMING WITH DISAGREEMENTS LIKE THIS WHICH CONTINUE AT EVERY MEETING. PEOPLE LISTEN - NOW LISTEN - I HAVE A DISCOVERY FOR A PERPETUAL MOTION MACHINE WHICH DEVELOPED IN SO MANY WAYS INCLUDING SO IMPORTANTLY IN POWER STATIONS WHICH ONCE STARTED USE NO ENERGY BUT PRODUCE OUR ENERGY WITH NO INPUT OF ENERGY THEREFORE NO FOSSIL FUELS NEEDED FOR ENERGY PRODUCTION - FREE ENERGY PRODUCTION TO SOLVE ALL YOUR GLOBAL WARMING DISAGREEMENT PROBLEMS The agreed document calls for: An ambitious agreement in 2015 that reflects differentiated responsibilities and respective capabilities of each nation Developed countries to provide financial support to vulnerable developing nations National pledges to be submitted by the first quarter of 2015 by those states ready to do so Countries to set targets that go beyond their current undertaking The UN climate change body to report back on the national pledges in November 2015 Environmental groups were scathing in their response to the document, saying the proposals were nowhere need drastic enough. Sam Smith, chief of climate policy for the environmental group WWF, said: The text went from weak to weaker to weakest and its very weak indeed. Jagoda Munic, chairperson of Friends of the Earth International, said fears the talks would fail to deliver a fair and ambitious outcome had been proven tragically accurate. The talks followed last months agreement on emissions targets between the US and China, but hopes it would encourage wider global agreement faded once talks began in Lima on 1 December. On Saturday, US climate envoy Todd Stern had warned that the deadlock in the negotiations threatened the chances of a new global deal next year, saying it would be seen as a major breakdown.
Posted on: Sun, 14 Dec 2014 11:32:44 +0000

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