THE OLDER DEMOCRAT’S I KNOW DONT KNOW THAT DEMOCRAT = LIBERAL or FAR LEFT... The terms are used interchangeably Liberals/Progressives are radical far left-wing activists that have successfully infiltrated the media, schools, entertainment, trial lawyers and the Democrat Party. liberals/Progressives are DEFINED BY their ideology. The cause is their raison d’être and because their fight (in their view) is a fight against injustice, hate and greed, it warrants any creative use of the law or language necessary to achieve their aims. The Left is willing to overlook any character flaw, repeat any lie, condone any illegal act or dismiss any scandal because, in the mind of the Left, their ends justify ANY means. In the valiant struggle between good and evil, there are no rules to obey, no innocents to consider, no tactics which are off-limits. It is similar to the rationale Islamic terrorists use to justify their acts, which is why the Left so admires and defends the single-minded, no-holds-barred mentality of Islamic extremists. Democrats are generally well-intentioned and compassionate people who are largely disinterested in politics/history/economics so they default to the positions of their college professors, their friends, their upbringing (or a reaction AGAINST their upbringing) or what they hear from talking heads on television. The media, entertainment and government school system have been very successful in demonizing the GOP and the right-wing generally by branding them as uncaring and greedy. So, many people become Democrats because they have fallen for the Left-wing smear campaign against the Right, and they dont want to also be seen as uncaring and greedy. But for the most part, they are too busy feeding their families to focus on the details of politics. They vote with their emotions or what they hear from the liberal media. What Democrats dont realize is that they are being used by radical Progressives who control the flow of information.
Posted on: Thu, 30 Oct 2014 17:23:25 +0000

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