~~~THE ONLY ONE CREATOR CREATED EVERY THING,`WHY`? ~~~ The Creation starts from ` only one Superpower` divided in to `two`. Where `one` is only Male have no gender called as One `Superpower` as an unidentified `Parabramha`, shapeless, self-exaulted ruler, `Vidhata`,dictator, writer extra. This One `superpower` divides in to two as positive force is one Father (Eswara or Pasupati extra with much energy) and negative force as(earth) with less energy as One Mother as (jagajjanaani, Parvathi with many names) in creation of this earth or nature starting with 1st Fishes, 2nd frogs, snakes extra (amphebia, reptails), birds (aves) and at lost animals (mammals) with ears (pinna) & they will give milk in delivering babies. According to science and spiritual research evolution of the groups serial may be changed but identity is there! (take ex. in `Dasavataralu of Sri Vishnu`). So division is in to `TWO` (`Dwandha`), next in to `THREE`(`Thriputi`) is in to creation of nature (earth) as we are animals but we were developed animals with knowledge in advancement research science, as well as spiritual science in tracing unknown power by our Indian spiritual yogi`s in writing scriptures and `upnishats`, called with a name as `GOD`. Some people asks there is no scientific reason for the presence of God? I put question, how you believed that your grand-grand father was there before your birth. We developed in both ways of research ! Specially our Indian `spiritual` rushi`s touched the science of `Life`or `jeeva`, where we came from ?, what is the destination? What is death ? death afterwards, what is liberation or `Moksham` extra. Do you know ? they wrote in their scriptures (`Vedas`) that human is a `Aham Bramhasi` means if we recognize that Super power! we are a shape to him. The real oneness have no shape but we are shapes & instruments to fulfill the drama as actors on a stage of nature is play script of one `Vidhata` to every thing. If we understand `Thriputi` deeply, we can understand the reason why we came here to this earth ? our role to be playing with in silence, observation of nature, selfless love, patience, obedience, sacrifice, reading useful books extra. If you surrender to that one Super power, we can catch this creation in to 3 ways of bodies, 1st as Outer body (stoola) belongs to nature as our mother (earth), 2nd as Inner body ( sookhma)is the one energy to instrument this body, it is coming from Super power ( `Athma`, or `jeeva`), 3rd `Cause to body` is linked with roles in evolutionary of our life drama. If we are in a positive attitude action to reach oneness of God in a individual small joy is unite with in an `ecstacy of joy` (`PARA BRAMHAM`), it is the creation of this nature. The creation is only for development of knowledge for future creation for the betterment of creation in rational way for good living of all with LOVE & Harmony as one family & one blood of one mother as `nature`!!
Posted on: Tue, 11 Mar 2014 14:58:30 +0000

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