THE OPERATION OF EVERY CLAIM - IN A NUTSHELL In shipping language, the chartered vessel (United States) took on cargo (the people), mortgaged that cargo to the hilt to pay for the voyage (used the credit of the people), declared an emergency, and then dumped that cargo (the people) over the railing and into the seas (commerce) to collect on the insurance (social security). Then, came back to the point of dumping for a salvage operation….(admiralty / maritime lien) First, one is “welcomed” into a foreign jurisdiction by the host nation of whom, though its occupying army, extended its hospitality to a foreigner upon registration of the birth event and, per the custom of the host nation, provided a vessel (NAME) whose cargo is destined for the Treasury and an indemnity receipt guaranteeing care and maintenance of the vessel by the host nation in order “his burden be light”. (Read Law of Nations Book II Section 104 and on for the ramifications of this action) Until, that is, the host nation decided to grant an entrance and extend hospitality for the purpose of drawing foreigners into a snare. For once the snare was engaged, one’s duty as a foreigner is now towards defense of the host nation against pirates or robbers, against the ravages of an inundation, or the devastations of fire, for how can one pretend to live under the protection of a state, to participate in a variety of advantages that it affords, and yet make no exertion for its defense, but remain an unconcerned spectator of the dangers to which the citizens are exposed? READ MORE: iamsomedude/claim_operation.html
Posted on: Sun, 20 Jul 2014 07:03:44 +0000

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