THE OPPOSITION PEOPLE’S DEMOCRATIC MOVEMENT GIVES GOVERNMENT A FAILING GRADE ON CONSULTATION The Official Opposition People’s Democratic Movement (PDM) said it believes that the Progressive National Party (PNP) Government can do more in the area of consultation and believe that its track record to date is totally unacceptable. In a press release, the PDM which is led by Hon. Sharlene Cartwright-Robinson said the plight that these Islands are now in calls for all hands on deck so that we can all enjoy the best for these Islands, a vision shared by all. “The Matter of VAT was the start of Government’s apparent allergic reaction to consultation. For months, the Opposition insisted that it join the Government’s fight against VAT. The Opposition recognizes and still do recognize the importance of working with the Government on matters of national importance that are in the best interests of our people. However, it appears that the lesson learnt on the strength of working together was short lived and the Government has reverted to making decisions without engaging in critical consultations,” the press release stated. “Even when required by the Constitution to consult on the Financial Framework for the Budget, the FSPS, it has failed. Now it seems to have taken a page from those they criticized when it now calls for consultation on GCT, a tax already approved by themselves and the FCO, and due to start in October. This is an informational process and certainly not a consultative process in the way that we expect.” The PDM noted that after the slew of taxes have already been agreed, the Government now has appointed the Blue Ribbon Commission but has appointed itself as Chair. This, the PDM said, is totally inappropriate as the Committee which the Minister of Finance Washington Misick chairs will report to him. “He has also appointed a Body that excludes a representative from one of the largest and long serving Private Sector Association, Turks and Caicos Real Estate Association (TCREA). The Opposition believes that TCREA should be a part of the Blue Ribbon Commission considering the amount of revenue that Government derives from the land sector,” the statement continued. “We see instances already where the Government has failed to consult and where advice was ignored by the Opposition who consulted the practitioners in areas. There is correspondence now laid before the Government as to the recent amendment to the Companies Ordinance. There was no consultation again with the practitioners as to the practicality for the Industry neither did the Government give ear to the Opposition’s lead person in Parliament on this issue. Hon Vaden Williams asked pointed questions showing the impracticality but the Bill was passed by the Government.” The PDM statement added: “Similarly this was the same result as it related to the amendment to the Stamp Duty Ordinance and the introduction of the Tax on Freight and Insurance. The Opposition prior to the Meeting held a Press Conference citing its concerns in the timing of the amendment to the Stamp Duty as well as the impact of the new tax on freight and insurance but especially as it related to construction materials when there were already several major projects “costed” already and due to come on stream. The Real Estate Association: practitioners in the area were not consulted and we are hoping that the rebounding Industry would not be adversely impacted. However we see less than a month after the passage of the tax on freight and insurance and more than a month since the Opposition warned the Government in a Press Conference, that the Government is now rolling back the amount citing the concerns that were raised already by the Opposition. This level of governance has no place in this era of TCI politics when we need investors to not be frustrated along the way.” We see now that the Minister, even after the House of Assembly had agreed and passed a Motion to establish a National Symposium that will bring the Government, public and private sector together to discuss issues affecting TCI, the Minister has plans to introduce another forum styled a “Think Tank” session to discuss issues affecting the Islands.” The PDM said it believes that the Government is ignoring the voice of the people. “The people are calling for jobs, better healthcare and easier access to healthcare, a practical solution to the overcrowding at CHHS, more scholarships and financial assistance who have performed and a greater sacrifice in favor of scholarships and Youth Programs. The Civil Service and the Police continue to call out for attention and more resources, the elderly, juvenile, prisoners and special needs clients as well and the Business community needs to have more open communication with the Government. It is time the Government listens to the people it was elected to serve. It is a Government’s prerogative to operate as it chooses but a Government that governs best is one that governs closest to its people. Everyone needs help and it is time that the Government realizes that it needs help and that it takes no authority away from it, to hear and heed sound advice and opinions of others,” the statement ended.
Posted on: Thu, 15 Aug 2013 21:10:22 +0000

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