THE ORIGIN OF DIVINE MERCY FALSE DEVOTION Part 1/4 https://facebook/profile.php?id=100008391163076&fref=ts The first false “mercy devotion, was began by a woman called Feliska Kozlowska from Plock in Poland, who claimed to be getting revelations from heaven. In 1893 Kozłowska, also known by her convent name Maria Franciszka, had her first “vision” founded the new religious movement of Mariavitism and a Mariavite priesthood on 2 Aug 1893. Several visions of Kozłowska between 1893 and 1918 were gathered in 1922 in the volume entitled Dzieło Wielkiego Miłosierdzia (The Work of Great Mercy). The Marivites themselves, today, call that work Work of the Divine mercy revealed to the happy Marie-Francoise Kozlowska. This book is the most important religious source for the Mariavites beside the Bible. In her revelation, Kozłowska received an order to fight with the moral decline of the world, especially with the sins of the clergy. In her first vision, she was told to organize the order of the Mariavites. The aim of this order was to promote the renewal of the spiritual life of the clergy. They promoted pius acts such as the important purpose was to spread the perpetual adoration of the Most Blessed Sacrament and the cult of the Perpetual Help of the Blessed Virgin Mary. In their everyday life, the clergy returned to the Franciscian tradition of an ascetic life: fasting, modesty and simplicity in clothes and life. They recommended frequent confession and communion for the people. This all looked good to Catholics, but it was the hidden agendas being promoted which alerted the Church to take action and condemn the whole sham. The aim of this false devotion was , to liberalise the Catholic Church and promote previously condemned doctrines under the guise of it being the wish of heaven. Jan Maria Kowalska, was appointed the the general minister of the Mariavites, and was then the most important person of the movement and gaining vast numbers of followers. They presented their case to the newly elected Pope Pius X. In June 1904 another delegation traveled to Rome to express to the Roman Curia the importance of their orders mission. In December 1906, the Church excommunicated Kozłowska and Jan Maria Michael Kowalski, as well as all those who chose to follow them. Pope Pius X took action and wrote TRIBUS CIRCITER an Encyclical on the Marivates or mystic priests of Poland. In it he writes; To a certain woman, whom they proclaimed to be most holy, marvelously endowed with heavenly gifts, divinely enlightened about many things, and providentially given for the salvation of a world about to perish, they did not hesitate to entrust themselves without reserve, and to obey her every wish. Relying on an alleged mandate from God, they set themselves to promote without discrimination and of their own initiative among the people frequent exercises of piety (highly commendable when rightly carried out,) especially the adoration of the Most Holy Sacrament and the practice of frequent communion; but at the same time they made the gravest charges against all priests and bishops who ventured to express any doubt about the sanctity and divine election of the woman, or showed any hostility to the society of the Mariavites.”
Posted on: Tue, 28 Oct 2014 19:02:25 +0000

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