THE ORIGINAL HUNTING, FIGHTING AND GUARD DOG DNA analysis conducted in the 2000s suggests that the Chinese Shar-Pei is one of a few oldest dog breeds... and many scientists believe they are the FIRST domestic dog breed after the wolf. In ancient China the original Chinese Shar Pei dog served many masters. Through the course of time the breed developed loose excess skin (around their neck and face) and a prickly coarse coat of fur, which made them excellent hunting dogs when used to hunt wild boar. Because of the excess skin the Shar Pei was able to sustain an attack from a boar by still being able to fight back by pulling his mouth away from where the other animal had its teeth clenched. Basically the Chinese Shar Pei was able to turn his entire head around in his own skin and attack another animal that had him by the back of his own neck. Many ancient Chinese legends and artifacts depict Chinese Shar Pei as having been charged with guarding the highest of Chinese royalty. Unfortunately, by the time the 1950s rolled around mankind had discovered the unique physicality and special characteristics of the Shar Pei... as well as a love of gambling. Eventually and ever so sadly, YES, Chinese Shar Pei were used as fighting dogs. After developing such a bad reputation, the Chinese Shar Pei was facing possible extinction. Then during the Communist Revolution a Hong Kong businessman named Matgo Law basically pleaded their case to mainstream American through the media - through a dog magazine. He made an appeal to Americans to save the ancient, regal breed. Around 200 Shar Peis were smuggled into America... but ever since they have been getting more and more wrinkly - and to their detriment! From what I understand the wrinkles cause many of them serious health issues. It started out as a way of softening the worlds opinion of these dogs, after years of being known as the Chinese Fighting Dog, known to have a natural instinct to fight to the death. By making them cuter with forever wrinkles galore more people had an interest in buying one of these very rare dogs that originated in Asia. But over the next 50 years the breed went through a series of changes… and became what we know today as the Western Shar Pei (alos known as Meat Mouth Shar Pei).. But there are still some Original Chinese Traditionals out there… that sometimes show up out of no where! There are people all over the world who have these dogs - only in the USA are people totally unaware. I was until I found one! Personally, I am basically obsessed with this breed of dog, which I’m sure is pretty obvious to anyone who visits this facebook page! Wol! Maybe it’s because we originate from the same part of the world?! Maybe its because my husband and I have 3 Chinese Traditionals - and seeing them live out their lives as a Pack of Pei is a nothing short of amazing. The 3 of ours (well, 2 and a half of them! WOL!) possess MANY of the qualities that these ancient dogs were said to be synonymous with. Thank you for checking them out! And Happy New Year (almost!)!
Posted on: Mon, 29 Dec 2014 01:49:06 +0000

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