THE OTHER SIDE OF THE COIN… [Not on mine, no...] A liberal - TopicsExpress


THE OTHER SIDE OF THE COIN… [Not on mine, no...] A liberal theologian in the Dutch Reformed Church of S.Africa said on Facebook the other day that he and I are on different sides of the same coin. I actually ‘FB-liked’ his statement. Sort-of as a conciliatory gesture.. I thought about it though… And wish to retract my ‘like’. A coin has two sides… Yes. But each side is an indication of the worth of the coin in total. Whichever side you look at, the coin is still worth the same. If you offer someone the coin with one side up, the other side is just as valid and you could have just turned the coin around, but the value stays the same. Interesting though, is that when a coin is tossed before a sports game, the direction in which the teams play, is determined. This is done a.o. to be fair in that both teams have the same chance to play in whichever direction – Be it first against the wind or not, etc. But the worth of the coin still stays the same. It never changes as long as a generally determined worth is allocated to the coin. It represents a certain value. Now: To the Dutch Reformed theologian: He believes in the philosophy of John Hicks, (amongst others). John Hicks (now dead) did not believe in the uniqueness of Christ Jesus as Only Lord & Saviour. He also did not believe that the Bible is the Word of God with God’s unique revelation of the Trinity and the only possible way of salvation for sinful humanity through Jesus as the Son of God, Himself God. An accurate description and analysis of his (heretical) teachings can be read here: wri.leaderu/theology/hick.html The theologian under discussion believes that he is a Reformed Christian, and he declares that Jesus is his Saviour. But he openly states that there are ‘different levels of truth’ – as illustrated by the heretic John Hicks.. We who believe that the Bible is the Written Word, adhere especially to those clear teachings therein tat pertain to the truth of Jesus as the Son of God and the Ultimate Sacrifice for our sin. Only God could be holy enough to be the sacrifice we needed to enter into His presence and His eternal glory. No one else can do that. So, when someone – however learned he may be – comes with a different of alternative message… he I anathema, accursed, according to the Scripture, as he is bringing either another jesu than the biblically revealed one, or he is bringing another god – a false god which cannot save – into the equation. By claiming that people can be saved by and through these other gods such as Buddha, Allah, Brahma, Divha, Krishna, Zeus, Pluto, Vishnu, Osiris, Saturn, etc. he devalues – and actually curses - the perfect work of the Man-God Jesus Christ on the Cross and in the Resurrection, and in fact defiles it with false doctrine of alternation of salvation. He puts the doctrines of other ‘faiths’ on the same level as that of the Lord Jesus Christ. He thereby exposes himself as a universalist. It is heretical. And he is a heretic. Only a false prophet will state such doctrinal error openly. A man that believes such, cannot be ‘the other side of the coin’ on which I reside.. I find it rejectionable and objectionable that someone can make such a statement, thinking and implying that we actually are into the same value of things, just on different sides of the ‘coin’ – which in this case is saving faith. In devaluing Christ, he puts an unbridgeable chasm between us. We cannot meet each other half way. I have to go to him or he has to come to the side I am on. There is NO CONNECTION and no neutral terror – and no ‘other side’ of the coin.. His side is the side of false gods, death and no salvation. His is a false coin, devoid of value in the monetary system of Christ, the King, the Only One. When he says that Jesus is His Saviour, he obviously talks about another Jesus than the Holy God of the Bible. He talks of ‘his’ Jesus – who is one god among many, to him. The end of that road on which he is, is the horror of the one which ends in those terrible words of Jesus Himself Math 7:21: “Not everyone who calls me ‘LORD LORD’ will enter into the Kingdom of Heaven…” Same coin? Never… Other side of the same coin? Never… Different coin? Yes… Aberrant value of his coin? Yes.. Worthless coins can only buy worthless items, I think. So: Mr Dr Theologian: You THINK in your deluded mind that you are on the other side of my coin…! But you are NOT. You are on the ‘hot’ side where the rich man was when he spoke to Abraham concerning Lazarus - and Abraham responded to him that the chasm is too great – no one can cross. May you duly repent and come to know Jesus Christ as the only Saviour and the only possibility of entering the presence of a holy God Almighty. Only then, you are welcome on my coin – on either side..
Posted on: Wed, 26 Mar 2014 10:34:32 +0000

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