THE PATH TO SALVATION TEXT OF DISCOURSE: ACTS 10: 1-48 DO AWAY WITH DIVISIVE TENDENCIES: In the past the Word of God was an exclusive preserve of the Jews. That was why when Christ came, He only concentrated His teachings on them. Any house He went into and discovered there no Jew, He would pass from there onto another. Read Matthew 10:1-7. The Jews were the chosen race and others were known as pagan and heathens. This was because one who was not a Jew was regarded as the one who did not know God. Thus the Jews did not interact with others because they regarded others as children of perdition. Can you imagine that? Up to this time, people are still behaving that way. If the Roman Catholics go to any place, they would ask whether any of their members are there. When Christ concentrated His teachings on Jews, He was still in the flesh, now we know Him no more in the flesh. Our Lord Jesus Christ was concerned with Israel. That was why He was referred to as the God of Israel God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. God was only limited to them, and others were not of God. For instance, when the first set of Brotherhood of the Cross and Star members went to Lagos, it was only the Efiks and Ibibios that they preached to. This was because; others would not listen to them. When Our Lord Jesus Christ was crucified, the people tore His garments into four parts signifying the four corners of the world. Thus, signifying the universality of His mission for eternity. What is known, as flesh is divisive. Any time you are selective, then, it means you are in the flesh. Read Luke 19:1-12 Christ was in the flesh and if you imbibe the teachings of the flesh, then you have failed. Christ told Zacheus that He came to save the lost sheep. The people regarded Christ as an Israelite and because He concentrated His ministry on the Jews, people have held unto such teachings even till today, without knowing that the blood of Christ had reconciled the whole world unto God. There is no more division among the Jews and Gentiles. Before now, the world had been in total confusion because the Samaritans did not communicate with the Jews and vice versa. This is because the world was deep in iniquity. During the time of Christ, He never charged the disciples to preach to the Gentiles. They were only directed to the Israelites. But for the coming of the Father, the world would have perished. This is why you have to thank and rejoice in the Father because what He has done had never been done by anyone. See Luke 23:10-12 The death of Our Lord Jesus Christ has brought salvation unto the whole world and we have been made children of God through His death. Recall what happened at that time? Herod and Pilate were not friendly, they were at daggers drawn, but on that fateful day, they became friends. The death of Our Lord Jesus Christ brought salvation to onto the entire world. How did the word of God come to the Gentiles? It was through the work of Charity. See Acts 10:3-4. THE WORK OF CHARITY: Charity has brought salvation unto the entire world. Consider this case, Cornelius was a Gentile and the Gentiles had nothing to do with God. But because of the good life of Cornelius, salvation was extended to the Gentiles. Being charitable to the destitute gives you salvation. Being generous brings you nearer to God. All the benevolence and charity you show to people have been seen by God. Salvation is also derived from the benevolence and charity. Nobody knows how the salvation of God gets to him. Even as you come in here do you know why and how? At times you must have been defrauded and God decides to salvage you. Or you must have been merciful to people and with this God decides to call you into his kingdom. You did not come here for nothing. How many rich men have you seen here? Do you think God is not aware of everything? Anything you do, He is always taking note. There was nothing that would have made the gospel of Christ reach the Gentiles but for the love Cornelius had for God. That is why it is said that God is no respecter of persons. Do you think as you come in here if you do not do any good thing God will salvage you? It is your good works that makes God to consider you and call you into this kingdom. YOU CANNOT COME INTO THIS KINGDOM EXCEPT YOU WERE CALLED BY GOD. Many people claim they are poor and are so sinful that they do not know why they have been called. Do you think if you were as bad as you think God would have called you? There must have been a little good thing you did and because of it God considered calling you to come and receive this salvation. Read Acts: 10:5-6 Why was the call extended to Cornelius? It was because of the good things he had done. That is why you are enjoined to be charitable, go to the hospitals and destitute homes, go to the prisons and orphanage homes and minister unto the inmates. Help all the people you come across, for by so doing you are helping God. Anything you do, be it in secret, God is recording it for you. What do you think is the cause of the salvation of Calabar? The way the indigenes treated God, nobody would have believed they can be saved but now their little benevolence has been recognized by God, hence He decided to salvage the town. You must never regard anybody as a stranger because all of you are Children of God. There is no more division among the different races of the world. Do not impute sins to anybody because Christ died for all sinners. No matter the type of sins committed by anybody, all have been washed by the blood or Our Lord Jesus Christ. When you say someone is not a Brotherhood member, what is he? Henceforth, desist from all acts of segregation because the blood of Christ has reconciled everybody unto God. When you start saying someone is not a Brotherhood member, what is he? All are the children of God; therefore right from today, do not consider people the way you did because everybody is Brotherhood. It was for the sake of man that Our Lord Jesus Christ came to shed His blood for the redemption of man and so there is no son of Satan any more. All are the children of God. Everybody is your brother and sister and you are all saved by the precious blood of Our Lord Jesus Christ. Read Acts 10: 16-29 God is the one who sends you on an errand and goes with you to accomplish it. Everything has been made bare unto you, there is nothing left. Therefore, do not impute sins to anybody, for His blood has been used to salvage everything, including the animals. Hence, if you count sins on anybody, then, it means you do not believe that Christ did come. Anyone who counts sins on people does not believe in God. Whatever has been made clean, do not consider it as unclean. Read Acts 10:43-35 From the aforesaid, you are commissioned to go to all the nooks and crannies of the world to preach this Gospel and not to segregate because the whole world belongs to the Father. Stop saying the other person is not Brotherhood; after all you were a member of one church denomination before the call was extended to you. Even, most people who did not attend any church were still considered by God. Anybody who was created by God is a child of God. Even if you stay inside the water or you stay in a house where only thieves live, He can manifest Himself there and He can rejoice with the thieves to your amazement. Anyone He pleases to take to Himself, no one can stop Him because He does everything at will. Any little good thing you do will qualify you for the salvation of God. Forget about whether you are a murderer or thief, once you do any good thing in the sight of God, then salvation will be extended to you. There is no division in this kingdom for Christ had nailed all divisions and sins on the cross. The time of lamentation is gone; this is the time of joy. Thus everybody is enjoined to rejoice in the Father all the time. Read Acts 10:36-48 THE NEED FOR BAPTISM: I want you to understand that through baptism, your sins are washed away. You could be baptized yet you do not receive the Holy Spirit and you can receive the Holy Spirit while you are not yet baptized; but in the latter case, you will be mad. This is so because your body is impure. Many people who are in the psychiatric hospitals are led by the Holy Spirit and people think they are mad. There are many in the hospitals who are sick because the Holy Spirit has descended on them and once such persons are baptized, they will be well. Others are in prison who are taken there because of what the Holy Spirit led them to commit. In a nutshell, if the Holy Spirit descends on you when you are not yet baptized, it can lead you to commit any crime because your body is not pure. The Holy Spirit is fire and once He comes to you, all the dirt’s in you will be burnt but once you are baptized all will be well. There is no other thing in operation in the world apart from the Holy Spirit. Many people have gone on transfer when the Holy Spirit gets into them. This is so because when the Spirit gets into them and causes them one problem or the other, they go for orthodox medicine against the dictate of the Holy Spirit. As a result of this, they die. However, once you confess your sins and receive baptism, all is well. This is why it is pertinent for all to be baptized. Anyone who receives the Holy Spirit must be baptized and if he does not want to be baptized, then leave him alone because he is only doing himself harm. This is the secret in this kingdom. Read Acts 2:35-42 Have you seen His promises? Have the different church denominations received this promise? Once you do this all your sins are forgiven and you will receive the Holy Spirit. Then death and sickness will be subjected under your feet and you will go about freely without any molestation. Stop committing fornication; go and make the whole world become one fold. Is salvation gotten through payment of money or catechism? Your duty is to go out and disseminate the gospel of the Father to them. Tell them to repent of their sins and get baptized so as to receive the Holy Spirit, because with the Holy Spirit, you can cast away any sickness with the mere pronouncement of LET. THE SECRET IN THIS KINGDOM IS THE ESSENCE OF BAPTISM. ONCE YOU GET SOMEONE BAPTISED, THAT IS ALL. YOU DO NOT NEED TO TEACH HIM ANYTHING AND WHAT DO YOU EVEN KNOW TO TEACH? HE IS TAUGHT BY THE HOLY SPIRIT AND ITS ONLY JOY THAT ABOUNDS EVERYWHERE. It is the Holy Spirit that does the preaching, visioning, dreaming and everything because He is the SUPERNATURAL TEACHER. He is the LEADER and before He tells you to go somewhere, He has already gone there to accomplish the work. You only go there to bear witness of His work. Read Acts 8:34 WHEN YOU COMPLAIN THAT SOMEONE HAS NOT COME TO THE BETHEL AFTER BAPTISM, WHAT IS YOUR BUSINESS IN THAT? RECALL THE CASE OF THE ETHIOPIAN EUNUCH. THE MOMENT PHILIP BAPTISED HIM BOTH DEPARTED AND WENT THEIR SEPARATE WAYS. THE SIMPLE THING IS THAT, HE WHO BELIEVES AND IS BAPTISED IS SAVED. SO ANYONE WHO HAS ACCEPTED BAPTISM SHOULD NOT BE DISTURBED ABOUT ANYTHING, FOR IT IS THE DUTY OF THE HOLY SPIRIT TO TEACH HIM WHEREVER HE MAY BE. ANYONE WHO RECEIVES BAPTISM AS WELL AS THE HOLY SPIRIT IS SAVED. ANYWHERE SOMEONE MAY LIKE TO GO, ALLOW HIM BECAUSE THE WHOLE WORLD IS THE GARDEN OF GOD. The Holy Spirit has come to lead all to the accurate knowledge of truth. Anyone who has not received this baptism needs to be pitied and if you receive the baptism without receiving the Holy Spirit, then pray for it because without Him dwelling in you, you cannot even forsake sins because you are empty. Thus, you will not be able to attend prayers. This is your source of trouble. The moment you accept baptism and receive the Holy Spirit, which is the Promise of Christ, everything will be well with you. May my peace and blessing abide with the entire world, now and forever more, Amen. Thank You Father.
Posted on: Tue, 25 Mar 2014 02:27:23 +0000

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