THE PATHOLOGICAL DESPERATION OF MUINAT, THE FRUITLESS MEANNESS OF DELE, THE MISPLACED PRIORITY OF THE MINISTER AND THE THOUGHTLESSNESS OF AKOGUN: A WORD FOR THE ANTI-PEOPLE This is a crucial time in our life time and we all have the responsibility to speak up to our challenges or we may be doomed by conspiracy of silence. We would not be deterred by the mockery posture of our main enemy who are standing in the spectators’ bench to laugh at us and refuse to spank our own erring “sell-out”. I am not unaware of the volume of comments and postings that have rented the social media space since the sniff of the orchestrations of “rigging mercenary” of the desperate opportunists; nonetheless, it is better to be long and exhaustive than for us to hold back some salient facts. This may look like my longest piece, I urge you most humbly to take your time with rapt patience to read it to the last letter. I have lately pondered on what Muinat’s interest is in politics and how she has become a front line political value distortionist over a very short period. My search for answer has made me developed more questions. I know Allah has blessed Muinat in terms of worldly material wealth (let’s not ask about the source of the wealth) and her businesses have been doing fine, even when she never obvious become a card carrying member of any political party. I have further asked myself that since the re-advent of democracy in 19999,(which has ever been benefiting from) this is the first time she would be coming out with “full force” to take the centre stage in political game playing. I have further asked if there was any precondition (from the presidency or anywhere) for her to participate in active politics in order to sustain her business empire or why would she be wittingly or unwittingly ruining her business estate by this misadventure in politics. Then something came to my mind, is Muinat the richest woman in Nigeria, and is she the only rich woman or man that is close to this presidency or wants Mr. President to win the 2015 presidential election? Why would she ignorantly throw away the scepter of liberalism against the stance of her fellow business merchants? What if her expectation for 2015 didn’t come to pass, how would she face the people she violently opposed? I cannot supply answers to all these questions now or else I will be adding more letters to this text which might become too voluminous. In brief however, I know of one Funke Alakija, the globally acclaimed richest Africa woman and I know her wealth can almost double that of Muinat just as I know she is even closer to this presidency than Muinat. I am very much in hand with the information that she is a big spender for the realization of Mr. President’s re-election bid, yet, I have not heard nor read that she has gone to her state to create chaos or scatter the harmony of the party she is sponsoring. It also a known secret that the likes of Femi Otedola, Tony Elumelu, Jim Ovia and “almighty” Aliko Dangote are stupendously rich and are the biggest unseen hands in the Mr. President’s re-election project. They are the “traditional” business clique that determines who become what in Nigeria, they have grip control of the economy and they play key roles determining and sponsorship of election of anyone that would emerge as Nigeria’s President. This is a fact known to everyone. How come all these people are still doing their own “underground” while Muinat has lately destroyed all the reputation left for her children to redeem the stigma of distrust and desperation people have long tagged her with? MUINAT PATHOLOGICAL DESPERATION In order to solve the current problems, we need to go back to memory lane of history. Anyone who knows Muinat would know very well that her beginning has never been without controversies, controversies that stemmed from the insatiable urge for power to be in control of everything and everybody that come her way. She is never tired of having the upper hand in anything she does and she can do anything, just about anything, no matter how unsavoury that this is to get have way. Interestingly, she has never gotten it so fulfilled, not at all times. Let me start by relaying to you the pains in the heart of Alhaji Sulaiman Sagaya, the father-in-law of Muinat who until his death in 2005 believed very strongly that Muinat couldn’t make a good wife and was responsible for certain misfortunes that started to befall the Sagaya’s family as soon as Muinat stepped her legs into that respected family house. It is no more news that Muinat was married to Mr. AbdulGaniyu Sagaya who was more or else the heir apparent to the “throne” of the Sagaya family at a time and was in control of big money. In Sagaya’s family today, despite the fact that Muinat has taken advantage of that name and fame of Baba Sagaya to fetch herself the wealth she now flaunts all about, they see her as an ‘evil brought by the pigmies of the crying forest” that has distorted the moral values and peace of that family. Baba Sagaya was a good father and one man that I was very close to and respected a lot. In the early 90s, when his Double Cola Brewery Company suffered mischief and falsehood from co-business competitors, I was by him to revamp the company to it old glory. No need ask me about my knowledge of these facts, I was an “insider”, I know how Muinat was desperate to marry Abdulganiyu then even though Baba Sagaya objected the mrriage because Muinat is far older than Gani in age, I know Baba Sagaya believed Muinat impoverished his son, Abdulganiyu and turned him into a drunk, I know how the noney Muinat scooped from Gani almost cost the existence of Baba Sagayas companies; you have not heard anything yet. The best way you can demonstrate the seasoned desperation of Muinat and hunger f0r power is to go back to the record of history. I am going to relay this by succinctly quoting Baba Sagaya, her father in-law. Abdulganiyu, Muinat estranged husband had a younger sister called Sherifat who was by far very brilliant and enterprising. She read Building Engineering from ABU and she was a very fantastic young lady at that time. Remember Muinat also went to ABU. It soon became a contest between the two that Muinat felt threatened by the brilliance of Sherifat, even though they were not studying the same course. The usual accolade given to Sherifat was always like a thorn pinching Muinat in her eyes and there began a unholy show of envy, jealousy and rivalry. It went bad that people couldn’t figure out the harbinger of this acrimony. The competition went sour when Sherifat decided to register for ICAN passing each stage of the exams at a seat. Remember Muinat studied Economics, a sister discipline of Accounting. The success of Sherifat unsettled Muiant which was very obvious. These became very exacerbated when Sherifat got a job with NAL Merchant Bank with a brand new official car to begin with. The unfortunate killing of Sherifat by an unknown gun men driving in a Santana car then raised some dust and all fingers were pointing to Sherifat’s arch enemy, Muinat. Not even Baba Sagaya believed otherwise that Muinat didn’t have a hand in the death of his daughter and till Baba’s death in 2005; the last word in his mouth was for God to expose and destroy the killers of her daughter who he loved so very much. If you are faced with all these accusations and you can only offer no reasonable defence, as a wife in the house, you may opt to move out of that house which was what Muinat did. Remember the initial divorce between Muinat and Abdulganiyu which prompted Muinat to re-marry to one SB Bakare, the seeming father of her third son, Shamsudeen Bakare. An unpalatable experience in that new marriage was like a curse of attrition to Muinat life and with the eventual death of the Bakare, Muinat returned to back Abdulganiyu, for technically speaking, 3rd marriage. This time around Muinat needed a lot more to be accepted back into the home and there she lured and got close to Medinat Sagaya, the younger sister his husband and Sherifat, the slain NAL Merchant Bank queen. If beauty could stop death, Sherifat was to beautiful to die. Sadly, not even the subsequent “brainwashing” and bribing offer of interest free loan she often provided for the Medinat from Unity Bank (formerly Bank of the North), where Muinat is the largest shareholder could make any other member of the family trust her nor allow to be hoodwinked when it comes to the paternity question of Muinat’s 24 years old last child to the Sagaya Family, Muktar. If you are opportuned to have the first hand information on what goes on in the Osun Cresecent residence of Muinat Shagaya, you wouldn’t blame his second son, Hakeem who once told his mother to divide their property and bequeath to him what belongs to him and let him walk away for good from the home of a single-mother generally seen by people as the worst female autocrat Kwara ever produced. Time is almost tickling for the knowledge of the Custom officer. Has one forgotten so quickly the recent clash of denial from the Sagaya family who asked Muinat to drop their name as she is not married to their son anymore? We don’t forget history that quickly. If I were Muinat, I would concentrate on rebuilding the loss of peoples’ confidence in me and focus my attention on how to make your children interacting members of their father’s family and clear the air on the knotty issues surrounding your past act and actions. If I may shorten this piece, if you read all these past about a woman embellished with controversies from time to time, what more do you expect such woman to do when she has political power? I have heard Muinat given the excuse that her hands are tight and she couldn’t help but participate in politics; I want to ask her, does participating in politics mean you should impose your son on the people? Does participating in politics mean you should be the sole person that would determine who would be the governor of the state, the Senator representing where, the Minister from the state and the House of Reps members? Does participating in politic mean you should sponsor fake delegates to illegally vote for an unpopular candidate? Does participating in politics mean you should promote violence and illegitimacy? Does participating in politics mean you should subvert the wishes of the people for self preservation? Does participating in politics mean you should substitute the authentic delegate lists with fake one? What moral mind has a woman who has lost every iota of chastity and has decided to infect the society with her immoral virus? Let me end this part by reminding her that we would rather prefer to allow our enemy mock us than to have a “friend” like you smile at us. You are a curse to everything that has happened to this state in recent times and we are NOT proud of you. Look at yourself, you are the so-called second richest African woman and you have nothing to show for it in your hometown. Your income in a month is more than the allocation of some states, yet the road to your father’s house was not tarred by you. You are the acclaimed associate of high and mighty in the society, yet, your community cannot boast of a Cottage hospital, you can spend millions of dollars to get your son house of reps ticket yet, you cannot even send one child from your family house/husband house to university, you are the owner of the second largest Tank farm in Lagos, yet there is no fuel in the generator set of the oldest woman in your house! Shame Shame Shame on you Muinat, Kwarans are NOT proud of you. There is nothing you are doing well for the good of Kwarans except that which would benefit only you and your children alone. Muinat eat your money, sleep on your wealth, display your diamond in public and turn it to food, we wouldn’t be intimidated by your blood money. Look around you and watch yourself, what is the essence of the money on you. Yours is a saturation of wealth so useless for the rejuvenation of your dying cells. What money do you have that can replenish your skin to smoothness, what is the essence of your money that your abode cannot be laden with gold and diamond for you to sleep with, what is the essence of the money that you cannot even occupy the whole apartment you live in IBB Boulevard, what is the essence of the money that people in your family house are dropping out of school due to lack of finance, what value does that money bring when you cannot boast of providing scholarship for indigent Kwarans, how satisfied are you with your money that it cannot buy your son the health he need quickly, how comfortable are you that the roof on those houses in your family compound are still the old rotten sheet? Shame on you and your wealth if what you do with that wealth is to promote illegality and violence in our state, shame on you if that wealth which you use in causing trouble here cannot by you eternity, shame on you if you cannot stop death with your money when it is time to die. Let me now sound a note of warning to you and I have no fear nor apologies for any interpretation or mis-interpretation of intention from any quarter; desist from your wicked orchestration of election manipulation in this electioneering or else you would have yourself to blame. I urge you to stay back and allow free and fair election in this process or else even the hope of your son winning the general election would be dashed, I advice you not to test the thermometer of our temperament by manipulating this process, I charge you to concentrate on your business and spend your money alone as you have always done, if you cannot contribute to the development of the state with your wealth, don’t take part in the destruction of the gradual block of hope we have been constructing. If only you know the angers of the people on your seeming abuse of power, irresponsibility and excesses, you would fear for the vanity of your wealth when the nemeses of our vengeance pay you a visit. THE MEANNESS OF DELE BELGORE I wish Dele had listened to my initial advice and had not messed up the remaining “integrity” he hitherto had. I wish he had taken to the tenet and principles of sportsmanship and believe all power belongs to and come from God, I wish he had not stooped so low to hinge his hope on Muinat Shagaya overture, I wish he had fought like a man to win or lose the battle like a true warrior. His singular show of helplessness and hopelessness which prompted him to genuflect for Muinat is his albatross. Before now, some people believed Dele Belgore was really a political weight that can stop a wave of hurricane; little did they know that he was merely living in the shadow of non-existing figure. Prior to the 2011 governorship election, not very many people knew who Dele was not because we have forgotten the judicial placement of his father, nor because we didn’t know his son was given the status of SAN even with questions of justification in the lips of the people but because we have not felt the impact of the man in any way. A lot of his blind nocturnal followers and political jobbers alike who had thought and imagined the opportunist Dele might win the election have quickly opened their legs to consider leaping to his side and they would come here to sing “ruro”, I mean “rara’ song (elegy) to tell us how the chambers of the man looks like and how many lawyers are in his “reputable” chambers. And quickly, they would tag that an achievement that a “get inside” over pampered and arrogant officer of the court can relish on to win an election with a monster like Bukola. If you are fortunate to ask a question, especially if you are a Kwara, the first question that would come out of your mouth is, can we even compare Dele Belgore to Olaolu Ali SAN? Posterity would smack anyone that attempt to make the comparison of these duo in terms of community development and humanitarian services. I am not by anyway attempting to drag Ali SAN into the mockery water of politics (which is not his line of interest anyway) but I can say categorically that Yusuf Ali, though a non-Kwaran, would get the support of over 70% Kwaran if he chooses to contest for any political in this state because he has earned it. If the performance is measure by success of private chambers, Dele would cover his face in shame for under-performing even in that line. Let me leave that for now, I will be back to that. It is only a mischievous man with deafening conscience that would deny the fact that Dele Belgore STOLE Kale Belgore’s original mandate in 2011. I laugh at people when they accuse Kale of an attempt to scuttle Dele’s ambition when he expressed the same intention to contest the in current election. It is on record that Kale was in politics far earlier than Dele and has been in the front line. I am privy to the last minute manipulation of Tinubu by Fashola to scuttle Kale’s ambition for Dele who was his (Fashola’s) partner in practice. If you ask any of the so-called Dele’s ardent “loyalist” today to tell us what their reactions was at first when they all heard Dele was to be given the ticket and they choose to answer that sincerely, they will tell you they rejected him fiercely as mere opportunist, imported “tokunbo” brand from the then ACN confederating capital city, Lagos. Even though they may deny now, we all know that the votes Dele got in 2011 were protest votes from disenchanted Kwarans who wanted a “change” by all means from the hands of the despotic Bukola to anyone for that matter, even if that new entrant is a “leopard” we are yet to spot. The fallacy of the assumption of popularity as a result of that votes has rather intoxicated Dele to assume the status of the “most popular” candidate among the crops of current contestants under the PDP. It is ridiculous to assume such position because even an AbdulRahaman Abdulrasaq, the best known “solo” politician who to the best of my knowledge was the genetic promoter of PDP on inception in 1999 cannot assume such position. Achievement isn’t a once and for all thing, especially when we are talking of politics. It is like a planted seed; it is not enough to plant a grain and expect it to germinate when you don’t water it. Onion is made of layers, not because it likes wearing multiple skins but because when the outer ones are meant to protect the inner ones which that are eventually used when we need them. Can you not see how quickly the outer part of Onion dries up? If you did something or got something on a platter of gold and you slouch on it, you are just like a pilot flying his plane without gasoline, you are on your own. Come to think of it; what would Dele be telling the people as his achievement(s) when he is campaigning and canvassing for votes from them? There is no doubt in the fact that this time around, a candidate would only be listened to if he has anything to lay before us as his achievements and not just as a “better alternative” dry campaign without providing alternative achievements himself. We cannot afford to be insulted any further with the muffled campaign of emptiness where someone would count organization of extra-moral lesson for secondary school pupils as achievement. If you even ask the timing of that crash programme, you would know it is meant for cheap scoring of political points. What are these people taking us for? It would be thoughtless of anyone to say Dele has been in private practice and couldn’t have done anything for people. It is insulting to our collective integrity for anyone to attempt to fool us in that direction. Is Yusuf Ali not a private lawyer, is Afe Babalola not a private lawyer? Have these people not affected the lives of the needy in positive ways. I have on records the number of Kwarans Yusuf Ali SAN has single-handed paid for their degrees and law school fees. Does anyone even know that Yusuf Ali on his own would do community service to lecture students of law faculty at the University of Ilorin? Do we even need to delve into the “give-back-to-community” university established by Afe Babalola in his home town, Ado-Ekiti? Where has Dele been and what has he been doing before now until this election rush hour? What are we talking about? If there is anyone where who doesn’t know Dele and his progeny, let me shed a little flash of light then you would understand better that a man cannot come to say he would paint my house when he has not even plastered his own. Belgore family is one of the biggest family in Ilorin. In fact, in the days of old, their forefathers were famous for their knowledge in Islamic education and they have since been blessed with educated, famous and rich children who have done well and still doing well in Nigeria. These are not “local champions” when it comes to participation in National assignments. We have seen among them, a former CJN, former MD of Afribank (and presently Chairman of AMCON, President of Federal High Court (Dele’s father), Justices of Courts of Appeal and a SAN (Dele). No other family in Ilorin has ever been so blessed with such fortitude. I am sad that Dele can come out to say he would develop the state when he has not even developed his family house. I make bold to say that Dele’s family compound, making a juxtaposition from the angle of their success is about the only one with a touch of archaism in terms of Infrastructure. The triangular schism of pride and arrogance in the SAN home base would not make him see any reasons to help the indigent ones within that family. Not even his younger sister, Biliqis in NLNG has the best of brotherly attention from Dele, let alone his uncles and nieces, like Kale and Tosho. Should Justice Alfa Belgore sees any prospect in the likelihood of a Dele Belgore, his nephew, doing well if he has a political post, he (Alfa Belgore) wouldn’t have unapologetically flaunted his deliberate exposure of Dele’s incurable lack of due diligence when he described Bukola has a better “son” and “pride” of Ilorin back in 2011 even to the detriment of Dele’s gubernatorial bid then. Ask his extended family members and they would tell you how he treats every other person with disdain, they dont even like him for his bad character of selfishness, arrogance, and self-preservation they have always known him with even as a child. God to his family house, enter through Isale Koto and see the big pot hole right infront of the house with faded paint. For how many years now they have asked him to help renovate the house, may be he would do that tomorrow? Does anyone want to tell us again he doesnt have money to do it, then I will tell you to ask him if he has not been spending millions for his campaign. Oh! may be his apologiests would tell us again that he has not be in public office to be able to help his people ni? Shio! Ile lan ti ko eso rode. What are we talking about? Dele could have harvested (as manure) from the remains of his (dead) ambition in 2011 if only he remains so independent of any dogmatic and desperate submission to the whims and caprices of Muinat Shagaya. Prior to the appointment of the Minister of National Planning, Dr. Sulaiman, Dele was still riding in vagueness of assumption, the relics of the last election and he would be quick to lay the statistics of electoral strengths before the Presidency just as he would damn anybody, including Muinat that he was the candidate to beat. Little did he know that his escape into the thin air immediate after election in 2011 and reappearance just last year when he was to defect to PDP was not out of the vigilant sight of the ever politically conscious Kwarans. He wore the toga of arrogance and didn’t care about anyone. He would prefer to do things solo and not even did he see any reason to “bow down” for Muinat even in greetings, let alone asking her for favour until the satanic appointment of minister Sulaiman which got Dele scared of Muinat. For some of us who might not know, Yinka Aluko was to be made a Minster as nominated by majority of the PDP stakeholder like Senator Ajadi, Senator Ajibola, Hon. Bio and as spearheaded by Professor Oba until Muinat wanted to test her “mightiness” and of course succeeded in manipulating the Presidency. Let me further remind you that the minister’s appointment was resisted and this caused the delay in the announcement of Kwara slot. It generated a lot of debate and there were pleas for compromises to let go. Of course, this was Muinat’s candidate and she did all the lobbying for the Minister to scale through. Though, for the sake of peace and the common enemies that the party (PDP) wanted to fight in the state, they all “sheathed” their sword and allowed the nomination, with an eye-opening call to vigilance by Senator Gbemi Saraki. She was the only one who tried to tell others on the implication of such compromise into the hands of a power-drunk Muinat who might turn out to be an Oliver Twist with more request. That has come to past. The success of the ministerial nomination got Dele confused then sees Muinat as the hands that cannot fail in reaching the top no matter the oppossition. It was peny wise poud follishness of someone of legal knowledge status of Dele. This is the beginning of the fall. Ever since thenm he has lost the respectable ingredients of his principle and has done worst of errand jobs for Muinat, competing with the female-handbag-carrying Minister for Muinat’s Affairs. Instead of working hard and putting his hope on the people that gave him the initial confidence, Dele stopped working and was going everywhere claiming the “anointed” son of the anointing mama. Sooner did he realized that the present mentality of the people does not have any receptive lodgement for doggmaticsm. People have come to develop the traist that every man must work hard to achieve political success and nobody should feel so opportunistic to lazy around in exoection to be spoonfed by one person. Like a dog that will go astray no matter the loudness of the hunter’s whistling, Dele stopped respecting other PDP stake holders in the state and started ignoring invitations to stakeholders’ meetings. Rather than getting close to his constituency, he was distancing himself from them but constantly in touch with the mama alaye of BOMAS Petroleum. The event of the first congress where delegates were to emerge was the first hole through which we saw the true colour of Dele and his evil plans. Then, while election was still ongoing, he immediately ran to the media to grant interview that the election was “free and fair” and that he was satisfied with the outcome. While other stakeholders were still complaining about certain lapses, Dele was still with the Media saying the election result was credible and favourable. It took the eagle eyes of the ever vigilant party faithful to discover that Dele had perfected plans to substitute the delegate lists with an already prepared fake list. Even Iyiola Omisore, a known hard man of Osun politics couldn’t stand the resistance of the people against the planned substitution. Interestingly, while people were still trying to come to terms with the shock of Dele and Muinat’s evil plans, Mr. SAN has employed the services of social media ranters to do the damage control for him. Then new names began to flow left and right and then emerges the doubting thomases It is at this point that everyone became conscious to resist any attempt by anybody to try anything different from legitimacy. It is rather unfortunate that Dele didn’t know Muinat that much before he put his destiny before her hands. He over priced the influence essence of Muinat at that expense of the Peoples will, he delusion himself to fantasy and eat from the plate of dishonourability. While the scheming and counter-scheming was going on, it became pretty clear that Muinat could only have manipulated the delegates’ list of Asa/Ilorin West LGAs alone which by plan was to favour her son. Dele got it so wrong that he thought Muinat gave a “shit” about his (Dele) victory better than that of her son. If for anything, Muinat would only back down to the voice of people (except she wants to be finally destroyed), having achieved her main objective which is her son’s ambition. My worries are many. How on earth would a supposed knower of the dictate of law be this mean to clinch power at all cost? How on earth would they want to get to power by all means? How on earth would he want to get elected by smuggling in fake delegates to vote for him? How on earth would he attempt to hold parallel congress when he realized he could not win in free and fair election? How on earth would this man think we would forgive him if he scuttle our main target to wrestle for and get back the power from the current occupiers of our political space - Bukola and Co.? How on earth would he think he can ride on the back of a single woman and spit on the faces of the good people of Kwara? This indeed is the final straw that has broken the Carmel’s back of the political test-run of the SAN. He has lost the little trust and integrity we tested him with since he “burgled” into our homes in 2011 for votes. Somebody once said here that Dele Belgore is being sponsored by Tinubu and would defect back to APC if he wins the general election. I had no sufficient reason to believe that assertion then until recent. Aftermaths of the botched primary, his thoughtless excuse for not aligning with the rules of the game was that other aspirants may have link with Bukola. What an illogical and senseless alibi from a drowning man. In fact, this excuse has further exposed his hidden agenda. Who is even more closer to the opposition members than Dele, he grew up with Bukola and they have been friends, he is getting big money from Tinubu which he is using to prosecute his election, Fashola has never stopped reimbursing him in his bid to ensure that he (Dele) wins, abi who doesn’t know that Buruji Kashamu is Dele’s major financier. What a puerile excuse he is putting up? The suspicion was high when Dele, the Minister and Muinat refused to show up at the venue of the primary having failed to succeed in holding parallel one at another venue. In fact, the story of Dele is the story of a talisman sleeping in a small box with poisonous rattle snakes, over trusting his charms until that failed to stop the snakes from biting him and pumping venom into his system to death. He has lost all moral and legal trust of the people, no one can ever even trust him with Councillorship position again. His desperate push of an ambition in this manner is laying credence to that assertion. He has shown that he cannot be trusted, he is really a disgrace to the reputation of legal profession, the Oath he sworn to uphold and the privileges of the silk covered on him. He has brought shame to his calling and family name. He is a disgrace to common sense. No matter how hard he tries to repaint what happened, we would never allow our history to be written. In a chat with one of Dele’s diehard fan, I told him that Dele’s greatest undoing was (still is) error of judgment and toga of arrogance exemplified with meanness. Under no circumstances should he have rolled on the floor before Muinat in hope and back the people in spurn. This is my friend gave a very honest reply and I quote “I pray this issue will not result to had I known for my Oga” end of quote. But honestly and sincerely, it is already a situation of had “I known” for Dele Belgore. He can never have our trust anymore because he is too desperate for power and he can do anything to get that power including breaking all the laws of the land. He is too mean to be meaningful. He is even worse than the rejected devilish Bukola Saraki. THE MISPLACEED PRIORITY OF THE MINISTER I may not be surprised about Muinat’s habitual desperation because I know all about her before now, neither would I shake my head in total shock with the irresponsible behaviour of Dele because he has never been responsible even to him family members, but I should wonder on the misplacement of ideology by a man who God has shown His mercy from his poor state to a glance at affluence. My wonder made me commence an investigation into what could have turned this minister to “omo aije obe ri tin wa obe si aya’. Is this how people can change when they have little cash to play around with? Does this show us that we should never judge the gentility or niceness of a man sleeping in hunger until he is fed with food? I am particularly sad that this was a man people thought he was me and I was high in hope that “oruko ma ro ni” (that he would behave his name.), little did I know that the fear of “going” back to poverty can make a man call a cow brother or do we say a sister in this case? I really don’t have much to say here than to let the people read the helplessness and hopelessness of a man who would do anything and say anything to please his “benefactor” Muinat Shagaya, forgetting that his benefactors are the people and the Greatest Benefactor is Al-Mighty Allah. You may not understand the complicity unless you go through the informal resume of the Minister. Ilorin is a small town and no matter how you try to distance yourself, there would always be one web or the other that would connect you together except one is a bastard. At first, when I wondered on how suddenly a Minister that was collectively supported by everyone inspite of the anger from the people would quickly turn himself into unofficial Personal Assistant of Muinat, carrying her hand bag and receiving her calls on her behalf whenever she is in a meeting, even at the Presidential Villa. Let me start by taking you back to my text on the murder of Sherifat Sagaya, the sister in-law of Muinat who Baba Sagaya believed was killed by Muinat. You know when an average Ilorin man/woman has a problem, they quickly run to their Alfas/Mallam for “salvation”. Muinat wasn’t an exception as she rushed to a Mallam to help her diffuse the tension of suspicion and divert the rant of accusation against her as the killer of her sister in-law. The Minister’s father was the one she ran to to help her out. I wouldn’t know what the mallam did but suddenly the tone of suspicion against her quickly died down and the finger of accusation pointed at her were quickly lowered. Argue it if you like, but the fact is that Muinat was only looking for the opportunity to compensate the son of the mallam that “saved her soul” and ministerial appointment couldn’t have been less rewarding compensation. In the wake of expression of ambition to various political posts, AbdulRasaq Jiddah signified his interest to contest for House of Reps, incidentally from Asa/Ilorin West Federal Constituency, the same constituency as Sherif Sagaya, the son of the Minister’s Boss. For those who don’t know, the Minister and Jiddah are good friends. It would not be disparaging to say that the minister being a poor man, at a time, who though has worked for over 20 years of his life couldn’t even buy a block for himself let alone building a house in his home town, Ilorin. He had his children distributed to friends and family to help take care of. Don’t forget schools in Ilorin are rather cheap compared to Abuja. Jiddah was one of the friends that helped the Minister in taking care of his son. All the while the young boy was in school, he lived in Jiddah’s house at Mandate Estate. Jiddah’s ambition seem to have ignited Muinat furor and the Minister was directed to convince or coerce Jiddah to drop his ambition but not without some rewards. Note further that Jiddah AbdulRazaq is Dele Belgore’s closest ally that some have even predicted that should Dele win the election (God forbid illegality), Jiddah might be appointed the Chief of Staff. It took the weaving of negotiation for Jiddah to drop his ambition for Sherif while Muinat promised to compensate Jiddah by supporting Dele’s gubernatorial ambition. It is at this point Dele lost his decorum and got hypnotized with this “juicy” offer. As it was planne, it behooves on the Minister to ensure compliance to this covert operation by disparaging all other contestants for the governorship seat. The Minster was also blinded by the promise of re-appointment back into the position after the election. Now you can see what avarice can do in the life of a man that does not believe in proficiency of God but of man. Initially, I didn’t see any reason to tackle the minister head-on because I don’t want the world to laugh at us, but I have been inundated with calls and messages from people on why I have been silent in condemning the Minister actions. Someone was sure to his assertion that I am playing double agent because I am the same as Minister. It is as funny as that. Let me put a full stop to this section by asking some questions: what is the Minister thinking by glaringly participating in the rigging of delegate election? Why would a minister be so obviously bias and discriminating against one contestant or another? Why has our own minister left the official duties he was appointed to perform to be an errand boy to Muinat? How in the worst imagination would a first comer who has just been abridged from poverty to think his position would last forever? How on earth would a minister submit the names of some political loyalists of some contestant to the police for arrest simply because he wants to impress his mama boss? It is really a sorry case for this man. When he was appointed, a lot were expected from him, we were thinking and so sure that he would use this place as an opportunity to better the lives of Kwarans by exposing the intellectuals to overseas trainings through the foreign man-power training programme, the major scope of duty of the National Planning Ministry. Is it shameful that he has turned himself into the enemy of many to please just one person? Whatever made him think he would ever have this similar opportunity in his life again I don’t know? How I wish he had used this position liberally to the benefit of all and see how posterity would compensate him. He has actually eaten like a pauper unduly exposed to riches, how else he would treat the gains from that exposure other than exuberance; he would be worse than the prodigal son described in the Bible. I do not sympathize with him because he has failed to apply the knowledge of letters from his academic qualifications. Sorry is the situation of a man who was given a land to cultivate crops but chose to buid castle on it; forgetting the fact that his sustenance depends largely on food from farming and not the cement from the castle! Abi you go eat brick ni? AND THE THOUGHTLESSNESS OF AKOGUN Before now, I had contemplated and resolved to disclose my identity to the curious public immediately true freedom is attained, but now, regrettably though, there is likelihood that I will forever keep that identity, not for the fear of attacks from anyone, for I only fear Allah, but because I don’t want anyone to think I will be looking for some reward after this from those that have “enjoyed” my campaign supports. I don’t want anyone to mistake me for the likes of indigent and over ambitious Iyiola Akagun who would write about the rotten kwara only for him to show us how more rotten he is when it comes to resistance test for the love money. I am particularly sad and disappointed because months after I came across the article “this rotten Kwara’ which was extensively revealing on the maladministration of Bukola Saraki, written by Akogun, I never knew the man was to be the PDP Chairman in the state nor can I ever be convinced that money can change such a man very quickly to dishonourability. Akogun has embarrassed all the believers of intellectual sanctuary that words are not enough when a man has not been put to practical test. I have watched with dismay, the show of contradiction from the man that would say so much against injustice but would end up playing a major role in the execution of greater injustice from another angle. This is crass demonstration of gullibility on the part of a man with so much educational and professional achievement. The satanic coincidence that Akogun and Dele are lawyers is calling to question the kind of training legal practitioners are given. How much did Muinat give that is worth your intellectual property, how were you induced that made you submit you integrity to the gutter, what legacy are you leaving for your children when they hear of your role in subverting justice, what would you tell your wife was the reason for the failure if PDP fails to win the 2015 election because you conspired to manipulate the process to favour an unpopular candidate? Then, how would you be living with your conscience when you have finished spending the money you were bribed with and the land you were given in Abuja when it is you are left alone in your grave? What would you tell your God was the reason for these heinous acts? Akogun has really played with fire and he has been burnt by it. He has lost every iota of honour endowed on men of integrity. Shame on you Akogun, we are not proud of you anymore. A WORD FOR THE ANTI-PEOPLE I wish I have more spaces to write and reveal more for my belly is filled with jaw-opening revelations. However, if tomorrow comes, I shall say more to the world. By that time, the enemies of the state would have been defeated and thrown into the incinerator for cremation. While they are still listening, let us warn all the enemies of the state to desist from further scheming of evil to perpetrate injustice, they should allow free and fair primary election to take place. Whoever would wins should win honorably and who ever should lose should lose gallantly. There would only be one governor; all the candidates cannot be there at once, but let the process be clean and clear. It is not a crime to lose an election and there is nothing honourable in winning it the crooked way. The issue is not about whether anyone supports a candidate or not or whether a candidate wins or not, but how credible is the process that determined a winner and brought a candidate? The election cannot be won by all the candidates, only one person will win. It is the credibility of the process that would heal the wound of defeat in the heart of the unsuccessful candidates which they would rely on in canvassing for support from their core-loyalists for the victorious candidate. We cannot over emphasize the fact that some of these candidates have worked very hard to come this far, a number of them have left their jobs and abandoned other sources of income to pursue this project. If they would lose and reminiscent on their loss, let them be consoled with fragrance of honour by allowing free and fair process. Why would some lazy set of people sit and sleep on their inheritance and want to take advantage of the sweat of the co-contestants? Why would somebody who left a party for petition of unfairness and injustice want to do the same to the people that gave him soft landing from his banished party? Why would the duo of Dele and Bola treat these people dishonourably simply because there is poor hold of assertiveness from the central which they are taking advantage of? What Dele and Bola do not realize is that if they succeeded in manipulating the process at the detriment of legitimacy, they can never succeed in the general election. A WORD OF COURAGE TO THE GOOD PEOPLE OF KWARA Let me first of all thank all the authentic delegates and the good people of Kwara for standing firm against the agents of manipulation, your sweat shall NOT dry in vein. That which you have worked hard for, struggled for, risked everything for would NOT be taken away from you, Amin. Kwara is ours, in her we grow and to her we shall remain loyal to. No amount of intimidation would make us shrink; no amount of money they bring would buy our conscience, no man would thrive on us except that will pay dearly for it. It is no retreat no surrender. Please don’t ask who Abubakar Baba Sulaiman is, I am just an ordinary man fighting for the interest of the alienated Kwarans….KLM…JUSTICE!
Posted on: Wed, 10 Dec 2014 11:07:43 +0000

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