THE PAYMENT * For a trial, go to the Roman Catholic Church and pay - TopicsExpress


THE PAYMENT * For a trial, go to the Roman Catholic Church and pay your tithe this month and see; and then the following month come to Brotherhood of the Cross and Star and pay your tithe, you will see the difference immediately between other Churches and Brotherhood. BECAUSE IT IS ONLY HERE THAT THE HOLY SPIRIT OPERATES, AND IT IS ONLY FROM THAT YOU WILL DERIVE ABUNDANT BLESSINGS FOR PAYING YOUR TITHE. FIRST BIBLE LESSON: HEBREWS 7:1-2 "For this Melchisedek, King of Salem, Priest of the Most High God, met Abraham returning from the slaughter of the kings and blessed him and to him Abraham apportioned a tenth part of EVERYTHING. He is first by; translation of his name king of righteousness, and then he is also king of Salem, that is king of Peace." The orthodox Churches do not pay tithe, likewise Societies of Occultism. These do not know the value of tithe. IF YOU IN BROTHERHOOD OF THE CROSS AND STAR FAIL TO PAY YOUR TITHES, WHERE IS THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN YOU AND THE OTHERS? Brethren, for this reason, Christ said, it will be difficult for a rich man to enter the kingdom of God. If you have automobiles, you must purchase licenses for them, likewise for your bicycles, motor cycles. In addition, you must pay your tithe in all that you have, whether farms, beast of burdens, vehicles and buildings, even on your children. If you do not pay tithe on all that you possess, you are cheating God. Any person who does not pay his tithe has not seen God, he is not of God. The tithe box is before God always. This is the ark of covenant. Whatever you want will be given you from there. There is peace, health, promotion, scholarship, wealth, and all good things that you wish for yourself. It all depends on your payment of your tithe. Think of it for a moment. Brethren, God gives you ten things and He demands only one of the ten but you refuse to give Him. Have you not cheated God? Are you not lying if you say that you do not have even that one to give Him? Your payment of free will offerings, charitable offerings are all different aspects entirely, but the payment of tithe is the key to success in everything. Let our Second Bible Lesson be read. SECOND BIBLE LESSON: ROMANS 13:7 "Pay all of them their due, taxes to whom taxes are due, revenue to whom revenue is due, respect to whom respect is due, honor to whom honor is due." Brethren do you see what is before you now? You do pay your taxes, revenue and house rent, therefore you must pay tithe to whom tithe is due, and that is TO GOD. For instance, if you are blessed by God to purchase a car, you must obtain all particulars for that car. You will engage a driver whom you will be paying monthly. In addition, you may also have a mechanic and a night watchman. You will also pay for the shed to park the car. All these payments are done on behalf of the new car. WHAT OF YOUR TITHE TO GOD WHO BLESSED YOU TO PURCHASE THAT CAR? PAY ALL OF THEM. Brethren, you are not compelled to pay this tithe, because God is not interested in your car or money. But if you refuse to pay your tithe to Him automatically you have refused to have a share in the kingdom of God. If you wish to remain in Brotherhood of the Cross and Star and enjoy the full benefit therein and to realize the glory of God, then, pay your tithe. FOR A TRIAL, GO TO THE ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH AND PAY YOUR TITHE THIS MONTH AND SEE; AND THEN THE FOLLOWING MONTH COME TO BROTHERHOOD OF THE CROSS AND STAR AND PAY YOUR TITHE, YOU WILL SEE THE DIFFERENCE IMMEDIATELY BETWEEN OTHER CHURCHES AND BROTHERHOOD. BECAUSE IT IS ONLY HERE THAT THE HOLY SPIRIT OPERATES, AND IT IS ONLY FROM THAT YOU WILL DERIVE ABUNDANT BLESSINGS FOR PAYING YOUR TITHE. Verily, I say unto you, all those who do not pay their tithe are under a curse, but those who pay tithe are under grace and blessing. Do not worry yourselves to fast and to do this or that in order to achieve your needs, the payment of tithe is key. There are living testimonies of those who have tasted this joy by paying tithe. Take the case of Cain and Abel. God required both of them to make a sacrifice to Him. Cain being a farmer brought bad produce from his farm and sacrificed to God and this sacrifice was not accepted. But Abel, a shepherd lad, took out the best of his young bulls and sacrificed to God and this was pleasureble and acceptable to God. At that, Cain grew hot with anger and killed his brother Abel. He was under a curse. Can you see that clearly? Let us read the Golden Text. GOLDEN TEXT: ROMANS 15:27 "They were pleased to do it, and indeed they are in debt to them, for if the Gentiles have come to share in their spiritual blessings, they ought also to be of service to them in material blessings." If you Gentiles have been made sharers in this kingdom with full spiritual blessings, then, you are to use your material wealth in the service of God. Yester-years, the juju priest, sorcerers, witchdoctors, ate your money, etc. and there was no solution found for your problems and difficulties. Now that you have found a lasting solution to your problems in life, why not rejoice and be exceedingly glad, and grateful to God? With your material wealth, why not show appreciation to God for his grace? The only way to do this to pay tithe regularly to God. Brethren, I want to assure you once and for all that there is no other Church on the surface of this earth, or ANY HUMAN BEING WHO HAS THE LEGAL RIGHT OR RIGHT TO OBTAIN TITHE FROM YOU, WHETHER HE IS A PASTOR, A REVEREND, BISHOP, OR ARCH-BISHOP, OR A MINISTER OF RELIGION. THE ONLY ONE TO WHOM TITHE MUST BE PAID IS THE ALMIGHTY GOD. YOUR PAYMENT OF TITHE IS COMPARED TO YOUR KNOCKING OF YOUR HEAD ON THE GROUND. YOU MUST NOT DO OBEISSANCE TO ANY HUMAN BEING, NO MATTER WHAT POSITION HE OCCUPIES, BUT ONLY TO THE ALMIGHTY GOD ALONE WHOM YOU MUST WORSHIP, DO OBEISANCE TO HIM AND GIVE HIM EXCLUSIVE DEVOTION. Brethren He will not take you further. Those who have ears to hear, let them hear. May God bless His Holy Words. Amen. THANK YOU FATHER. BY LEADER OLUMBA OLUMBA OBU THE SOLE SPIRITUAL HEAD OF THE UNIVERSE BROTHERHOOD OF THE CROSS AND STAR. EXCERPT FROM THE EVERLASTING GOSPEL : TITHE PAYMENT.
Posted on: Thu, 03 Oct 2013 04:13:40 +0000

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