THE PEOPLES ECONOMY Mankind has, through a system of crafty - TopicsExpress


THE PEOPLES ECONOMY Mankind has, through a system of crafty institutions, injunctions and and proclamations been conditioned to believe that they are being done a favour when offered a job and the crumbs that come with it. The sad truth however is that those who do that are actually thieves that belong in jail for they fraudulently assigned themselves duties of controling the ppls livelihood by denying them their Godly right to proper sustainance. At PLM we shall not be moved in our believe on the superiority of the People in all matters of human organisation. Anything done supposedly for the People yet in their abscence is bound to fail. People need to be involved in the conceptualization, planning, implimentation and evaluation of their programmes and projects. The same goes for handling of the resources that the land has been endowed with. For there to be wealth or production, three factors are essential, these being Capital Goods as in machinery or infrastructure, raw materials and Labour. If one of these factors is not inplace, there can not be any production. This then shows that the factors are all equally important. It goes without saying therefore that when time comes for distribution of the wealth created ba all, all those participating in its creation must also take a full part in its distribution. The ppl need to know how much has been made and how much they should on, using methods of distribution that wud have veen agreed upon by the same ppl. The current so called citizen empowerment schemes are a mockery of the ppl. Whenever such projects are appraised, care is taken to ensure that labour costs are kept as low as possilbe, these are the anti People economics that focus more on profit than the total happiness for all. Its the People of the land who must own the Nations resources, foreign investors are highly welcome as long as they are compliant with the conditions set by the ppl. The hot potatoe of privatization that is being thrown around shud mean that its the ordinary ppl working within such entities that shall be the shareholders. They need not come with truck loads of money for that, the capital from their National bank is rightfully theirs. In an instance where the ppl know that year end dividends belong to them, productivity remains high and the operations will be jealously guarded by each and every worker. Its is they who set salary structures according to experience, academic qualifications and dedication. Botswana under the Ppls self rule wud for example utilize all its graduates to come up with a master plan of how to absorb and export labour, making feasibility studies on which products cud be produced economically at home and sold internationally. Belgium in central Europe never went through the recession because they adopted a system of for example, trading within themselves to make a final product that wud then be exported whole without the raw materials and production process relying much on the external trade forces. All parts of a vehicle wud be made locally and the finished product sold internationally at competitive prices. Botswana shud make a car, van, truck, and bus eith a bational brand name and sell it locally and all throughout the world. Africas, sitting at 3% of World trade shud signal to us that we cud make it in the global world of economies while recources still permit. On conclussion, we ar PLM are aware of other noble economic ideas that other Batswana wud rightfully suggest for this their country. We submit here that a wealth distribution system that is as transparent as the one we hereby suggest wud leave no room for corruption. Inflation will be a thin of yester century economics while production remains high due to the motivation ppl get from the knowledge that they are partners and no longer slaves of thugs eho pushed them out of their blessings. Unemployement wud also be a thing of the past as opertatives wud traverse the length and breadth of the earth looking for markets for products we might want to produce. To the skeptics: how did Japan manage to be the second largest ecovomy after USA while they have no natutal resources let alone land? We thank you for your attention.
Posted on: Sun, 19 Jan 2014 10:22:06 +0000

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