THE PERIL AND THE CONSEQUENCES OF IMPATIENCE: 1Timothy.6:6-12. Rom.15:5. Hebrews.10:35-39. The God that we serve is a God of patience and He wants all His children to manifest the attitude of patience in all things. When we talk of patience we are talking about the ability to endure without complaining or murmuring. It is the ability to bear long. We live in the world where everybody seen to be in hurry and a lot crime, evil practices because they are not ability to wait for the time of God and a lot of damages have been done because of impatient. This is the reason why the Lord is bringing this topic our way today. CAUTION AGAINST IMPATIENCE: Eccl.3:1; Ps.37:7-9; Rom.8:25; Pro.25:28; Pro.28:20, 22; Ps.40:1-3; Hebrews.6:12-15. 1Tmothy.6:9-10. Those who are always in a hurry fall into a lot of problems in life. Many people are today full of regret in their life and some are behind the bar in the prison because of their being in hurry. That is why in these passages above the Lord in his love and mercy warned us to avoid impatience. Lots of young boy and girls are in pain and regret because of their impatient in situations. CAUSES OF IMPATIENCE: Ps.73:1-16; Pro.28:20-22; 1Timothy.6:9-10; 1samuel.13:6-10. There are a lot of things that cause impatience in the life of people; we will look at some of them. (1) Desire to get rich quick. Pro.28:20, 22. (2) Pressure from people. Exodus.32:1-6. (3) Worry and anxiety. 1Sanuel.13:6-10. (4) Carnal comparism with sinners. Ps.73:1-16. (5) Position seeking. 2Samuel.15:1-12; 1Kings.1:5-9. (6) Peer influence. John.21:3. (7) Backsliding in the heart and lack of self-control. Pro.14:14; 1Cor.9:27. CONSEQUENCES OF IMPATIENCE: Numbers.20:10-11; 1Samuel.13:11-14; Gen.16:1-5, 14-16; Joshua.9:3-4, 14-16; Exodus.2:11-13; Gen.25:29-34. The consequences of impatience are too devastating and terrible. Think of the consequence of Abraham’s impatience and the state of things today in the world. Saul the first king of Israel lost the throne because of impatient. Think of what Esau lost because of his impatience. Etc. CURE FOR IMPATIENCE: Ps.119:9-11; Isaiah.49:28-31; 1Cor.9:27; Ps.57:7-9; Hebrews.10:35-39. If you are going to conquer and be free from impatience you need to take the following steps. (1) Decision and conversion. (2) Determination to wait for God’s time. (3) Discipline and self control. (4) Dependence on the leading of the Spirit of God. (5) Deal with all tendencies to be in a hurry. (6) Don’t do anything or take a decision under pressure. (7) Disassociate yourself from get rich quick friends. PLEASE READ ALL THE BIBLE PASSAGES. MAY GOD BLESS YOU AND GIVE YOU THE GRACE TO BE PATIENT.
Posted on: Wed, 12 Mar 2014 09:19:45 +0000

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