THE PERMUTATIONS ARE NOW BEGINNING TO MAKE SENSE. When Femi Olanrewaju, comments on my posts, I read and ponder deeply, because he makes sense a lot, when Agunbiade Oluwafemi, writes I can’t help but take on board what he is saying, so is Lanre Ayaoda. I like rebutting these friends’ claims, because in them, there are always something to learn and learn I always do. Quite often, we slug it out thoroughly, we do not agree all the time, but we are never disagreeable, because these fellows are enlightened and erudite enough to know what a decent and intelligible discuss is all about. Lately, I had to ponder about a lot of things and issues on fb, about the region that these my friends hailed from, this is not picking on them, but certain utterances by them bothers me. There are so many others from the Yorubas extraction, which I can’t simply be bothered with, because quite often they sound so funny and childish, so rather than take them on, I just push it away with the back of my hand. Adeyinka Grandson, is one bro, that I respect so much, I don’t agree with everything he says or does, but I totally respect his astute stand on anything he believes in. He keeps it real no matter whose ox is gored; I like that because I also have that trait in me. I had to put up a post yesterday, for some reason I did this, with these few friends in mind and as expected they did not disappoint. ‘I asked why the Yorubas, cannot field in Fashola, as a presidential candidate rather than clamoring behind the Gambaris?’’ Now it all makes sense. “Hear Femi and Agunbiade, “That OBJ, of course a Yoruba man was on the number one seat for eight years and fielding a Yoruba person again, would not fly now. I am thinking. Okay, that being the case, but for them to remain relevant, they have to field in a Yoruba person as the VP, the appendage and an attache, that means supporting a Gambari, because that is the only window of option left for them. They also went on to say, that anyone can rule Nigeria, but Jonathan has failed. This is the hypocrisy that irks me and churns my blood to such a boiling point, that I want to snap. I have asked in what ways Jonathan has failed, none has told me as yet, or given me a coherent reply or answer. I have asked this so many times but no one has told me categorically, but rather they would come up with the flummery excuse that he is “clueless’’ he has failed. If I have failed, should you not bring out the score card, and show me the questions that I have filled in the wrong answers? So this is about their region’s agenda and relevance not particularly about Nigeria. They claimed the Yorubas, ruled for a full term of eight years, but they have not told me why the Northerners that have ruled, this country for over forty years should not give someone else a chance or the real reason why they prefer a Gambari over another tribe that is not Yoruba.. Nigeria is not anyone’s “Intellectual Property’ No one has the right to rule her till eternity, so why is Jonathan the wrong person? To the Yorubas, if you are not a Gambari, you are an “Omo Igbo’’ Jonathan is seen as “omo Igbo” and should not be given a chance. Under OBJ, a Gambari, was the VP and under GEJ, a Gambari, is the VP, but what is wrong about another region ruling this country? My inferences really are not that GEJ has failed but because the Femi’s and Agunbiades, believe they must give a dog a bad name to hang it. The only reason they must hang Jonathan, is to tag him a failure and called him clueless. Amaechi, that I totally abhor his childish antics and prattling like a child’s ways, because he is so stupid that he cannot even sit still to hear himself breath, let alone think. Amaechi, that has used Rivers state money, and of course the most vocal in the “APC” project, is being scuttled now in place of Fashola’s bid. Amaechi, is now having to try so hard, staging fake rallies, all in a bid to convince the power that be that he must be the VP and that he can garner the crowd. One fb friend that has told me that he is apolitical, has openly told us now, that once Buhari has picked Fashola, as his running mate, he would become a full Buharist. So if mistakenly Buhari, picks any of the ‘Omo Igbos’ he would not support him. It’s making sense really. Jonathan, has not failed, the bigotry and endless campaigns of calumny, vilification, hatred, lies, allegories, fallacies are all propaganda, and it’s borne out of selfish bigotry and regional agenda. I fight no more, because I know the whole truth now. Kontinu, all of you for there’s a bigger force, that is me and that force says it is GEJ, till 2019, and there’s nothing you can do. I am a God, whatever I say happens. My friends are all wrong, and it is sad to know that, these people I called my friends are all ethnic bigots. Jonathan, is not Yoruba, he’s not Gambari, but a Niger Deltan, meaning he is ‘omo Igbo’ for this reason he deserves to be hated. SMDH! I am an “Omo Igbo’’ from Cross River State, an Efik lady, I would support Jonathan, not because I am an Igbo but because he is doing so well, and deserves to finish his term, in a grand style and so it shall be. Whatever it takes to actualize this, I would put up for it. Jonathan has not failed, the reason they say, he is clueless and a failure is simply because he is an “Omo Igbo” funny it took me so long to realize this, he is hated for no reason but jealousy. Get real, for he’s not going anywhere till 2019. Deo’ volente’
Posted on: Sun, 02 Nov 2014 13:02:12 +0000

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