THE PHOTOGRAPHIC JOURNEY OF DARJEELING PHOTOGRAPHIC SOCIETY- FROM NO ONE TO KNOWN. Photography as an art is very popular these days round the globe. Darjeeling being one such place has many Amateur as well as professional photographers. These photographers have been shooting and uploading photos in social media on their level best since long. But since individual efforts have limitations, the need of a united body was strongly felt and the same was discussed over several times. It was with this motive of forming a body to promote photography in the region Darjeeling Photographic Society was formed on 7th September 2014 at Shirdhi Bhawan (official address of DPS). Just a month later after its formation DPS had its first major break- The Photography exhibition at Gorkha Ranga Mancha Bhawan on the occasion of Darjeeling Cultural and Tourism Festival 2014 which was held from 8th October to 7th November 2014. DPS got huge response from the masses throughout the exhibition period. It was during this period we got in touch with Darjeeling Goodwill Centre (NGO) and we were invited to organize a Photographic Exhibition for higher secondary and college students based on the theme “Oh I love my community III” in collaboration with them on 6th & 7th of November 2014. We were invited to select all the entries and judge the winners. It indeed was an honorable task and we really were obliged. Hardly had we finished settling the frames of the exhibition, we got an invitation from the Principal of H.M.I. (Himalayan Mountaineering Institute) Colonel Chadda for running a photography exhibition at H.M.I. Museum Hall on the eve of H.M.I.’s Diamond Jubilee Celebration from 13th to 15th November 2014. As earlier ones this exhibition also turned out to be a grand success. The journey of DPS so far has been a wonderful one with lots of achievements. But the path we treaded, the road we walked and the ride itself had not been possible without the diligent support of many. Their constant help and encouragement always provides impetus to our motives. DPS extends its heartfelt thanks to Gorkhaland Territorial Administration, Darjeeling Goodwill Centre, Himalayan Mountaineering Institute, Colonel Chadda (Principal HMI) and all others involved behind these events for supporting us and for believing in us as well. DPS is also thankful to all its members for their enthusiasm. Finally, DPS wishes a very happy new year to all its members and well wishers.
Posted on: Wed, 31 Dec 2014 11:56:52 +0000

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