THE PIONEERING MANDATE OF THE GENERATIONS- As I am traveling and - TopicsExpress


THE PIONEERING MANDATE OF THE GENERATIONS- As I am traveling and also working in my local community, I am becoming keenly aware of the power of a pioneering spirit. There are the Fathers & Mothers in the Spirit who have gone on before us to dig deep wells of ministry that literally shift the course of their generation. They have received INSIGHT and a MANDATE from God to give birth to something unique and POWERFUL. Heb. 11:3- By faith we understand that the worlds were prepared by the word of God, so that what is seen was not made out of things which are visible. The word WORLDS here in the Greek, is translated as generations. The Lord gives REVELATION to men and women in order to FRAME THEIR GENERATION with a WORD! The pioneers FRAME a generation with the revelation that God gave them. There are HEALING pioneers, APOSTOLIC pioneers, REVIVAL pioneers, EVANGELISM pioneers. Men and women who lived their lives digging DEEP and releasing REALMS of The Father into the earth and transforming their generation. There are PIONEERS being RAISED up in this hour to GIVE VOICE to the HEART of THE FATHER. They are being entrusted with revelation for the people of God NOW, in this time. They are called to RELEASE fresh RIVERS and in some cases to OPEN THE OLD WELLS. Gen. 26:18- He reopened the wells his father had dug, which the Philistines had filled in after Abrahams death. Isaac also restored the names Abraham had given them. A pioneering VOICE will receive criticism and attack but the WORD keeps BURNING deep on the inside! A pioneer needs PIONEERING PEOPLE who will PARTNER in the mandate to DIG and RELEASE the WELLS. The bottom line is: TRANSFORMATION! Let’s PRESS and PIONEER, let’s DIG the NEW WELLS and also RELEASE the OLD WELLS, let’s PRAY and receive the MANDATE for our GENERATION, let’s FRAME this GENERATION with a FIERY word from HEAVEN and a FULL FORCE MANIFESTATION of the KINGDOM. Let’s honor those PIONEERS who have gone on before us and KEEP the WELLS that they dug OPEN while springing forth NEW WELLS! Push, PLOW, pray & PIONEER.
Posted on: Fri, 12 Dec 2014 16:09:55 +0000

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