THE PLAN THAT CREATED THE PERFECT STORM THATS PUTTING MIDDLE CLASS AMERICA ON THE EVE OF DESTRUCTION How the plan was put in place, and sold PHASE l: THEY CREATED FEAR 1981 - President Ronald Reagan: “As you know, the Social Security system is teetering on the edge of bankruptcy” RESULT: Vast majority of American’s call on congress and the president for an immediate solution to save social Security MISSION ACCOMPLISHED PHASE ll: THEN THEY FORMED A COMMITTEE, AND PRESENTED A SOLUTION: SOLUTION: raise Social Security taxes sufficient to avert the short term crisis, and to fund longer term obligations RESULT: In one 10 year period maximum Social Security taxes on working Americans increased by over 300% MISSION ACCOMPLISHED PHASE lll: THEY WRAPPED THE SOLUTION IN A SELLABLE MESSAGE: MESSAGE: Social Security tax contributions (overpayments) will be used to build a cash reserve to help fund the future retirement of 78 million baby boomers. This plan will save Social Security for the next 75 years RESULT – American people bought into the plan, and it was signed into law in April of 1983 MISSION ACCOMPLISHED PHASE lV: THEN THEY CREATED GOVERNMENT DEPENDENCE: HOW: Use Social Security tax increases to take the piece of working American’s paychecks that was funding their personal payroll savings, and retirement plans. Then divert that piece to a so called Government “trust” fund, and under politician’s control. RESULT: Over time millions of working Americans became more, and more dependent on politicians, and Government for their retirement income rather than their own personal payroll savings, and retirement plans. Retirement estates were no longer being built, and passed along to the next generations. This plan destroyed them. MISSION ACCOMPLISHED PHASE V: THEN THEY DESTROYED JOB CREATION: HOW: By increasing Social Security taxes, local financial institutions lost millions in personal payroll savings retirement deposits that they depended on to fund business expansion, and new business startup loans. RESULT: With their payroll savings pipeline gone, local financial institutions were no longer making loans that created millions of new good paying jobs across America. Thanks to this plan new good paying jobs were gone, and existing jobs were being lost. The money was now controlled by politicians, and K-street. MISSION ACCOMPLISHED PHASE Vl: THEN THEY TOOK CARE OF THE MORE FORTUNATE: Excess Social Security tax contributions were not being used to build cash reserves at all, they were being transferred to the general revenue fund, where retirement dollars were being used to pay general revenue fund government obligations usually paid for with corporate, and income taxes. RESULT: In 2005, $162 billion excess retirement dollar contributions were transferred, and used to pay general revenue fund obligations, 2006 $182 billion – 2007, and 08 $179 billion each year. Retirement dollars are being used to subsidize corporate, and income tax rates of the more fortunate, keeping them artificially low. MISSION ACCOMPLISHED PHASE Vll: THEY TURNED ASSETS INTO DEBT: Politicians created a new Government debt instrument unique to the Social Security trust fund known as a special obligation bond or SOB. SOBs are used to replace excess retirement dollar contributions when transferred to the general revenue fund. RESULT: Every excess Social Security retirement dollar contribution creates a new special obligation bond or SOB debt, obligating those who overpaid once to pay again, that which they’re already paid once. MISSION ACCOMPLISHED PHASE Vlll: THEN THEY COVERED UP: The 1983 Social Security reform legislation conveniently neglected to address protecting Social Security tax overpayments. This put trillions of retirement dollar overpayments in the hands of politicians, and at risk of being used for something other than intended. RESULT: In an attempt to mask the transfers, the special obligation bonds (SOBs) even though a government liability show up on the social security trust fund balance sheet as an asset, now totaling over 2.6 trillion dollars (only government can get by with calling debt an asset) MISSION ACCOMPLISHED PHASE lX: THEN THEY DIVIDED MAIN STREET AMERICA: Both political parties created their own armies of political party pimps; the Limbaughs, the Mathews, the O’Reilly, the Revs. One sides tells you I’m the bad guy. The other sides tells me you’re the bad guy. RESULT: We end up buying their books, subscribing to their offerings, calling our neighbors a name, and pointing a finger of blame at their designated culprit of the day. They’ve divided the middle class, and main street America. MISSION ACCOMPLISHED POLITICIANS SAY A RISING TIDE LIFTS ALL BOATS BUT WHEN YOU’RE NOT ON THE BOAT, ALL A RISING TIDE DOES IS PUT THE TOP OF THE WATER CLOSER TO THE BOTTOM OF YOUR NOSEf IT’S TIME FOR MIDDLE CLASS AMERICA TO RAISE OUR OWN “MISSION ACCOMPLISHED” BANNER ADD YOUR NAME TO OUR MISSION ACCOMPLISHED MAP Like it, share it, and call out your member of congress realjoeyou/#!their-plan/c6yk
Posted on: Tue, 27 Jan 2015 13:09:39 +0000

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