THE PLATFORM OF HON. ZOE E. PENNUE, 2014 SENATORIAL CADIDATE, GRAND GEDEH COUNTY BY: Sunday Wonsiah Chief of Office Staff ZEP Office OBJECTIVE I am a practical Politician with vast knowledge in Betrayal implementation and Conspiracy management. I’m an experienced Law Maker who takes advantage of situations and believe in cash empowerment; have an excellent penmanship and disregard tangible development promotion but conscious of dishing out cash to people. MISSION The mission of ZEP is to ensure that Senator Nyenabo is not re-elected and strive to be elected as Senior Senator in order to extend his job tenure and be able to stand strong and solidify his fight against the upcoming World crime Court establishment because of the Economic Crime charges against he and his Lebanese business partner. VISION ZEP envisaged to enhance the below eleven elements which he believes will help curtail and deter several persons from contesting against him in subsequent election and improve his life as well as build his economic capacity to rule Grand Gedeans: 1 To bring a company that will buy the Naio ,Gorbo and Gborho Forest from me (Zoe) so as to help me build a five story building in Tuzon 2 To lobby for a company that will pay me $10,000.00 United States dollars monthly to operate the venhyeyea hill located between the Gborho and the Gbao people without contributing any Social Development funds to Grand Gedeh County 3 To kill cows in all the eight (8) Administrative districts during every season 4 To ensure that all those contesting do not get job or other opportunities after the election so that they will not have the financial potency to run in the future 5 to plan programs that will only improve the lives of ZPMD members 6 plans to lobby for rubber signs from Ivory Coast president to improve the farmers’ lives with a stringent rules that opposition do not participate 7 to re-enforce and strengthen the Ivory Coast-Liberia border patrol team to make sure Grand Gedeans who attempt to bring war are arrested and jail for life time 8 to make sure that students that attack me do not benefit from the Education Grant from the county development funds 9 to quarantine all war lord that are from Grand Gedeh county to avoid any coup plot 10 to ensure that the Putu people are not influence by Dr. George Boley to disturb Putu Iron Ore Mining Company 11 To make sure that companies operating in Grand Gedeh remit 5,000.00 United States dollars to my account monthly so I can protect them against those troublesome Grand Gedeans
Posted on: Tue, 07 Oct 2014 18:05:19 +0000

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