THE POLITICAL CALCULATIONS WITH THE ADDITION OF ALHAJI SANI ABUBAKAR. From Friday when the supreme Court sacked UTC and return Sani Abubakar to this morning i have received more than 40 messages from those asking me what i think of the situation in Jalingo to those saying my silent means Mourning the departure of UTC and a handful teasing me saying my Man Kataps has finally gotten what Ive always wish for him.,The SSG. And of course my brother Nelson Rohilala Leneva who is an ardent fan of the Cabal(as they are known) never let me sleep. Three things are now obvious from the Supreme Court Judgement: 1.Those who thought the Cabal were fighting for Danbaba Suntai has now seen Suntai as I always say was just a tool and since they fail to get what they want through him he is finish and could be (that is if he already is not) dump and of course his greedy family who refuse to allow him recover will now know in Politics its only permanent Interest. 2.The Political calculations in the state has changed with UTC losing his incumbency factor and Darius hoping Danladi will do his bidding, of course its an open secret they fought had to bring him back when it become clear to them the Danbaba is fit dummy could not fly. Another factor in play now is the fact that Danladi too may want to contest may be under APC or PDM.( Also the calculations in the Senate and House of Reps in Central Zone will change, Initially its believe UTC is in favor of Tutare Abubakar despite the fact that Marafa Bashir (Wazirin Mambilla) is more grounded. 3.If the status qua remain the same in the composition of the delegates UTCs camp may still clinch the ticket but that is not going to be easy. Finally the situation in the state has noting to do with the interest of poor Tarabians its strictly for the selfish interest of the Politicians and of course their families. nothing is going to change the looting will continue the nepotism and bigotry the corruption and misgoverning regardless of who is there. so dont kill yourself with BP take chill water and calm down Lol. BBK
Posted on: Wed, 26 Nov 2014 09:12:44 +0000

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