THE POLITICIAN I LOVE TO BE The politicians in the first - TopicsExpress


THE POLITICIAN I LOVE TO BE The politicians in the first republic woefully failed in their duties for which they were fabulously paid. They played a negative role in public affairs and consequently collapsed their regime. Now, there is need for a new generation of more patriotic and intelligent politicians to run the public affairs of this country. We need young men and women who will be dedicated to the work of national reconstruction and will be satisfied with little reward for their duties to this country. There shall be nothing like accidental politicians for the survival and greatness of this country. Men and women, who are always prepared and of high moral integrity, can be relied on all the times. As a matter of fact, it is my ambition to be a politician when I retire from active government service so that I may be able to contribute to the progress of this country in my capacity as a legislator. As an influential politician, I shall struggle day and night to be a Susan Rice of democratic ethos and see that true democracy is established in this country. That means our constitution will be entirely democratic. In the democracy that I cherish, there will be freedom of meetings and assembly, freedom of speech and association. Elections will be free and fair and there shall be no fraudulent inducement for votes, either by rice or cash. There will be adequate regard for public opinion and constitutionalism. The news media will be free and will be able to pooh-pooh the shortcomings of the government in power without being victimized. I would like to see the opposition parties emerge very strong and efficient. Any form of despotism whether benevolent or malevolent will not be tolerated. I am not in favour of one party system while multi-party system currently practiced will not be encouraged when I finally join the folks at the spring of power. Also, nobody however influential or powerful will be able to pervert the course of justice as everybody will be amenable to law. The judiciary will be made to inspire confidence of the citizens and will be insulated from politics. No innocent man or woman will be punished unjustly. The need for a strong and united country is a primus inter pari. The old politicians only divided and ruled to entrench their powers. In my own time, I will ensure that regionalism is eradicated to pave the way for unity of purpose. The politics behind book haram will be revealed. The ravaging menace will be tamed permanently and there will be relative peace in the land. Every citizen will be free to live in any part of Nigeria without any fear. I would also make moves to ensure that Nigerian languages are held in high esteem and compulsory in our schools and colleges. I would like to see Nigeria occupying her normal place among the community of nations. First, as the true giant of African,, and as the emerging economy in the world where there are opportunities for all citizens. When I get to the spring of power, I shall not relax my efforts until unemployment is tamed in the country. I shall influence several measures to save rather than lavish spending to save and accumulate capital to create employment. Able bodied young men and women would be encouraged to embrace farming. I shall not be happy if compulsory national agricultural service for all school leavers is not made a policy of the federal government. This will create employment opportunities for idle young men and women. Laziness and crimes resulting from unemployment will be wiped away. Old politicians tried to create privileged class for themselves at the expense of the masses. As a politician, there will be a classless society. All forms of discrimination will be non existent as the gap between the privileged few and the poor masses would be bridged. No man would be allowed to amass too much wealth while many languish in poverty. The tax system would take care of such unholy dichotomy. Legislation will be passed to see that nobody has more than two houses and two cars. Everybody will be happy to be as a citizen. I will not desert my people to reside permanently in Abuja after their votes. I will call home regularly to see how they fair. Old age will not be a death penalty. Government has responsibilities on all citizens either old or young. As a successful politician myself, I would not like to have more than a car and a house. Whatever I have above my normal need will be shared among those less fortunate than I am. In order to evolve a new society, I shall make efforts to see that evils such as bribery and corruption, fraud nepotism and tribalism are wiped off. The public servant will be made to work more efficiently and honestly. The towns will be well planned and rural areas opened to good things of life. Law and order will reign supreme. Technology has changed the pattern of life in the recent time. The world is now a global village. This however may not be possible without the available network providers. I will therefore ensure that I personally sponsor a legislation to curb the network providers of their excesses. The call charge rate and bundle burning must be censored and pricing made affordable. It is disdainful to see Nigerians paying exorbitant rates on calls and data plan while those in more developed countries pay less despite their buoyant economies. I know, I am sure of the sharp contrast between saying and doing but I would ensure that people of untainted pedigree and unquestionable characters are my advisers and hangers –on. No praise-singers and no sycophants would be tolerated. I shall ensure that my promises remain my guide. So help me God!
Posted on: Tue, 29 Jul 2014 13:05:36 +0000

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