THE POLLUTION OF OUR WORK 1 John 3:8; Genesis 3 Some years - TopicsExpress


THE POLLUTION OF OUR WORK 1 John 3:8; Genesis 3 Some years ago, I was sent to work at a town called Okwana in Delta State, the village is along the river bank.As I traveled along the streams, I saw a lot of things I wish to share with you. The river use to be a wide river with whales along its shores, the river provided income for many with its sport, fishing and recreational opportunities. What I saw that was not pleasant was sewage from many homes flows into the river which causes an unpleasant odor to rise from the beaches. There were a lot of unregulated industrial waste from companies and business which flows into the river unchecked. The river was the dumping site where garbages are dumped by the people. There is also oil spillage which one can find on top of the water.This has led to the water inpure for drinking and many of the fishes had died because of the pollution. What was going through my mind was the water would groan,yearn for better days when its beauty and innocence were all it reflected. It sometimes wished it didnt know what it has known. The river may be crying to its creator Why have I become like this, why are people polluting me? Why did God allow so much waste into me? I did not ask for it, nor did I do anything to earn it, yet I am polluted. Why, my creator,have you allowed all this into my life? The creator is not giving an answer.What I want to make you realize is that those polluting the water are enjoying it, those who explore the oil are benefiting from it yet it is the poor people and the water that is suffering it. The pollution is what I call the works of the devil. 1John 3 :8 says the son of man was manifested to destroy the works of the devil. When God created the world, it was beautiful and good.Genesis 1.satan brought pollution into the world, Genesis 3:17-19. We need the spirit of God to renew the face of the earth. Psalms 104:30 You send forth your spirit,they are created, and you renew the face of the earth. Many peoples lives and business can be compared to the polluted water.Our enemies can pollute us or the work of our hands by saying bad things about us such as no one wants to patronize us.Our enemies can pollute the minds of others about us such that they do not hire us or want to have anything to do with us. The enemy can also go ahead to pollute us spiritually. This is when the spirit of hatred is transfered into us or the work of our hands. It is also possible for us to be the object of attack like Job in Job 1 and 2. The presence of a devourer can be a problem too because the devourer scatters whatever we are trying to gather . Malachi 38-11. This is in line with John 10:10 - the devil comes to steal,to kill and to destroy. 1 John 3:8 then says the son of man came to destroy the works of the devil. May Jesus destroy every works of the devil in our lives and in our works in Jesus name. Prayer 1.Give your business to God that the devourer cannot consume. Fulfill your vows and pay your tithe. 2.Pray that the devil will take whatever pollution he has put into our lives or business. 3.Removing anything that pollute your work. (Achans sins). 4.Whatever wants to make us bankrupt must die.
Posted on: Wed, 26 Nov 2014 08:55:08 +0000

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