THE POOL – Part Thirty-two Trudy woke early and stared into - TopicsExpress


THE POOL – Part Thirty-two Trudy woke early and stared into the darkness; she could hear him breathing heavily next to her. She smiled to herself and thought of Thelma and wondered what she would say if she knew. She felt him turn in the bed and his breathing grew louder; he put his arm around her waist and gently pulled her to him. As he did so, she turned to her side and felt his breath on the back of her neck. She reached for his hand and put hers on top of it. He pulled his knees up behind hers and she felt his entire body cupping hers; it was warm, it was secure, almost loving and she thought back to all those years ago in high school when boys would do… whatever it was that boys did to try and be romantic, and in their immaturity, fail miserably. Of course, as a teenager everyone was immature so it really wasn’t their fault, though they thought they knew everything about love-making. Trudy lay there, listening to the sounds of the hotel room thinking about her past, about her family and friends and seriously wondered how she had come to this place in her life. Her mother had been a typical stay-at-home mom, raising her and her two older brothers, keeping the house, going to her church circle meetings, trying to make her life seem infinitely more important than it actually was, while her father ran his local plumbing company, stayed gone a lot, stayed dirty yet kept them in an existence that was slightly above middle-class and allowed the children certain advantages that some of their friends didn’t possess. Each of them were given a new car when they turned sixteen and though money wasn’t excessive, their Christmas’s and birthdays were sometimes more lavish than not. It wasn’t until after she was grown that she and her brothers discovered Mary Alice Coombs, a woman who lived on the other side of town. She was a waitress at the small truck stop café on the edge of town, a place where for years Henry Stewman had frequented nearly every day for lunch. Henry and Mary Alice discovered each other over countless blue plate specials and all those nights when he claimed to be working late at the shop, he was actually tasting another dish out on Hwy 7. As Trudy lay thing thinking about her past she wondered why the discovery hadn’t really upset her. She loved both of her parents but it was a type of love devoid of feeling, one more of simple acceptance and awareness. Maybe it was different while growing up and receiving gifts that parents sometimes gave as an expression of it but as she got older, she somehow just settled into a realization that love is too subjective and something that is ordinary, certainly not something special. She thought of Thelma and her growing up. Her parents had worshipped her; maybe not in a tangible way but they were more demonstrative in their affections. She often observed this and at times wished for the same type of thing in her own life. Thelma’s folks didn’t have much and though she never seemed to want for anything, their middle to lower middle-class life was obvious. Both parents worked, never drove a new car and Thelma’s mother made their clothes. The only dress she ever saw Thelma in that was store-bought was her prom dress and even it was bought in a second-hand thrift store in another town. She had sewn sequins and little beads around the collar and cuffs to help make it look more new and exacting. It hadn’t worked and Thelma was embarrassed at the way it looked, though she wore it and told her mother how proud she was of it. Trudy didn’t think she would have been that nice. She felt his hand pull at her waist and then his other hand above her head slowly and gently touch her hair and stroke down through it. She closed her eyes and slightly squeezed the hand on her stomach; his breath deepened and he moved up on one elbow to turn her to him in the darkness. She felt his breath coming closer as his lips touched hers and kissed her softly and then moving, became more intense and passionate as his hand rubbed down the side of her face, to her shoulder and down her arm, reaching down behind her to bring her up off the bed and into his arms until both of them were sitting upright in the bed. She wrapped her legs around his waist and felt him grow down there until he began to penetrate her and he pulled her against him, even closer. He was so attuned to her, to her needs and wants and she melted against him as he began to make love to her all over again, moving with her, holding her, kissing her… A long time later after she’d reached every mountain peak she thought existed, her head fell back and he thrust one last time, filling her, completing her and then slowly letting her back down on the bed where he kept her to his side, pulling her head over against his chest and continued to gently and softly stroke her breasts and belly and down each leg …and in between. He pulled the covers up and continued to hold her as she drifted off and was lost to everything. Randy and Grace walked in his house and he was suddenly glad he lived in a nice neighborhood with people on each side, across the street and behind. He was afraid to admit he would not want to be living out in the country now, at least on that side of town. Grace hadn’t talked much on the ride back to his house and he wasn’t sure what he would tell her. It was all too far-fetched to tell her everything he and Mike and John Allen had experienced in the past two hours. She put her suitcase on the guest bed and her overnight bag and makeup bag in his bathroom. “Do you mind if I sleep in here?” It was almost a serious question. He walked over and put his arms around her, “Mind? You can’t sleep in the guest room; I won’t allow it.” She held him and whispered into his ear. “How long will I have to stay here?” “Don’t you WANT to stay here?” “Of course… but, well… I do have a house, you know.” “I know. Just don’t worry about it. If you need more things from home, just let me know and I’ll take you. Don’t go out there by yourself, okay?” “Do you think it’s that dangerous?” “I do. Promise me you won’t go out there without me.” “I promise. Do you think the police will find the guy?” “I don’t know. I sure hope so.” He wanted to change the subject. “Hungry?” “No, not really. You?” “Starving. You mind if we go out the Cracker Barrel? I’m in the mood for some pancakes.” “Now that does sound good. Let’s go.” They walked out and drove over to the interstate. Just as they were walking in, his phone rang; it was Mike. “Hey, what’re you doing?” “Grace and I just walked in the Cracker Barrel. What’s up?” “John wants to see us first thing in the morning. You free?” “I can be. I’ll have to run by the shop and get my boys working first but where do you wanna meet?” “At John’s office at the university. Say… nine?” “I’ll be there. Text me directions. I get confused on that campus.” “You got it.” “Who was that? I’m sorry, that’s none of my business! I’m treating you like we were still married.” She grinned and felt embarrassed. There by the stack of lady’s sweatshirts with apples appliqued on them, he touched her arm and whispered to her, “You can ask me anything and just for your information, I like the sound of that.” “What?” “Still married.” She blushed and smiled as she looked up at him. Just before he bent to kiss her—! “HEY YA’LL…HAMANY PLEASE?” The large, fair-skinned hostess with bedraggled red hair was blaring from behind her hostess stand. “Just the two of us.” She grabbed two sets of silverware and a couple of menus and before she started to the table, she wheeled around and said, “Ya’ll git in here ‘fore the Bigfoot gitcha?” Randy froze and Grace stopped to look at him. He tried to make light of the remark and laughed nervously. “What do you mean?” The waitress was acting nonchalant about it all and continued, “Aw, we been gittin’ people comin’ in here for two days sayin’ they seen a Bigfoot out by the lake and in the woods.” She put them at a two-topper in the corner and told them their waitress would be there shortly. Randy gazed around the room avoiding Grace’s look. She could tell something was wrong. “Okay, what are you not telling me?” “What do you mean?” “Don’t give me that. I saw the look on your face when she mentioned Bigfoot.” Randy looked at her straight in the face. He knew he’d have to tell her sooner or later; it might as well be now, now that she was safely in his presence and staying at his house. He really wasn’t sure how he was going to tell her and how much he SHOULD tell her. Maybe she didn’t have to know about the sounds and the thrown boulders. And yet, maybe she needed to know everything. Knowledge is sometimes much more beneficial than ignorance. Boy! Wasn’t that a deep statement, he thought to himself. She crossed her arms and said, “I’m waiting.” He opened his mouth and—. “HEY YA’LL WHAT CAN I GITCHA TO DRANK?” “Coffee.” “The same.” “CREAM?” “No thank you.” “Un uh.” “YA’LL KNOW WHATCHA WONT?” “No, could you give us some time?” “WELL, I COULD BUT WE’S CLOSIN’ IN ‘BOUT THIRTY MINUTES SO WE GOTTA KINDA HURRY.” She laughed a silly, young, immature laugh that country folks exhibit when they think they’re being really funny… and they’re NOT! “I just want pancakes.” Grace blurted. “OH-KAY! YOU WONTCHU SOME AGGS WITH THEM CAKES?” “No thank you. Just the pancakes. “BACON OR SAUSAGE? “No thank you, just the pancakes. “HOW ‘BOUT SOME GOOOD COUNTRY HAM? STICK TO YA!” Grace had had just about enough of southern charm and blurted a little too loudly, “JUST THE PANCAKES… PLEASE!” It startled the big girl who backed up and into the next table, overturning the glass hurricane shade, causing it to roll to the floor and shatter into a bazillion pieces. Instantly, a manager was there with a broom, crowding around and saying, “DON’T WORRY ABOUT A THING! WE’LL GIT THIS ALL CLEANED UP. TIFFANY HERE, TAKIN’ CARE OF YA?” “Yes, thank you.” It was all Randy could do to keep from laughing out loud but he restrained himself. The manager began sweeping and interrupting Tiffany who had now turned to Randy to get his order. “AND FOR YOU SIR?” “YA’LL HEAR ‘BOUT THE BIGFOOT OUTCHONDER?” “I’ll have the pancakes with crispy bacon, no eggs and keep the coffee coming! YEAH, THAT’S WHAT THE HOSTESS WAS JUST SAYING!” “I DON’T BELIEVE IN THAT STUFF—SOMEBODY IN A BIG OLE MONKEY SUIT.” He was sweeping the glass into a dustpan and going back to the kitchen. Tiffany left and Randy had to smile. Grace wasn’t. She continued to stare at him. “Okay, but I know this is going to sound like something out of a movie.” He paused and she didn’t change her expression. “First of all, whoever or whatever put that hole in the side of your house was a big person… somebody with almost superhuman strength.” She didn’t change her expression. “And then there is what you said about whatever it was that completely covered the window by your breakfast table.” She shivered once. “And then there was the hair that we found hanging on the broken sheetrock in your garage.” He paused a minute to let it sink in. She said, “That’s not all… what else?” “Well, we heard it.” He thought this would bring another reaction but she only commented, “A loud, long, deep guttural cry, off in the distance, echoing.” His eyes got big for a second and she continued, “I’ve heard it… behind my house, behind the wall, at night out in the woods. At first I thought it was some sort of animal. One night sitting out on the patio I had the funny feeling I was being watched. I couldn’t explain it and felt funny telling anyone about it… so I didn’t… what else?” “Well, it’s real. And I never would have believed it.” He continued to tell her about the footprint behind her wall and the boulders being thrown. She began to turn pale and he could tell she was trembling. “And that thing was standing right outside my window… nothing but a piece of glass between us.” She shivered again and he reached across the table and squeezed her hand. “I won’t let anything happen to you.” “What now?” “Well, I’m meeting Mike and John in the morning at the university. Apparently John has found something. “MORE COUFFEE?” She was standing there, closer to Randy than to Grace. She didn’t want to feel the ire of that woman again. “Yes please.” She poured and left the table. “How?” “Who knows.” “And you know what I find… I don’t know… funny about this?” He shook his head. “You and Mike and this John guy are not half-cocked, ignorant, attention-getters who would be the first ones to get in front of a TV camera and broadcast to the world that they’d seen Bigfoot. “I know. I’m glad that Mike was there since he does work for the police department and especially John since he is a scientist, well, more or less. I guess a professor of zoology is considered a scientist.” “HERE’YAR! YA’LL WONT MORE SUR-UP?” “Keep it coming, just like the coffee.” She laughed out loud. They could have heard her in Waco! “AWW THA’S SOMETHIN’ I’S JUST GONNA AST YA IF YA DID.” She left and returned with the coffee and poured. “Remind me to never come here at night again.” Randy grinned at her and they began to eat. Brice left her sleeping in the bed and went to shower. He scrubbed the night of lovemaking and the smell of French perfume from his hairy body, dried off, dressed and wrote her a short note. He then grabbed his bag and slipped out without waking her. Minutes later he was in the rental car and darting down unknown streets, his GPS directing him downtown to the square where he parked and waited. He saw the man appear at the corner and light a cigarette. He took three puffs, dropped it, stomped it with his right foot, reached up with his left hand and brushed the side of his face before looking straight ahead, down at the pavement, straight ahead again and turning around to do the same thing in the opposite direction. He then took out another cigarette and as he was lighting it, turned and momentarily stared at Brice’s car. Brice, cranked the motor and pulled away from the curb as the man left the corner. Brice drove back to the hotel and eased back into another room… his room where he sat in a chair and made some notes at the desk. The early morning sun was coming up and all was going according to plan. Time changes aside, he wasn’t leaving anything to chance. They’d come too far this time. He finished, packed his one small bag, left the hotel and took a cab to the airport. It would be a long flight but he had plenty to think about. Buzz had been to Dallas for some meetings, left later than he’d planned and was determined that the next time he had meetings, he’d take the Southwest shuttle from Little Rock instead of driving the six hours out there and back. He had briefs and was in a sweat to get back to the office to start the new case. It was well after midnight when he crossed the Arkansas border in Texarkana and knew he should have stopped at the new rest stop to pee. He’d had a couple of beers with dinner and they were still weighing heavily on his bladder. He saw the sign for the rest stop just past the Prescott exit and looked at his watch… one-fifteen. It was nearly empty, lit with only one dull streetlight at the edge of the parking lot, no cars parked and only two eighteen-wheelers out by the highway, their motors softly humming, keeping their occupants safe and cool and protected from the creatures of the night. He swerved into the parking lot, threw his car into park, grabbed his keys and ran toward the restroom. “Man, the skunks are out tonight!” He said to himself as he pulled on the door to the building. He walked to the nearest urinal, unzipped and suddenly the entire back wall of the building shook. He whirled around and was peeing out in the middle of the room. The aroma from outside was almost tangible now, coming in the windows positioned high up on the wall. It was worse than anything he’d ever experienced before. He shoved his penis back in his pants, zipped and went to the door. He pushed it open and there in the distance he saw a large human-like form walking across the parking lot. What was it? It was huge, maybe ten feet tall, four feet across at the shoulders and there was something about the way it moved, it… it didn’t seem quite human somehow. Fear seized him as the creature approached the cab of the truck, out beyond his car maybe a hundred and fifty feet away. Buzz eased the door shut so it wouldn’t slam. He knew he had to get to his car and get out of there. “What was that thing” He continued to think to himself. The creature walked around the front of the cab and on around to the interstate side of the truck. Buzz started running, all the while bending low to see where the creature’s legs were on the other side of the truck. He was suddenly glad he hadn’t locked his car. He reached it just as the creature stopped and when he turned to get in, his breath which was already coming in very short spurts was almost blown out of his chest. There, standing by the door of the restroom was another one, equally as big, almost towering over the eave of the building and coming toward him. Buzz slid into the seat, cranked the car, slammed it into reverse and shot backwards. Just as he pulled the shift into drive, both creatures let out with a roar, cutting through the night air, through the glass windows and every hair on his body stood at attention. He stomped the accelerator just as both creatures reached the back of his car. He looked in the rearview mirror and saw both creatures not ten feet from his back bumper, running, chasing him. They were no match for the horsepower under his hood and he quickly out-distanced them, one hundred feet, two hundred, three, swerving out onto the interstate where he continued to glance into his rearview mirror and finally saw them stop and jump down into the ditch and were gone. He was still breathing heavy and flying down I-30. He was still shaking as he exited the interstate in Arkadelphia and headed toward town. The one thing that bothered him about this was that no one would ever believe him.
Posted on: Fri, 20 Sep 2013 13:57:06 +0000

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