THE PORTION OF THE KINGS MEAT Although I have stumbled on this - TopicsExpress


THE PORTION OF THE KINGS MEAT Although I have stumbled on this times without number, yet, the insight received of late from it is superb and i wish to share it with the general populace. If Pastors should handle this topic extracted from the wise book of Daniel, no matter how stony your heart might be, there will definitely a sobriety reflection in your life that will make you checkmate your life and question yourself if you are fit for His kingdom. But do you know the unfortunate part of it is that some so called ministers of God whose judgement does not lie in my hand flout this part intentionally, perhaps, it does not apply to them. They always see themselves as not part of the congregation each time they preach (Heb. 4:12). It is in this generation I see Pastors stylishly cursing members for not paying tithes and offerings as at when due. It is in this generation I see Pastors settling disputes in the court of law. It is in this age I see Pastor fighting to becoming the Chairman of his street. It is in this dispensation I see Pastors being ordained on the premise of fluency, affluence, literacy,.... It is in this generation I see Pastor vying for political office upon the notion that God sent him (God can sent him but never at the wrong time because He is not and will never be a failure). When Daniel purposed in his heart not to defile himself with THE PORTION OF THE KINGS MEAT, I am sure of the fact that he never bothered about the earthly nourishment which will take him nowhere but rather, he concentrated on the heavenly MANNA (Word of God) which profiteth more. If you will agree with me, the way the WORLD has usurped the CHURCH today will leave people with no doubt that most Pastors have not only eaten the portion of the kings meat but also turn it to a means of extorting blindfolded members who knew not the truth or some who knew the truth but finds it difficult to stand by it, thereby making themselves slaves. The Church, today, has become a place where all kinds of goods are being sold without fear of GOD. THIS IS A CLARION CALL TO THE CHURCH TO WAKE UP WHERE WE HAVE SLUMBERED AND SLEPT...
Posted on: Mon, 22 Dec 2014 19:56:23 +0000

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