THE POWER OF FAITH God is a Spirit so we worship God in spirit - TopicsExpress


THE POWER OF FAITH God is a Spirit so we worship God in spirit and in truth. And God created Man in his own image and likeness and so; if God is spirit, Man is also spirit. Man is a spirit, he has a soul and lives in a body or fresh . If that Man is a Christian, his body or fresh is the Temple of God where the Holy Spirit or Christ lives in. So as Christians, if Christ is in you, you...are the hope of glory, you are the light of the world, you are the salt of the earth . the glory that was in Christ Jesus is in you then you have overcome the world . Paul said Christians should live and walk by Faith and for without Faith, it is impossible to please God. By Faith God created this world. And us followers of Christ, we operate in the spirit through Faith. A Faith that cometh by love through Christ Jesus. God gives us the written word to help us to be trained in the things of the spirit so that our spiritual life may be perfected. So you can learn how to walk and live by faith as God tells us in His written word( the Bible ) Man shall live by Faith . Faith is a gift from God. Everyone who is born again have faith. Romans 12:3 (Says through the grace given to me, to everyone who is among you , not to think of himself more highly than he ought to think but to think soberly, as God has dealt to each one the measure of Faith ). Then you grow the faith which God has given to you, by studying the word of God(the Bible) believing it and applying it in your personal life ; and it can become a giant faith (big) and you can do great things as Jesus told his disciples that, If you have a Faith as I have ;you can say to this mountain move into the sea and it will obey you and also about the demonic spirit on the young boy that the disciples couldn’t heal, when Jesus came He said to his disciple ; you men of little Faith and for how long will you grow in Faith . The Bible says in Jude :20. Speaking in an unknown Tongues build up your faith. So speaking in tongues build and grows your faith, So it is important to speak in tongues when you are praying, It charges your up, and stir up the faith in you by the power of the Holy Spirit inside you God want everyone of us to be a champions and is a fact of life, and is true . God doesn’t want any of us poor or sick. He wants us strong, sound, prosperous and successful. It is His dream for his children. Why do you think God wants you well? God want us well so we can take dominion in this world as Adam ( the first Man) lost the right to the devil when he sinned against and did not ask for forgiveness of sins and blamed the problem on the woman. So when Man fell, Satan took over and dominate the world as Adam should have done, Satan took the right from Adam and So Jesus had to come to restore what Adam lost, so in the Bible Jesus Christ was the second Adam which came for the restoration . 1 Corinthians 15:21-22 says For since by a man comes death, by a Man also comes resurrection of the dead and For as in Adam all die, even so in Christ all shall be made alive. Child of God think big, think different. Learn to become possesses and be grounded in the things of God. Get big and refuse to be small. The word of God will make you a champion. It will destroy all the buries of the devil and take you through . 2 Corinthians 4:13 And since we have the same Spirit of Faith , according to what it is written ,I believed and therefore I spoke; we also believe and therefore speak ) That’s the spirit of faith working in you, no weapon functions against you shall prosper. Some Christians can’t be happy if things are going bad in their lives. It may be their work or their finances. The trouble is; If you are not happy !, those things cannot change. As Christians; your happiness should never depend on what is happening to you or around you. Your happy spirit conditions what is around you. It detect what happens from the state on your spirit (inside) and that where the Faith too is . Don’t let the bad things affecting you take over or affect what happens in your spirit(inside) People thinks, if things are going well, be happy! And is true but the reason why things are not going well is you did not learn to be happy all the time. When did the devil came from then? A loop hole you opened it up some where in your heart (doubt or fear) so it overshadow the Faith you have in God. Christians, Learn to be happy every time, You saw a little thing and you let that sadness to change your mind. Your state of mind will open a large door for Satan so Christians change from the inside first and the outside will also change . Philippians 4:6 says Be anxious for nothing , but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanks given, let your requests be made known to God. As Christians, Let the word of God becomes your confession. The word is the joyful celebration not to obey but we do the word. The word is a mirror, you look at it and do or act the word. The more you looks; the more you change and the more Faith you have in God, so study the word and believe in the word and Do or apply the word in your Christian life. If the situation is going to change then it is going to be by your measure of Faith you have in Christ Jesus. God said the measure of Faith, So it is the same Faith giving to everyone who becomes a child of God So if your Faith is small then grow or increase it up. A baby Christian can’t perform miracles because he or she has small Faith . example is the disciples of Jesus. But when Jesus died and the Holy Spirit came, the disciple were empowered and their Faith was strengthen and they were no longer babies in Christ but grownup and a born again Christian has the Holy Spirit in him or her so grow your Faith and the Holy Spirit will take charge or control, example like a normal baby may have two legs but crow and learn how to stand before he or she can walk and is the same as Christian. Child of God grow in Faith and your prayer life will change and you will do what God want us to do, is to go spread the Gospel and heal the sick and do so many great things in his name and do greater than He did on earth
Posted on: Sun, 09 Jun 2013 13:47:53 +0000

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