THE POWER OF PERSISTENCE IN PRAYER LK 11:5-13 Victory, - TopicsExpress


THE POWER OF PERSISTENCE IN PRAYER LK 11:5-13 Victory, success, and achievements are basically end-products of an irresistible Will-Power of continuity. Hence, it is said Winners never quit and quiters never win. In our Gospel Reading as above Jesus reveals to us d secret of persistence in prayer. He says if u go to ur friend to ask something of him and he is not ready to give u bcos its night and he/she is already@ bed with children, u should not gv up but knock continuously pleading with him to help u since he is d only option. Even if he or she is complaining dat u are disturbing, do not be discouraged rather raise d degree of ur persistence to d level of d need. Even if he would not gv u as a friend he will gv u due to ur persistence so as to hv peace. In Is.62:6-7 d prophet urges those who mention d Lord to gv him no rest until he establishes dem as a praise on earth. Its not yet over, why expiring? Keep praying on and on and on! U cannot be on a race- track and stand still yet hoping to will d race. In fact get d full meaning of d term prayer. P- persistence R- running A- and Y- yearning for E- everlasting R- restoration Thus, ur persistent running and yearning for everlasting restoration shall never be in vain. In ds prayer adventure God shall restore to u in double folds all dat d enemy has stolen from u and establishes u back in ur Garden of Eden eternally. For he who asks shall be given, who seeks fines and who knocks d door shall be opened unto ....
Posted on: Thu, 09 Oct 2014 08:31:15 +0000

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