THE POWER OF PRAYER Scientifically Verified This information is taken exactly word for word from a track that John G Lake’s daughter (Gertrude Reidt) gave me (Mel Bond, Pastor) back in 1982 when she was staying at our home while she and her husband (Wilford Reidt) were doing some meetings at our church in Wentzville Missouri. N. J. Stovall, prominent American scientists, was formerly known as an atheist. Together with other scientists he worked for many years to bring light and clarity to the hidden secrets of atomic science. In doing so, he often trod paths which were until then unknown and made discoveries which not only benefited science, but also changed his view of life. We leave it to him to tell us about some of his experiences: I was a cynical atheist who believed that God was only a projection of man’s imagination. I was not able to believe in a living divine being, who loves everybody and has power over us. One day I was working in the large laboratory of the clinic I was burdened with the task of measuring the wave-length and force of the radiation of the human brain. I agreed to undertake a delicate experiment with my coworkers. We wanted to examine what occurs in human brain while passing from life to death. For this purpose, we had chosen a woman who had suffered from a deadly brain cancer. In soul and spirit she was perfectly normal and was generally known for her loving cheerful attitude. Physically, however, she was in very poor condition. We knew that she was about to die, and she also knew. We had been informed that we were concerned with a woman who had lived believing in Jesus Christ as your personal Redeemer. Shortly before her death we placed a highly sensitive recorder in her room. This instrument would reveal what was going to happen in her brain during the last moments of her life. Above the bed we additionally placed a tiny microphone to enable us to hear what she said, should she at all speak ere passing away? An overwhelming experience Meanwhile we went to the adjoining side chamber. We chose five sound scientists of whom I was probably the most moderate and hard hardened. We stood waiting before our instruments in suspense. The indicator was on, and was able to move up to 500 degrees to the right in positive registration and up to 500 degrees to the left in negative registration. Not long before, we had measured, with the help of the same apparatus the output of a broadcasting station which was broadcasting a program 50 kilowatt strong into the ether. It concerned the message which would be carried around the world. During the test we noticed a positive reading of 9 degrees. The last moments of the dying woman appeared to have arrived. Suddenly we heard her praying and praising God. She implored God to forgive all those who had wronged her during her life. Then she gave full expression of her faith in God by saying, I know that you are and will remain the only reliable source of power for all your creatures. She thanked him for his strength with which she had supported her all her life and for the assurance that she belongs to Jesus. She proclaimed to him that in spite of all her sufferings, her love for him and not diminished. In recollection, of the pardon of her sins through the blood of Jesus Christ, her words revealed an incredible bliss. Finally she exulted in enjoying in knowledge that she was soon to see her Savior. We stood around our instruments deeply moved. We had already forgotten what we really wanted to investigate. We glanced at each other and were not ashamed of our tears. I was so gripped by what I had heard that I was compelled to weep as I had not done since childhood. Suddenly, while the woman continued to pray we heard a clicking sound from our instruments. Looking at them we found the indicator to be at 500 degree positive and continually beating against the limitation. The radiation energy must have exceeded the scale of our instruments. Only the small limitation needle hindered the indicator from climbing higher. Our thoughts raced. We had now, with the help of the technical survey, made a tremendous discovery: the brain of a dying woman, who was in contact with God, developed the power which was 55 times stronger than the output of the world wide broadcast message. Here one is reminded of the statement Dr. med. Alexis Cartel the Nobel Prize winner made, (“that prayer is the strongest form of generative energy. “ ) To continue our observation we unite ourselves once more in a new experiment This time we chose an almost insane man. After we had set our instruments again, we ask the nurse to irritate the patient in some way. The man reacted with insults and swearing. As if that did not suffice, he made ill use of the name of God in a blasphemous way. Again our instruments began to click. Our eyes were fixed to the scale in suspense. How shocked we were to a certain that the indicator was on 500 degree negative and had been forced against the limitation needle! We had reached the goal of our discovery. Through instrumental measurement we had establish what occurs in human brain while transgressing one of the 10 Commandments. We had succeeded in proving scientifically without doubt the positive power of God and in negative power of the evil one. Very soon it became clear to us that a person living according to divine laws and in contact with God radiates the power of God. However by ignoring God’s command, “thou shall not... “One finds as a result the negative radiation, which is a satanic force. At that moment my atheistic philosophy of life began to crumble. The thought overwhelmed me: could there not be a God after all, was able to receive the message sent to him in prayer? In that case even I was standing before the omniscient God. The foolishness of my unbelief continues to become more clear to me. Since I wanted to be honest with myself, I could not close out the penetrating truth. Thus I became a happy disciple of Jesus, who learned to believe in Jesus Christ as his personal Savior. Today I know that the Halo which the artist have painted around the head of Jesus is not an artistic fantasy, but a divine reality. What a delivering force radiated from Jesus and is still doing so today. The same powers should be revealed in the life of the redeemed, for Jesus said,”you will receive power after the Holy Spirit has come upon you, and you will be my witness”. Acts 1:8, how much we all need the strength of God in the battle against the forces of darkness. As a former atheist I think God that he filled me, the unworthy one, with his Holy Spirit and his power. Dear reader, how would the indicator of the scale react in your case? If you know that it would indicate negative, then I implore you to come to Jesus Christ, because he had said: “come unto me all ye that labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest” (Matthew 11:28). God Bless! Oceans of Unconditional Love in Jesus!
Posted on: Fri, 26 Sep 2014 15:27:29 +0000

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