THE POWER OF PRAYER! THANKS BE TO THE LORD! At 1am this morning.. Mr said, I had to sit up in the bed really fast.. and all of a sudden, peace and ...... breath! He is 50% better than yesterday and can now breathe without oxygen and is up and walking to the restroom and down the hall.. GO AHEAD SHOUT AND PRAISE!!! I DID RIGHT THERE IN HIS ROOM!!!!! The doctor said, his progress over night is wonderful -- I call it miraculous ! And............ ready? He is going to come home TOMORROW AFTERNOON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! GO AHEAD SHOUT ................ and again............... AMEN AND AMEN!!!!!!! He has to eat low salt non sugar blah blah blah food for a few months, lose a few pounds and walk a lot.. recovery is hard and long -- 3 months.. but it will be fast. The Fourth of July is the goal.. for now.. we take one step at a time.. and pray to Jesus we have no infections or set backs.. (which we must prepare for .. Mr had a rough go and some complications) While his lungs do have some fluid they hope with medication and exercise this will resolve.. I have to monitor him , take his temp and all that good stuff..and thankfully I will be here to do it. He said he cant wait to hijack my FB page and thank you all so much .. I know you will be here with me.. and I also know that you and I both, cant wait until things are back to normal both in my life and on my page! I will not keep updating my page on his day to day issues.. as I know it is overwhelming to your streams.. I will however, let you all know when I am having a REALLY bad day (as if I dont anyway right?!) .. But for tonight........ if you are a believer .. Thank Jesus! Keep up the prayers.. and know that HE IS YOUR HEART , so take good care of it........... FINALLY some good news.. could things change? surely yes.. but for now, I am , for the first time in a week........ breathing on my own. That is, until I am ready to tell him to drink his Diet Dr. Pepper and hush... ;)
Posted on: Tue, 08 Apr 2014 19:38:40 +0000

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