THE POWER OF PROPER NUTRITION AND EFFECTIVE EXERCISE Every three months or so, I see my general primary care physician for a routine examination because I have a cholesterol issue. Since 2006, I have been seeing my doctor for these exams. Frankly, between 2006 and 2012, I used to DREAD going to these exams because I knew what my doctor would say toward the end of each exam: “Gary, you have to get your weight under control. Otherwise, you’ll continue to be at risk for heart disease.” Between most of those years, I had a 40 inch waste and, at almost 5 feet 11 inches tall, weighed almost 240 pounds. In short, I was EASILY 50 pounds overweight and had almost no muscle development. Although I understood that I needed to take better care of myself, I did not know precisely what to do to improve my health status. I was lost. As a man, it was hard for me to admit that I needed help, and that I was spiraling out of control. Fast forward to May 2013. After discovering P90X and, more importantly, committing to proper nutrition, I transformed myself into a person who I never thought I could be: fit, healthy, and super energetic. Presently, I weigh 172 pounds, have a 31/32 inch waist, and enjoy a low body fat percentage. In addition, and more importantly, my blood work has been “so good” for more than a year that my doctor first reduced my cholesterol dosage by half and is now “extremely open” to taking me off such medication entirely. (He would still continue to closely monitor my blood work because some cholesterol issues are generic, not entirely health and fitness related.) Last month, something wildly unexpected happened: my doctor, who is in decent shape, asked me for fitness advice and, in doing so, shared highly personal details with me about his own health status (e.g., he suffers from arthritis in his left shoulder)! You read that correctly. Initially stunned, I sat quietly for about two seconds. “Is MY DOCTOR asking ME for fitness tips?” I thought. Yes, he was. Then, I composed myself, asked him a few probing questions (which he happily answered), and launched into concrete advice that he could apply to his weekly workout routines. Apparently pleased, he smiled and said, “I’ll give those things a try. I’ll also let you know if I want to try P90X or some other Beachbody program.” Why I am sharing this story with you? The reason is that I demonstrate – not merely say -- this simple point: proper nutrition (the most important component of the health and fitness equation) and effective health can transform lives. I am living proof of that.
Posted on: Thu, 27 Mar 2014 13:01:38 +0000

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