THE POWER OF TAUBAH!!! (A True Story) It was Ramadan There was - TopicsExpress


THE POWER OF TAUBAH!!! (A True Story) It was Ramadan There was a women in Karachi, whos profession was to manage a brothel located very near to a local mosque. The disgrace of making a living by engaging in unlawful intimate body contact with opposite gender is not enough but to manage a group of women to arrange such meetings. Astagfirullah. A student named Amjad of a famous scholar (Shaykh Tariq Jameel) met with this ladies son and befriended him. In approaching him Amjad gave him a cassette of Shaykh Tariq Jameels lecture and told him to listen to it. That very day the son of the lady went home and played this cassette. His mother was too ears dropping in the lecture whilst taking on her household chores. As the cassette was playing she came up to her son and said, Son play it, I want to listen. The son played it. She listened to it very attentively. She said again Son play it again. Again she completed listening to the lecture and turned to her son and said Son play it again. This being the third time listening she asked her son who is he? Her son replied I dont know mum. She asked further who gave it to you?. He replied The scholar from the mosque, my friend Amjad. At that very moment she took her son and they went to the mosque. The people of Karachi completed their Taraweeh prayers and just left the mosque. The lady asked aloud I would like to meet with the imam. At the request the imam (Amjad) came to meet with her, and the lady asked did you give this cassette to my son? The imam replied yes. She asked who is the speaker?. The imam replied my teacher. She asked whats his name?. The imam replied Tariq Jameel. She continued to say he said in the lecture that, no matter how many sins and how big of a sin one commits, if you repent you will be forgiven. Will my repentance be accepted, after all you know what profession I am in? The imam replied Ofcourse Miss, everyones and anyones repentance is accepted. She proclaimed then I make you my witness today, I repent in front of Allah. From the next day she started attending the mosque for Taraweeh prayers everyday. Everyday since then she will make supplication aloud in the ladies section Oh Allah, if my repentance is accepted then raise me, Oh Allah, if my repentance is accepted then raise me, Oh Allah, if my repentance is accepted then raise me. In the last 10 days of Ramadan, in on the odd night of the 29th, in prostration Allah (Sublime is He) granted her death. Yes brothers and sisters Allah listened, Allah in the position of prostration granted her death.... Granted her death, in the position of prostration. ALLAHU AKBAR!! ALLAHU AKBAR!! ALLAHU AKBAR!! This lady all her life she supplied women to unlawful intercourse, and this very women asked Allah to forgive her and raise her, and look what our Lord decreed upon her. SunhanAllah. Brothers and sisters I read this story and I was moved, my tears became uncontrollable. Taubah is such a virtuous act, and the taubah done with sincerity and regretful ness is most pleasing to our Lord. We must remember no matter how big or small the sin, whether done openly or in private, if we turn to Allah His doors of mercy is much greater. It is never too late brothers and sisters never too late!! —
Posted on: Mon, 10 Mar 2014 07:00:31 +0000

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