THE POWER OF THE SECOND HALF Ecclesiastes 9:11 says, "I have - TopicsExpress


THE POWER OF THE SECOND HALF Ecclesiastes 9:11 says, "I have observed something else in this life of ours. The fastest runner doesn’t always win the race, and the strongest warrior doesn’t always win the battle. The wise are often poor, and the skilful are not necessarily wealthy. And those who are educated don’t always lead successful lives. It is all decided by chance, by being at the right place at the right time". (NLTV). In 1989, I watched a FIFA under 21 World Cup semi final soccer match between Nigeria and Soviet Union in Saudi Arabia. In the first half of this memorable match, Soviet Union scored four goals against Nigeria. When we saw that we decided Nigeria had a bad day. But when the second half of the match resumed, the Nigeria team got their acts together, scored four goals against the Soviet that was leading them by four goals in the first half. The Nigerian team eventually won the match by nine goals to seven on penalty shoot out and went to the final of this world cup. When I saw this miracle of a match the scripture above became a reality to me. Ecclesiastes 10:7, I have even seen servants riding like princes-and princes walking like servants. Some years later I saw another interesting boxing bout between Mike Tyson and James Buster Douglas. Twice in this match Tyson knocked down Buster Douglas, but before the end of the 15th round Buster Douglas the man who was knocked down twice earlier recovered and knocked out Mike Tyson and he became the world champion that day. Unbelievable things do happen on earth. And this also brought the next scripture to light in my spirit. Matthew 24:13, "But those who endure to the end will be saved". (NLTV) My question now is from what will those who endured to the end be saved? Then I found out that they will not only be saved from sin or destruction but also from shame, disgrace, poverty, sickness, bareness, failures, sudden death, depression, oppression and from the powers of their enemy because they endured the pain of affliction and they did not give up but continue to fight till victory is won (appointed time of God’s visitation). This is what Jesus said about the second half in Mark 10:31 "But those who seem to be important now will be the least important then, and those who are considered least here will be the greatest then". (NLTV) In these two matches I saw that a knock down is not a knock out. I also found out that those losses we incur in the journey of life, disappointments, rejection, debts, loss of jobs, unfulfilled dreams and visions and betrayals is not the end. It is an opportunity for the living to rest, examine where you have missed it, correct yourself and move on in life to greater achievements, if you go on with God. It also provides you with a chance to draw close to God of a second chance and of second half. You see your first half may be a time of testing, trials and preparation. It may even be a time of spiritual warfare that was so tough and you about to give up. Your situation may be saying it is over for you since all that you have worked hard to get didn’t come and your so many prayers remained unanswered. But the truth is, it is not over until God says it is over. Why don’t you take advantage of the life in you and the privilege of seeing the second half of this year to press forward a little more and win the price of the race of life set before you? Now that we are in the second half of year 2013, make up your mind that this is your chance to pursue, overtake and recover all you have lost and the ones denied you by the enemy. Look forward to the promises of God to you with greater expectation to receive them all without fail. The reason you are not dead yet is because God has not finished with you. Your future is bright and great, so pursue it hard and you will be crowned as new champions before the end of the second half of this year. David got back everything the Amalakites had taken, and he rescued his two wives. Nothing was missing: small or great, son, or daughter, or anything else that had been taken. David brought everything back. 1Samuel 30:18(NLTV). Why? Because David pursue, overtake and he recovered all. I encourage you to fire on with the energy of God in you. If you don’t stop pursuing God will not stop helping. In the end you would say, this is the Lord’s doing and is marvelous in our eyes. This message is for potential champions who can see through the eyes of the Spirit of God and in His Word that they have a future to pursue. May this second half of the year bring back your losses, renew your strength, fulfill your expectations and bring you into your land that flows with milk and honey in Jesus name Amen. It is well.
Posted on: Sat, 06 Jul 2013 12:53:23 +0000

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