THE POWER OF YOUR IMAGINATION Man is a spirit, he has a soul nd - TopicsExpress


THE POWER OF YOUR IMAGINATION Man is a spirit, he has a soul nd lives in a body. Man is not a soul neither is he a body. Man is a spirit. The spirit of man is d real person, which has a soul nd lives in a body. Your body is not d real u. D real u is your spirit; so u are a spirit that possesses a soul nd lives in a body. Some people think that the spirit nd d soul are the same nd are used interchangeably. No! They are not d same nd are not used interchangeably. The Bible clearly reveals that man is a spirit, he has a soul nd lives in a body (1st Thess. 5: 23). Some hav called man tripartite being jst bcos of d way it is put in d book of Thessalonians. Well they are trying to let u know dat man is in three parts- spirit, soul nd body which is still ok but not good enough.I dont like using d word tripartite to describe man bcos it doesnt give d clear picture of what I am trying to say. Man is a spirit. He has a soul nd lives in a body.God communicates to ur spirit,d real u which influences ur soul for understanding, then ur body carries it out. At times d Bible uses d word soul in anoda sense to mean a person in his entirety or human being. For example, d Bible says d soul that sins shall die. It simply means dat any person (human being) dat sins shall die. Wen a Christian says I am winning souls, it means he or she is saving human lives or human beings but actually it is their spirits that are changed as they accept Christ. God changes a mans heart by him accepting Jesus Christ as his Lord nd personal Saviour. At this time, d soul does not change. The body does not change. You still have d same body u had b4 u gave ur life to Christ. Your body is still d same. We are still waiting for d redemption of our body. Our mortal body will become immortal. Dont be decieved by thinking dat ur body can become immortal now. It is not TRUE. Anyone dat tells u dat is going too far. Of course, d life of God can b so manifested in your body but it does not make ur body immortal now. D Bible clearly says that our body will b changed or become immortal at d time of rapture (1 Corin. 1:49-54).To say u hav an immortal body now is heresy. A persons soul too does not change at dat time. Salvation will change his heart or spirit (the heart nd spirit are used interchangeably in d Bible bcos they are d same) nd can even affect his soul to think about God now but it wont change it. All the knowledge,negative thoughts nd beliefs u hav accumulated nd acquired in d world are still in your soul, stored up in ur mind. All these must b flushed out nd replaced with d truth. Dat is why d Bible says u should lay aside all filthiness nd every overflow of wickedeness nd recieve with meekness d engrafted word, which contains power to save your souls (James 1:21).U see, it is d word of God dat is able to save your soul. The word of God will renew your mind. D Bible says u should not b conformed to this world but dat u should b transformed by d renewing of ur mind (Rom. 12:2). Only d word of God will do that. Prayer will not renew your mind. It is d word that will change ur mind. D word will take away every unwanted thoughts. It will cause you to start thinking about the things that are honest, good, just and of good report. The word has power to change or transform ur soul or mind. The soul comprises d mind, d will nd d emotion. The mind is your thinking faculty. The will is where u use to decide or choose nd d emotion is where u feel. The word of God is able to save all these three areas of ur soul as u study and practice it. Now we are talking about d power of imagination. I hav to establish the fact dat man is a spirit, which has a soul nd lives in a body so dat I can tell u where imagination comes from. Imagination comes from your mind. The part of your soul dat imagines is your mind. That is where u imagine things. U see, God can show u things in ur inner man or ur spirit but it is your mind dat u will use to imagine it. God speaks to ur spirit which influences ur mind for understanding or for imagination. You start pondering upon it in ur mind. U can even start dreaming of what to do or become in ur mind. You hav to engage your mind nd put it to work. D great enterprises nd companies u see today started from peoples minds. They imagined what they would do nd came to achieve it. Look at d power of imagination in Genesis 11:1-8. The Bible says behold the people is one nd they hav all one language; nd this they begin to do: nd nothing shall be restrained from them, which they have imagined to do. God could not stop them from imagining.Bcos what they imagined was not right God had to confound their language so that they would not understand each other nd stop building. They wanted to build a city nd a tower that wud reach heaven.They wanted to make themselves a name.That was what they imagined to do. And bcos God could not stop them from achieving what they had imagined to do, He confounded their language so dat they wont understand one anoda. That was d only way God could stop them. Now imagine if u hav a positive imagination. You can achieve many things by dat nd God wont stop you. There is power in your imagination. You can paint d picture of your future from d scripture. Imagination can b broken down to mean imagine a nation. You imagine ur own nation. You dream your own dreams. You dream about ur own future. You can dream about your own company. You can dream about your own house. You can dream about becoming d richest man. You can dream about having a succesful marital life. You can dream about affecting lives with the Gospel. You can dream about traveling. What u see is what you get. Some have d dream of traveling out to better their lives. I dont start preaching to them not to travel or that it is a must they stay in Nigeria or wherever they are to make it. Some people are destined to travel b4 they make it while some are to make it here.It depends on where God wants u to be or d vision you see in your heart. God told Abraham that he should leave his fathers land to a land that he would show him nd he would make him great there. Abraham would hav stayed in his own land nd thought he could make it there after hearing Gods voice. He wud hav died a very poor man or a pauper (old use). What is God saying to u? If God says u should leave where u are to anoda place, then u should leave but if He wants u to stay where u are now, then stay there. You dont hav to travel to make it wen u kno u are supposed b here.Isaac didnt leave where he was nd he prospered. He sowed in d land nd prospered. That was where God wanted Isaac to be nd sow. So if u see dat u dont hav d desire or passion to travel, then stay where u are nd do something. Your destiny might b like dat of Isaac in d area of staying where u are to make it or it might b like dat of Abraham who moved out to become great. Some will stay where they are and make it. We hav a lot of people who never leave Nigeria or their countries who made it. That might b d place of their destiny. It depends on your destiny. If u hav bn in this country for many years nd u hav bn working like an elephant nd eating like an ant, may be u should consider changing location. Situation at times may give us an indication that we are not in d right place. So my dear it depends on where God wants you to be. What do u see in your heart? As far as your eyes can see, u will possess. Yes,u will possess what u see nd keep saying. Dream and dream big, talk it nd do it. Some see themselves always in d getto nd dat is where they will b. Some see themselves living in a beautiful house with a virtuous nd beautiful woman, that is what they will get. What u say is what u get nd you cant say it until you see it. Bishop David Oyedepo, my Father in d Lord has been shouting it for a long time that he can never b poor nd today, he is so wealthy. He has been shouting what he saw for a long time. This is a law. You see it, you say it nd when u say it, it empowers u to do it nd when u do it,u see it physically. I am putting seeing, saying nd doing together now bcos I dont want u to think that u only need to see it to get it or u only need to say it to get it or u only need to do it to get it. The three work together in d laws of faith. What do u imagine urself becoming in life? There is power in your imagination. What u keep imagining will become part of u nd b4 u know it, u will say it nd carry it out. There is what we called d law of incubation. This was wat happened in Genesis 1:1-3. The Bible says in d beginning God created d heaven and d earth,nd d earth was without form nd void; nd darkness was upon the face of the deep nd d Spirit of God moved (incubated) upon the face of d waters, nd God said, Let there b light nd there was light. You see, d Bible says the Spirit of God incubated upon d face of d waters nd as he was incubating or hovering or imagining, God said... and what He said, He saw. Before a chicken can hatch, there must b an incubation, an incubation upon its eggs. What u keep imagining or thinking or incubating upon will eventually b said nd done. There is power in your imagination.Use your mind well my brothers nd sisters. Happy day.- Apostle David Akinlade
Posted on: Sun, 14 Sep 2014 14:38:05 +0000

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