THE PRANK OF LIFE AND DEATH!!! It all started in a cold, and - TopicsExpress


THE PRANK OF LIFE AND DEATH!!! It all started in a cold, and rainy night in October 1st at my Uncles house, having dinner with my great family.My cousin, my two uncles,my parents,my 3 sisters, and my brother was there.We sat me and my cousin next to each other, looking at each other in a look that we both know, we planned a prank to do with someone of our family before arriving there.I and my cousin Franklin had fun pranking my brother Trevor, and putting on his ears some Bashamel Cream and spread it on the rest of his face.We wanted to prank another one, but our Aunt Amanda stopped us saying, Boys!No more of your pranks, go to your brother and appologize to him after dinner, you hear me racoons?, Yes Aunt Amanda we said ashamefully.After dinner, we apologized for my brother and we were about to go out for some walk in the rain but our Aunt started an argument conversation saying, What are you boys wearing and where are you going? , We are just going to walk out in the rain for somewhile and come back.Theres absolutely no problem with it Aunt Amanda. ,we said walking out slowly trying to escape , but she caught us and offered us one condition so we can go out , Ok, but you are gonna have to take Trevor out with you , he is not gonna be trapped inside the house watching you sneaky boys play outside and have fun.So boys, do you accept? , we answered angrily Fine, just because we really wanna do it, oh my God! We waited for him to wear his coat and then we went out of the house finally to the rain, having fun. We went to the park and played there in the rain, luckly, there was nobody there and we had our rules that made us just like bosses. After that, we sat on a wooden chair in the park resting our shaking and tired legs.Look at the moon guys, its amazing and its a Full Moon!!! Franklin said, but Trevor broke into the Drama saying But guys, we forgot about what my mom said for not going too far if we went out for playing.Where are we right now, how are we gonna go back home, and what time is it right now?!!?!? , Calm down Trevor, well find a way.Michael, do you have your phone? said Franklin.Michael answered Yes i do. But why? , We can use your GPS to get back to home right? , Ok , wait i will check if there is a signal here, Oh My God! My phone isnt even working because of the rain.Now you can cry Trevor, Now!!!!!. We felt cold because of the rain, so we went to find a shelter , even if its a tree. We kept on walking looking for a shelter to stay in until the rain stops.On our way I said, Guys, look i found a house that has nobody there. We went to check if its 100% safe, and it was, so we entered there.It was too dark that i couldnt recognize which is Franklin and which is Trevor.But luckly, one of them pushed me and i fell on a electricity wire.The wire worked and the light turned on.As soon as the light turned on we saw a house that reminded me with a chickens barn.The walls that are filled with wholes everywhere, the smell of the dead rats and dirty dogs,and the sound of the floor creaking in every step we do.Franklin and I sat on the couch to relax from all of this terrible journey.But Trevor didnt to anything, he just stood there and every single part of his body was shaking, he felt cold and scrared that he nearly cried, his eyes was red as a red rose, and his face was really white like the moons surface.Come sit Trevor, come relax , why are you standing there come here! said Franklin.Trevor answered himNo!The couch is really dirty and its too hot i wanna stand beside the window. What the hell are you saying, Trevor come right here NOW and sit right beside or well go and keep on walking so you, crazy head, will keep on feeling hot! , I replied on Trevor angrily.He came and sat beside us scared and discusted.We had a deal that we will sit here till the rain stops and then we will go out to see if there is a signal to call our parents, but somebody has to keep an eye around us if something happened.I answered themOk but we will make it in turn, the rain will not be forever, everybody will watch for half an hour ok? Everybody accepted!I started my turn first to watch, i kept on half an hour watching and seeing them sleeping and not worrying about anything.Then Trevors turn came, but we spent Trevors half an hour comvincing him that there is nothing to be scrared of but, although all of this, he completely refused.Thats why we dont want you to come Trevor! Franklin said!Trevor sat down ashamed of this conversation, and I took Trevors turn, but as soon as I started, the rain stopped.Finally, Thank God!We are finally gonna go out.Yes Yes Yes! I said.I woke up everyone and as soon as we stepped to go out, we heard a sound, it seemed to us if it was a rat or something else!We kept on moving , but as we stepped to the door,the wind blew hardly and the rain came back again !We were scared of the place so we wanted to find another one.We started to run to escape from the house but the door suddenly shut hardly by its own!We stood there in front of the door thinking its the weather.We tried to open it but it was locked.I am starting to think that this house is haunted guys dont you think too?, said Trevor,I answered TrevorOw common,howco...Suddenly, before I spoke anything,some green,sticky,and liquidish slime came out of every single whole in the walls, which made us freak out and try to escape from the window, but it also closed fast by its own!In that time, we knew that Trevor is right and that this house is haunted!The house was big, there was 2 floors and the ground floor, so we were frightened , and we didnt know what to do and where to go!After all of the slime stopped coming out and the house was completely quite calm, we all stood frightened and quiet!In that moment, we heard sounds of footsteps!We quickly turned off the lights so we will safely hide in a dark place, but the the sound of the foot steps grew higher and higher, till it completely stopped.Then we heard a really high sound of electric saw, we saw a large man catching an electric saw moving the saw in the air right and left for making sure theres nobody and screamingWhos there!Whos there!Come out here and face me man to man!We were sitting next to each other in a dark corner scared and hiding from the man!We didnt see his face because of the darkness!He kept on moving the saw in the air until he wrongly broke the window!I whispered Trevor and FranklinHe broke the window by mistake,i will count till three.On three we will run from around him and jump from the window!Dont worry, there is a big and full garbage can there we can jump on it ok?on three!1.........2.........3! Noooooowww! We all ran out of the corner runing to the window,the man catched Trevor and he let us to go away and we jumped and ran away to the street looking at the house and wondering what will he do with poor Trevor!We were crying and crying loudly that the man looked out of the window and shouted to us sayingShut up thieves, i wanna have fun with this nice boy quietly!I said cryingOh my God what will he do with him Franklin calmed me down by hugging me, but i couldnt stand it and i said to FranklinGet your hands off me, I wanna sit alone here waiting for Trevor to come out m not gonna enter again!and I went to the sidewalk sitting and crying, but Franklin kept on trying to calm me down!We sat on the sidewalk scared,feeling col,and hearing Trevor scream and cry, but we didnt know what was happening with him!Then Franklin said to meWe cant let him take Trevor just like this, we have to go help him!Look, if you refused to come or came thats not gonna change my mind!I am going, bye!I answered FranklinOk ok I am coming!As we started to walk, we heard the sound of the saw!We knew he would do something with it to Trevor, then while we were walking, we heard the saw again!But this time we sa Trevor looking out of the window in a weird way, but then we saw the man looking out of the window and saying to usSay bye to him! HAHAHAHAHAHA!and i cried watching him catching the saw and cutting his neck with the saw and throwing his head at us!Then he saidHAHAHA, did you see that,this is a gift for you for having it a memory!MWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHA!I and Franklin said at the same time cryingWHY DID WE DO THAT, why did we go out, it was better in the house , now our family is freaking out!Suddenly a Taxi drove by us, I stopped him and told him to a gun shop called Ammu-Nation Gun Shop.Franklin didnt know why but he came with me anyway to the shop and I explained to him the whole thing at the way, and i asked him if he had some money and he had!So we told the Taxi to wait here and we entered the shop! We asked the man if he had some gunpowder!We took the gunpowder and we made the Taxi to drive us again to the place he took us from!We wanted to revenge from the man for killing Trevor, so we saw many glass bottles! We grabbed all of the bottles that we saw, and we luckly saw a full lighter on the floor that helped us with the revenge, so we took the bottles and we put in every bottle some gunpowder anda paper at the top and we lighted it and threw it in the mans house we threw many and many and many till the whole house burned and we heard the man screamingFIRE ! FIRE! FIREWe were happy to revenge from him until we heard Trevor and a bucnch of other people screaming too!We were surprised and we didnt know what is happening, and then we saw Trevor jumping of the window and many people jumping too!We saw Trevor burning and rolling on the floor and calling for help, but we couldnt help him because he was covered with fire and screamingGuys, all of this was a prank all of this, all of this....!We only understood that it was a prank and then Trevor died!Then I was feeling guilty to death that all of this was a prank and we turned it into a mistake crime, and i ran to Trevor and hugged him and I never left!I kept on hugging him until i burned with him too and Trevors body started to turn into ash and mine started to turn into ash too,and I died burning with my burned and lovely brother hoping that this will make him forgive me!Franklin was the only one living he didnt understand anything he just stood there watching us burn!He couldnt do anything, but after the firefighters came and stopped the whole fire, Franklin carried us to a field near him and barried us crying and feeling guilty!Then the firefighters called our parents and told them about everything and took Franklin home!One of the people who pranked us survived from the fire and explained to Franklin everything, but as soon as Franklin knew his whole body literaly stopped moving and they moved him to a hosptial for 1 year and 9 months, because he was shocked when he knew this was all a prank and they wrongly killed almost pver 20 people!After he got out of the hospital, he became14 years old, which made him tell this story to everybody of his friends,family,relatives,and everybody he knows!Then wrote down this story for memory and named itThe Prank Of Life And Death!!!
Posted on: Tue, 22 Oct 2013 11:57:14 +0000

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