THE PRAYER LIFE OF JESUS Prayer should be important to us because - TopicsExpress


THE PRAYER LIFE OF JESUS Prayer should be important to us because it was important to the Lord Jesus. Jesus is our greatest model of living a lifestyle of prayer. Today, we will look at all the references about the prayer life of Jesus: JESUS MADE PRAYER A PRIORITY: -He prayed any time of the day or night: Luke 6:12-13 -Prayer took priority over eating: John 4:31-32 -Prayer took priority over business: John 4:31-32 -He taught prayer to his disciples: Matthew 6:9-13 PRAYER ACCOMPANIED ANY EVENT OF IMPORTANCE IN HIS LIFE: -At His baptism: Luke 3:21-22 -During the first ministry tour: Mark 1:35; Luke 5:16 -Before the choice of the disciples: Luke 6:12-13 -Before/after feeding the 5,000: Matthew 14:19,23; Mark 6:41,46; John 6:11,14-15 -At the feeding of the 4,000: Matthew 15:36; Mark 8:6,7 -Before the confession of Peter: Luke 9:18 -Before the transfiguration: Luke 9:28,29 -At the return of the seventy: Matthew 11:25; Luke 10:21 -At the grave of Lazarus: John 11:41-42 -At the blessing of the children: Matthew 19:13 -At the coming of certain Greeks: John 12:27-28 -For Peter: Luke 22:32 -For the giving of the Holy Spirit: John 14:16 -On the road to Emmaus: Luke 24:30-31 -Prior to His ascension: Luke 24:50-53 -For His followers: John 17 -Before His greatest trial: Matthew 26:26-27;Mark 14:22-23; Luke 22:17-19 Are you making prayer a priority in your life? Do you accompany any event with prayer in your life? Surely, if Jesus Christ saw the need for prayer at all times, we as His faithful followers need to do more. Make connection with God everyday a mandate in your life and you will begin to see how God will enjoy that fellowship with you and He will begin to partner with you to change the world. His secrets are with those who seek Him daily.He did it with Noah, He did it with Abraham. He did it with Moses and every other major player in the Bible – He can also do it with YOU!
Posted on: Thu, 12 Sep 2013 04:21:00 +0000

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