THE PRECEDENCE OF THE SCRIPTURES - DANIEL 11:32B, JOHN 21:25, MATTHEW 22:29 We find the phrase “It is written” 80 times in the Bible; 62 times in the New Testament. There is an important correlation between your faith and what you know has been written in the Bible. The Scriptures can never be broken and the Christian that knows what has been written in the Bible will be strong and do exploits. Our Lord Jesus did several wonderful things during His earthly ministry that all the books in the world cannot contain but the Bible contains the important records of God’s interaction with man that present principles with which we can reign in our generation. If God did it in the days of Abraham, He can do it in your case. If He gave Mordecai victory then you can rest on His faithfulness. That is the precedence of the Scriptures. A precedent is an action or decision that can be used subsequently as an example for a similar decision or to justify a similar action. Therefore, if you can find a scripture or a situation where God did it in the Bible, then you can say, “Different generations, same God” because you have precedence in the Scriptures. When Jesus said “You do err not knowing the Scriptures nor the power of God,” what He meant was that no blood-washed child of God should conclude on any matter until you allow two testimonies from WHAT THE BIBLE HAS TO SAY ON WHAT YOU ARE PASSING THROUGH and ANY PRECEDENT IN THE BIBLE. If you are looking for the fruit of the womb, know that a woman aged 90 had a baby and a woman who never slept with a man also had a baby so God will definitely settle you. If you are in a low place, Psalm 113:8 –9 says God lifts up the poor and the needy and seats them with princes. Mephibosheth was literally lifted to dine with the king all his life therefore you will not end small. Keep on the fight of faith with every “It is written” that concerns you in the Scriptures until it becomes your experience. Prayer: Father, I take my stand of faith in what is written about my condition and I will not quit until Your word comes to pass in my life and situation in Jesus name. Thank you Father!
Posted on: Sun, 12 Oct 2014 06:23:08 +0000

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