THE PRESIDENT IS SICK I think Nigerians dont need further - TopicsExpress


THE PRESIDENT IS SICK I think Nigerians dont need further convincing that there is something wrong with our President, Goodluck Ebele Jonathan. After the debacle of the launch of his campaign in the Hallowed Grounds of Tafewela Balewa Square, Lagos yesterday even his most prolific spin doctors are holding their heads in shame wondering how to spin his latest gaffes of monumental proportions. It is now obvious that the President is suffering from selective amnesia that has plagued him for years but uptill now the diagnosis has eluded many. For years Nigerians have pondered over the cluelessness of a President, but alas the man is not clueless but appears to have a far worse syndrome. Indeed the calls that politicians subject themselves to extensive psychiatric evaluation prior to contesting for an elective office are made more significant when one xrays the character of this President. For how else will one call the sudden revision of history he is undertaking in a bid to clean up his battered image? Thus one can only conclude that the man lacks the temerity to tell history as it is or he has some kind of mental illness that impairs his ability to tell the truth. Either way such a lodestone around his neck speaks volumes about his ability to lead Africas most populous nation. Nigerians knew they were in for a treat when the ill President started ranting that criminal elements in the opposition party paid Henry Okah and MEND to assassinate him in the October 1st Independence day bombing. Many were flabbergasted and tongue-tied at this retort for even though the President is trying to rewrite history, most Nigerians recollect the events with an uncanny clarity. The President dispelled the statement of MEND taking responsibility for the bombing claiming he is a MEND kingpin and attributed the bombing to the Oligarchs in the North who wish to discredit his Government. But as the revelations from Henry Okahs trial in faraway South Africa began to filter out an uneasy silence was maintained by the President until yesterday when he suddenly went into a manical rant of the absurd. Or is the beleaguered President seeking to whip up sentiments and pity once more as he did previously with his I had no shoes tale of woe? So now Nigerians will have to imbibe the mantra of APC wants to kill me to get power Well the only killing that will be done will be at the polls with a crushing defeat for a President who has massive glaring flaws that question his fitness for such a sensitive position. Indeed for a President to boast that Buhari never bought even a rifle for the Nigerian Military while he has spent billions buying weaponry tells the whole world Nigeria has a President living in a fools paradise. Buhari he is seeking to ridicule was the spearhead that crushed the Maitasine uprising in the 80s without recourse to spending billions or waiting for school girls to be kidnapped before bearing down the nations military might. Compared with the trillions wasted on a war effort the stinks to the heavens of corruption that has robbed the troops of their fighting guile and proficiency. Meawhile if the trillions spent by this President cannot translate into a victory over Boko haram why then should Nigerians vote for him? Is it for him to spend more trillions funding mediocrity or get a General with a proven track record of containing insurgency to clean up the mess his 5yrs of misrule has entertained? In all the President did more harm to his campaign than good in one single day. While Buhari has been touring the country spreading a message of hope and change, the President whos spin doctors have been preaching continuity turns round to ignore his numerous achievements like the invisible 150 Almarjiri schools and 2nd Niger Bridge to delve into an ignoble rant of mammoth proportions. I think the matter is settled. Nigeria has been led by a man who has never ben in total control of all his faculties for 5 years hence it is not rocket science to explain why the country is drifting towards the rocks like a ship without a Captain. Nigeria needs change now more than ever. That is the gospel truth.
Posted on: Fri, 09 Jan 2015 04:25:24 +0000

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