THE PRICE OF KNOWLEDGE You wake up with a jerk at the loud - TopicsExpress


THE PRICE OF KNOWLEDGE You wake up with a jerk at the loud beeping of the alarm coming from your Android phone under your plush pillow. You clutch it with slow, sleepy hands and hit the snooze button. It’s 6 o’clock in the morning. You close your eyes and go back to Dreamland. Rest assured that with the aid of modern technology, getting ready for school would be as fast as an eye blink. Indeed, there’s no need to worry of getting late when your house is all covered with products of technology. You just press a button, twist a knob, say a command or wave your hand and Voila! All those time-consuming chores are done. Sure there are many – or should I say, countless benefits of technology to mankind but come to think of it – come to ponder about it, there is also the bad side. The price of technology – the price of knowledge. Everything has changed since Adam and Eve took a bite of the fruit of knowledge. They were expelled from the Garden of Eden - a place where everything is supplied by God in exchange of following His rules. But there was only one. Adam and Eve can eat every fruit that grows in Eden except the fruit of knowledge. But Eve was easily tempted by Satan (who disguised himself as a snake) and took a small bite of the forbidden fruit. So did Adam. God was so angry and disappointed He promised the two persons that they would live a hard life – a life without His help. Cut to the 21st century. Adam and Eve’s descendants (present people) obviously don’t live a hard life. In fact, life has become a little easier after they took a bite of the fruit of knowledge. Man learned to cope up with the changing environment, invented things that would make chores more efficient, and innovated the previous inventions. But technology more than changed our life. It has completely changed our way of living as well. Have you noticed how technology made simple things complicated? Gone are the days when Apple and Blackberry were just fruits, worms and bugs were just pests in the garden, viruses were just the ones that caused the common cold, and Yahoo! was just an overjoyed reaction. They mean entirely different now. Try asking what these words mean to a computer illiterate. Surely, you will get a totally different answer. Indeed, technology made simple things very complex. So try to imagine our world without all these technology. Doing simple chores would take us a long time to accomplish and might as well be strenuous, of course. But if you analyze the matter well, life would be easier without technology. No math to calculate, no science to bother you. Our life would be as simple as being born, live for some time and die. No complicated problems to think about. But sadly, we can’t go back to change the past. Here we are now, trying to survive in this troubled world with all our technology – generated gadgets, following rules implemented by fools, and living the life we chose to live. Hoping that these will spare us from God’s wrath. Man defied Him first and yet in the end, it’s still man who whispers,”Have mercy on us.” It’s so funny how knowledge made people fools. We spend so much of our resources to invent things that can solve a problem only to change or intensify it. Wise people send their lives studying until they die. They die trying to solve problems. They die without enjoying life Knowledge is not meant to give us so many complicated problems to solve, making us forget the simpler things that count more. Problems seem more because we count them – we analyze them every day. If you really are wise, if you really know how to use knowledge properly, you know how to make each moment of your life perfect. Knowledge should help us think of ways to make our life worth living. -Audrina Mariele Napoles :)
Posted on: Mon, 27 Jan 2014 05:39:46 +0000

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