THE PROBLEM NO ONE WANTS Managers Choice MARK S. HAMPTON CEO, Thought Leader, Author Service Excellence, Leadership Development, Strategic Planning, Organizational Change, Coaching UNDER-PERFORMING PEOPLE If there is one problem you dont want to deal with is under-performing employees or groups. Its the problem no one wants to deal with but it is the reality that most leaders face. Its that conversation that you dont want to have because its the puzzle you cant seem to figure out. Its frustrated you, kept you up at night because ultimately youll have to answer for it and make some very tough decisions that you really dont want to make. When youre having this experience as a manager there is an emotional current that is at work that you personally must face. First, remove yourself from the perplexity phase of the problem e.g; I know, you dont understand why the associates or department is under-performing but you cant stay in that mindset, you must move on because you have a problem to solve. Second, make sure you take the time to stop and think because up to this point youve been reacting. How do I know that? Perplexity is a reaction to stimuli not a response to a problem. So, lets understand the nature and scope of the problem and set some healthy parameters before we work on the problem THE PROBLEM SCOPE 1.CAPABILITY MISS-MATCH -- Is it possible the skill set or knowledge is not there? Is this a training issue and if so what is the cost to get them there? 2. LACK OF MOTIVATION -- Is there a lack of understanding business needs and impact of there performance on the business? Is there a lack of motivation? 3. LACK OF ALIGNMENT -- Is this an issue of people not fully understanding whats expected of them? OK, youre beginning to get clarity and now its time to prep you for the work ahead which is turning under-performers into performers. So let me give you some much needed information; Make sure you deal with your emotions about doing this before you get there, this will keep you focused because there is nothing worse than letting your emotions derail you during this process. Make sure you make the conversation with the(es) under-performers a two way conversation -- dont dictate. REMAIN CALM and know the outcome you want before you have the meeting, this is not the discover channel. OK, now youre ready, here are the steps I recommend for you; 1. GET IN THE MIDDLE -- make your discussion is about CAUSE and not a person by showing them there roll in the success of the organization. 2. SCHEDULE THE MEETING - set a specific time. - I know obvious right???? 3. FRAME THE MEETING -- stay on task, make the meeting about what its supposed to be about. 4. SHARE WHATS WORKING WELL -- your the leader so, you must always bring balance to your discussions. 5. TALK ABOUT WHAT NEEDS TO IMPROVE a - situation the over all challenge b - issues that have regularly come up c - behaviors that need to change NOTE: dont focus on the person / individuals unless they are an arsonist. 6. EXPLAIN THE BUSINESS IMPACT - this is critically important creates ownership in solutions. 7. TALK ABOUT THE FUTURE VISION (which is always about people) this will create high level confidence and a sense of collective responsibility. 8. ASK THE EMPLOYEES HOW THEY SEE THEMSELVES BEING A PART OF THE FUTURE. This is your time to MAKE YOUR CASE this is where you can change the culture, set goals and chart a new course for high level performance. Seems like a lot of work but remember youve been hired to think and lead teams and thats what this is a away for you think,lead and get results right? Because remember THIS IS THE PROBLEM NO ONE WANTS DEAL WITH but youll emerge as a powerful change agent and that will bold-well for you, your team and you organization. Thanks for reading........ Mark S. Hampton CEO FTL Leadership Group
Posted on: Thu, 25 Dec 2014 13:10:11 +0000

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